4.6 Further work needed. 40–90) to this tree as a medicinal, in his book Materia Medica. Description of Acacia nilotica / Acacia. Press. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 32 (7): 728-734. Hair Fall. ... Acacia nilotica is a pioneer species. Bark dark brown to almost black, deeply fissured in older specimens. Curtis, B.A. Acacia nilotica is a small tree (15-18 m) with a single stem.. Pods. Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. [9] In practice A. nilotica is unlikely to present serious difficulty in its recognition. Vachellia nilotica is a tree 5–20 m high with a dense spheric crown, stems and branches usually dark to black coloured, fissured bark, grey-pinkish slash, exuding a reddish low quality gum. Indian Journal of Forestry, 19(4): 355-360. This trees has green bipinnate foliage with yellow, ball shaped, sweetly fragranced flowers that are borne in summer. Acacia nilotica is a small tree (15-18 m) with a single stem.. Pods. Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree,[5] babul,[6] thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia[7]) is a flowering plant tree in the family Fabaceae. Leaves are alternate, bipinately compound, 5-15 cm long; axis fairly hairy, The Babul tree is a very useful and easy to grow tree that yields several benefits. Hardwood. & Thonn.) (ed. IV. Acacia nilotica or acacia arabica is a gum arabic tree ( babul ) and it is found in sub tropical and tropical parts of Asia and some parts of African continent.. Acacia nilotica's tree can grow to a height of anywhere between 5 meter to 20 meter. Your list is empty Post your Requirement. Its seeds number approximately 8000/kg. Stem : Woody but upper portion herbaceous,aerial, erect, branched, solid, dark brown bark; a gum is secreted from the bark, gum Arabica. Acacia nilotica is a spiny shrub. (2005). Pods can float, and may be dispersed along stream channels and flood plains in this manner. : ACNI2: Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. They also use this plant medicinally to treat sore throat, cough, chest pains etc.[19]. & Thonn.) Firewood crops. A new molluscicide and algicide from the fruits of Acacia nilotica. Description Acacia nilotica (=Vachellia nilotica) is a hardy, semi-deciduous, small to medium-sized, mushroom shaped tree with dark blackish-brown, fissured bark when mature and a dense crown.This fissured bark is home to many invertebrates and therefore attracts Woodpeckers and other insectivorous birds. Roberty: Classification. Mortality of babla (Acacia nilotica) caused by the scale insect, Anomalococcus indicus and its control. The Maasai people eat both the inner bark (phloem) and the fruit pulp boiled in water. Note on the ex Delile ssp. Basak AC, 1999. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. These dyes both color and preserve cloths. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Description of seeds Subcircular in outline, 6-9 x 5-8 mm, the two faces of the seed with a U-shaped pleurogram surrounding an areole 5-7 x 4-7 mm. Source: James A. Duke. Acacia arabica (Gum-Arabic tree) Acaia arabica is a slow growing, long lived tree usually growing 2.5-7 m tall, but occasionally reaching up to 20 m in height. V. ACACIA … Miller later adopted Linnaeus’ broad concept of Mimosa and the The fruit is pod shaped an has a necklace appearance. kraussiana after Dr Ferdinand. Duke, J.A. [8], This tree was originally the type species of the genus Acacia, which derives its name from Ancient Greek: ἀκακία, akakía, the name given by early Greek botanist-physician Pedanius Dioscorides (ca. See Kew's Seed Information Database for further information on Acacia nilotica seeds . Symbol Scientific Name Other Common Names; ACAR11: Acacia arabica (Lam.) It is beneficial in combating pain in the Ear. Leaves: The leaves are bipinnately compound with small leaflets. Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. For the ongoing reclassification of this and other species historically classified under genus Acacia, see the Acacia. The leaves and pods are browsed by livestock. All Categories . 1976. Plant description Acacia nilotica is a single stemmed plant, grows to 15-18 m in height and 2-3 m in diameter. Algicidal properties of. Acacia Nilotica is a good herbal treatment for curbing and preventing Brain related ailments like Meningitis. It is also a Weed of National Significance in Australia (an invasive species of significant concern in Australia,) as well as a Federal Noxious Weed in the United States. The tree has thin, straight, light, grey spines in axillary pairs, usually in 3 to 12 pairs, 5 to 7.5 cm (3 in) long in young trees, mature trees commonly without thorns. Kraus – plant collector (1812-1890). ... As Acacia nilotica. Trado-Medic Books, Owerri, NY. Ayoub SMH, 1982. The renaming of the genus to Vachellia remains controversial.[10]. Department of Natural Resources, Mines and … Acacia Nilotica is a … It grows natively in Africa, the Arabian peninsula and the Indian Subcontinent. NewYork. [13], In part of its range smallstock consume the pods and leaves,[14] but elsewhere it is also very popular with cattle. 4.5 Variation Introduction Key to subspecies Description, synonymy and distributions of subspecies. Acacia nilotica var. 4.7 Literature consulted and cited. This subgenus consists of three clades.Therefore, the following list of Acacia species cannot be maintained as a single entity, and must either be split up, or broadened to include species previously not in the genus. It is an advantageous remedy for curing the major Hair related problem i.e. Complete list of references for Duke, Handbook of Energy Crops, Ayoub, S.M.H. Saresh- a type of gum – is obtained from Albizzia lebbek. Spies, P. and March, N. (2004) Prickly acacia – Approaches to the management of prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) in Australia. Also known as- Acacia senegal (acacia gum or true gum arabic), Acacia nilotica (Indian gum arabic), and Acacia seyhal (talha). indica can usually be distinguished from V. farnesiana by its branchlets being ±hairy with less lenticels, and its pinnules without distinct lateral nerves raised beneath. Dried pods are particularly sought out by animals on rangelands. International Livestock Centre for Africa. It is native to Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. In West Africa, the pods and leaves are considered to have anthelminthic properties on small ruminants and this has been confirmed by in vitro experiments on nematodes. 244000171897 Acacia nilotica subsp nilotica Species 0.000 claims description 11 239000012141 concentrates Substances 0.000 claims description 10 241000978776 Senegalia senegal Species 0.000 claims description 9 The flowers of A. decurrens var. Symbol Scientific Name Other Common Names; ACAR11: Acacia arabica (Lam.) The slow growing tree is frost and drought resistant. Description from P.Kodela's treatment of Acacia nilotica subsp. These are 7-15 cm long, green (when immature) or greenish-black (when mature) Seeds. Description: Description in Botanical Terms Acacia nilotica sub species indica, the common Acacia. All the gum-yielding Acacias exhibit the same habit and general appearance, differing only in technical characters. ex Delile: gum arabic tree MINI2: Mimosa nilotica L. 4.1 Recognition and relationship. Description of Values. 4.2 Summary of previous taxonomic work. Its abilities of affordability, durability and workability make it … 1. The genus name Acacia derives from the Ancient Greek word for its characteristic thorns, ἄκις, ákis, "thorn". See Kew's Seed Information Database for further information on Acacia nilotica seeds . However, the foliage is dense, with a hemispherical or flat shape and with branches that are characterized by having thorns up to 5 cm long. A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. The plant V. nilotica then, in turn, became the type species for the Linnaean genus Acacia (not all of which have thorns, even though they are named for them). 4.5 Variation Introduction Key to subspecies Description, synonymy and distributions of subspecies. 1981. & Mannheimer, C.A. ex Delile ssp. This tree has been traditionally used for various purposes like making agricultural implements, tools, and handles, medicines, construction material, etc. nilotica is an evergreen, usually moderate-sized (2.5-25 m) tree with a short, thick and cylindrical trunk; bark is grey, reddish-brown or black, rough, furrowed. Acacia arabica (Lam.) Enter your description here. Vachellia nilotica, Village Behlolpur, Punjab, India, village Chaparr Chirri, Mohali, Punjab, India, Species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, "Phylogenetic position and revised classification of, "Science, sentiment and territorial chauvinism in the acacia name change debate", "Comparison of the in vitro anthelmintic effects of, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vachellia_nilotica&oldid=990687396, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Taxonbars using multiple manual Wikidata items, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 November 2020, at 23:17. Osiris too was born of an Acacia nilotica. ex Delile. 1983a. dealbata yield a perfume. Acacia nilotica. In: LeHouerou, H.N. Description. Hair Fall. 4.2 Summary of previous taxonomic work. Babul is the major Acacia specie that is used for the manufacture of furniture. 1. arabica : It grows throughout the drier parts of India.. Habit: Wild tree, grows in dry habitat. Handbook of Energy Crops. Shrub and tree species for energy production. Acacia trees including Acacia catechu can dye fabrics a dark color. Pods and Seeds: Pods are 7-15 cm long, green and tomentose (when immature) or greenish black (when mature), indehiscent, deeply constricted between the seed giving a necklace appearance. Babul (Acacia Nilotica) Image Source Pixabay. 4.3 Brief description. From this plant Katha is also obtained. The Babul tree is a very useful and easy to grow tree that yields several benefits. Acacia nilotica is a small tree 4 to 5 metres tall that was initially introduced to tropical areas for shading and forage. 1. Mimosa nilotica L. Common Name: Gum Arabic Tree. [18] The wood has a density of about 1170 kg/m3.[2]. It is native to Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. Medicinal plants of the Bible. Its abilities of affordability, durability and workability … Family: Fabaceae Synonym: – Botanical Pronunciation: – kraussiana (Benth.) These are 7-15 cm long, green (when immature) or greenish-black (when mature) Seeds. Original description of Acacia ... nilotica; these taxa were subsequently transferred to Acacia and are now considered conspecific with A. scorpioides generally regarded as the type of the genus (see Orchard & Maslin 2003). Value Class Food The tree can tolerate a drought but can only survive to an extent in frost conditions. adstringens (Schumach. Willd. p. 7–24. 4.4 Distribution. 4.6 Further work needed. Définitions de Acacia_nilotica, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de Acacia_nilotica, dictionnaire analogique de Acacia_nilotica (anglais) It is an advantageous remedy for curing the major Hair related problem i.e. The bark is dark brown to almost black, longitudinally fissured or deeply cracked. Acacia nilotica (L.)Delile Accepted Name Gum Arabic Tree Plantae > Tracheophyta > Equisetopsida C. Agardh > Fabales > Fabaceae > Acacia > Acacia nilotica (L.)Delile Leaves are … ), Browse in Africa. [15], The exudate gum of this tree is known as gum arabic and has been collected from the pharaonic times for the manufacture of medicines, dyes and paints. Its wood was used by … A. NILOTICA 4.1 A. nilotica: Recognition and relationship. unpublished. One of the most common uses of acacia is for its wood. [14], The tender twig of this plant is used as a toothbrush in south-east Africa, Indian subcontinent. 8-12 seeds per pod, compressed, ovoid, dark brown shining with hard testa Login. : ACNI2: Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile: gum arabic tree MINI2: Mimosa nilotica L. Family: Fabaceae Synonym: – Botanical Pronunciation: – Willd. If you take a look at the species name, you might guess correctly that this plant is found near the Nile river, leading to its common name. This tree has been traditionally used for various purposes like making agricultural implements, tools, and handles, medicines, construction material, etc. ... As Acacia nilotica. If there is no information for this species on this page, or if you want to edit existing information, click on Edit with form button above. Vachellia nilotica is spread by livestock. In India branches are commonly lopped for fodder. This review aimed at revealing brief account of plant part used, mode of ad min istration, the animal model, description of Pharmaco logical activity and results concluded for the same. Under its antlers were born the first gods of Egypt. or Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton) is a legume tree from the dry tropics and subtropics. Orders Quotations Sign In Sign Up. 1983. Egyptian Acacia (Vachellia nilotica) Blanchi Costela/Getty Images. It is also a Weed of National Significance in Australia (an invasive species of significant concern in Australia,) as well as a Federal Noxious Weed in the United States. Leaves compound with 4-8 pinnae. Thorns in pairs, straight, often typically pointing backwards. ACACIA NILOTICA. nutritive value of babul (, Umalkar, C.V., Begum, S., Nehemiah, K.M.A. It forms dense stands that limit access to water for livestock, diminish the quality of pasture and compete with native plants. A review of browse and its role in livestock production in Shortlists. Description: Small to medium-sized tree. Baksha MW; Islam MR, 1996. Babul is the major Acacia specie that is used for the manufacture of furniture. Description Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.]. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Gum arabic is obtained from the barks of A. nilotica (syn. The species of the genus Vachellia were considered members of the genus Acacia until 2005. The leaves are bipinnate, with 3–6 pairs of pinnulae and 10–30 pairs of leaflets each, tomentose, rachis with a gland at the bottom of the last pair of pinnulae. Description of Values. ACACIA NILOTICA (LINN.) Morphological description [11] The species name nilotica was given by Linnaeus from this tree's best-known range along the Nile river. Egypt and the acacia. The fruits are grinded together with the seeds and taken with honey as treatment against stomack ulcers. This hallucinogenic plant grows in abundance along the Nile: its psychic powers were honored by Egyptian priests. 1980. 4.4 Distribution. Acacia nilotica Lam (Mimosaceae) indigenously known as 'Babul' or 'Kikar' is a proverbial, medium sized tree and is broadly scattered in tropical and subtropical countries. Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Description – Acacia nilotica is a plant which, also depending on the subspecies and the habitat, can appear as a shrub, with a broad crown or arboreal shape that can reach up to 15–20 m in height. Walker, B.H. TAN. Description – Acacia nilotica is a plant which, also depending on the subspecies and the habitat, can appear as a shrub, with a broad crown or arboreal … The bark or trunk is whitish and pubescent when young, rough, fissured, black to gray or brown … Another former member of the Acacia genus, this plant was reassigned to the Vachellia genus, a decision that remains in dispute. 4.7 Literature consulted and cited. Acacia neboued Baill. Conservation: National Status: L … About Acacia nilotica Plant : Habit : A medium-sized almost evergreen tree, straight or crooked, armed tree with dark-blackish-brown, irregularly, longitudinally fissured bark. Root: Tap-root,-branched, very deep. Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia) is a flowering plant tree in the family Fabaceae.It is native to Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.It is also a Weed of National Significance in Australia (an invasive species of significant concern in Australia,) as well as a Federal Noxious Weed in the United States. The slow growing tree is frost and drought resistant. Description, general morphology: Acacia nilotica is a perennial non-climbing shrub or tree, usually 2.5-15 meters high, sometimes as low as 1.2 meters or up to 25 meters. Ayoub SMH, 1982. Mortality of babla (Acacia nilotica) caused by the scale insect, Anomalococcus indicus and its control. In India it's used as a ingredient in various dishes. A collection of Acacia nilotica seeds is held in Kew's Millennium Seed Bank based at Wakehurst in West Sussex. Roberty: Classification. 1983. ... Botanical description: General: It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree of up to 6m with dark grey bark and a compact rounded to flattened crown. Browse 1,134,000 global plant names, 94,200 detailed descriptions, and 227,700 images with an initial focus on tropical Africa Acacia, commonly known as the wattles or acacias, is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the subfamily Mimosoideae of the pea family Fabaceae.It comprises a group of plant genera native to Africa and Australasia. Duke, J.A. As a tree with bright or golden yellow flowers in round heads, straight stipular spines in pairs but never inflated into “ant-galls” and indehiscent but compressed pods, there are few species with which it is likely to be confused. Description. ], and also for the tannins obtained from the bark and seedpods[303. Pods are strongly constricted, hairy, white-grey, thick and softly tomentose. AGRICULTURE . Description: Small to medium-sized tree. Phytophages associated with. 4.3 Brief description. Willd. The fruit is pod shaped an has a necklace appearance. Leaves compound with 4-8 pinnae. This trees has green bipinnate foliage with yellow, ball shaped, sweetly fragranced flowers that are borne in summer. (2005). Indian Journal of Forestry, 19(4): 355-360. & Mannheimer, C.A. Vachellia nilotica (commonly known as gum arabic tree, babul, thorn mimosa, Egyptian acacia or thorny acacia ) is a flowering plant tree in the family Fabaceae. Curtis, B.A. In Northern Nigeria it is called bagaruwa in Hausa. Plenum Description: Spreading tree to 10 m, branchlets pubescent when young; stipular spines to 5 cm long, white, straight, not always present on all shoots. Acacia Nilotica is a … ethanobotanical as well as medicinal uses of bark of Acacia arabica with plant description. + Synonyms. This is due to extracts containing tannins and catechins. Value Class Food Seeds are 8-12 per pod, V. ACACIA … Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 32 (7): 728-734. indica. Acacia and subg.Phyllodinae are monophyletic, subg.Aculeiferum is not. N.A.S. BOTANIC DESCRIPTION Acacia nilotica ssp. Stem: Stem Erect, cylindrical, branched, woody. Botanical description of Acacia nilotica (1). 1981. Some researchers wanted to recognize the Acacia nilotica. TAN. It is also used much like gum arabic as an emulsifier. ACACIA NILOTICA. 8-12 seeds per pod, compressed, ovoid, dark brown shining with hard testa Acacia nilotica or acacia arabica is a gum arabic tree ( babul ) and it is found in sub tropical and tropical parts of Asia and some parts of African continent.. Acacia nilotica's tree can grow to a height of anywhere between 5 meter to 20 meter. Babul (Acacia Nilotica) Image Source Pixabay. A. arabica) and A. Senegal. 1981a. Mohyuddin, A.I. Acacia nilotica is a tree 5-20 m high with a dense spheric crown, stems and branches usually dark to black coloured, fissured bark, grey-pinkish slash, exuding a reddish low quality gum.The tree has thin, straight, light, grey spines in axillary pairs, usually in 3 to 12 pairs, 5 to 7.5 cm long in young trees, mature trees commonly without thorns. Bark dark brown to almost black, deeply fissured in older specimens. adstringens (Schumach. Fruiting tree in native habitat Brenan is the most common form in east tropical Africa. It grows natively in Africa, the Arabian peninsula and the Indian Subcontinent. Baksha MW; Islam MR, 1996. Basak AC, 1999. Pods are used as a supplement to poultry rations in India. A new molluscicide and algicide from the fruits of Acacia nilotica. For the ongoing reclassification of this and other species historically classified under genus Acacia, see the list of Acacia … southern Africa. Photo 1: 7.72 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 2: 67.3 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 3: 35.6 kb, 96 ppi; Photo 4: 13.0 kb, 72 ppi. Pande, M.B., Talpada, P.M., Patel, J.S., and Shukla, P.C. Acacia nilotica is also a popular ornamental avenue tree in India. When its characteristic tomentose, necklace-like pods are not available, specimens of V. nilotica subsp. The acacia trees of the Dafur region of Sudan are harvested for resins variously known as gum arabic, Indian gum arabic, or talha. It has a flattened or umbrella shaped crown and bright yellow, sweet-scented flower heads. Medicinal uses include soaking the tender bark in water to be taken against dysentery and pile. In the present commercial market, gum arabic is defined as the dried exudate from the trunks and branches of Senegalia (Acacia) senegal or Vachellia (Acacia) seyal in the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae). It is also currently an invasive species of significant concern in Australia. A collection of Acacia nilotica seeds is held in Kew's Millennium Seed Bank based at Wakehurst in West Sussex. Leaves bipinnate, the axis 3-6cm long with inconspicuous petiolar gland; pinnae commonly 1-5 pairs, leaflets 10-25 pairs 3-6 mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, more or less glabrous.

acacia nilotica description

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