These tips for removing hair, pet odors, stains, and litter box patrol can help. Let’s take this step by step, 1. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section. They are small, furry, and cuddly. They also shouldn’t be without another bird (that they get along with) to keep them company. These are small but fun, easy pets. Two distinct personalities. Literally all turtles are aquatic, you’re thinking about tortoises if they aren’t. Hope we gave you the contended idea on the top 10 easiest pets to take care of. Feeding: Commercial pellets, prairie hay, fresh vegetables and water; daily dose of vitamin C. Housing and Exercise: Guinea pigs need lots of exercise. If you are a first-time pet owner, choose the one that is polite in nature and stay away from the naughty ones. I can’t agree that the animals on this list are easy to care for. NO bird is an “easy” pet. It will take your time and patience. He will squeal with delight at the sound of your refrigerator opening (thus the “pig” in guinea pig), and when he’s happy, he’ll jump for joy, kicking his heels up in the air. Some reptiles, like iguanas, grow to five feet in length and can be hazardous to other pets. 5 best pets for kids (and 3 to avoid!) Fish. They're definitely low maintenance - you can go away for a weekend and just leave out food and water for them. They are incredibly messy!! Mice are cute and fun to watch in the cages, but they are a bit squirmy and nippy for holding and loving. If you don’t afford much money and time for having a pet, fish is the best fit for you. Older kids can play with their pet rats unsupervised; younger kids should be attended, though that's more for the rats' safety than the child's (rats rarely bite). 18 Guaranteed Ways To Download Videos From Youtube. We’ll give you a realistic view of the cost to purchase and keep a pet… They are confined to cages, so they won’t bother much. Turtles are amphibians; tortoises are land creatures. “Whether it’s a parrot or squirrel all they need to live is just a shelter and a food. And they're decidedly low-maintenance: Aside from cage upkeep and daily feeding, rats just need regular play time outside of the cage. The frequency of tank cleaning depends on a few factors, like the kind of fish you have, but generally it will need to be cleaned every two weeks. Tortoises and Turtles. The bearded dragon, for example, requires a 10-gallon terrarium with a screen top the first year, and a 40-gallon terrarium as he grows (very, very fast) up to 18 inches. Ferrets are highly energetic and adorable pets. I also heard and saw people having trouble with ferrets, as in they are very active and trash the house. Male or female? Lizards need places to hide, things to perch on. While hamsters are fun and active pets, they are nocturnal, which means that they can be a disappointing pet for small children. Be aware, however, that some fish are hardier than others. To start, go for a solitary goldfish or beta in a simple bowl. Read on to learn more about your starter pet options. They are decent and silent. By Farhana Uddin April 11, 2017. When Hedgehog is threatened he will curl up making a ball. Without these things, they will become depressed and lonely, which will lead to feather plucking and other health problems. Reply. Best For: Children of any age; a great "starter" pet. Regular consulting with the veterinarian is recommended to keep them in proper shape. If that's a hit, you can move on to an aquarium. And the cages take up a lot of room. Also, the younger you get them, the easier they are to tame and bond with. They usually are inexpensive to buy and maintain. @ 2020 Truly Geeky - All Rights Reserved. If your kid is going to have a lizard or snake, be sure there's an adult in the house who's willing to handle it. Hedgehogs can even be the pets of children because of their ease of care. Most tortoises that grow large eat plants exclusively, and you can buy hem from grocery stores. Research reptiles and their living requirements. They are adorable and require no more human intervention. Most freshwater fish are inexpensive to buy and maintain after the initial investment of a tank or bowl... Easy Pets for Kids: Reptiles and Snakes. Avoid large snakes such as pythons that might ingest small children. If you buy a hand-raised bird, it should bond readily with its new owner and be quite tame as long as you handle it regularly and gently. If you want a love bucket, get a rat. A good starter lizard is a leopard gecko as they do not require UV lighting. You don't want floaters to start off your child's pet career. Nothing about them is easy. 1 / 7 Photo: iStockphoto. Glad you asked! For small kids, go for inexpensive, durable fish, such as goldfish. Maintenance will be simply feeding once or twice a day and cleaning the bowl once a week. Cats are not ornaments, nor is any living creature, and a guide about how to take care of them is the last place I’d want to read that. Calm to the naughty ones. Avoid large snakes such as pythons that might ingest small children. Don't forget to ask how large the reptile will be at adulthood. Cats between 1 and 3 have all the kitten attributes, but are a bit hardier and can easily get away from rough little hands. Best Pets for Kids. Tortoises make unusual, excellent pets for children if you can find one. All pets in this list are HIGH maintenance! They require a large cage AND time out of it every single day, at least 3 hours. They are cheap to buy and they live in a cage. There’s no doubt in it. Goldfish may seem like the... 2. Actually ww, they are not the same tortoises have more some shaped shells while a turtle has a more compressed shell. They usually are inexpensive to buy and maintain. You've got to have that backup person with pets. They are small, furry, and cuddly. If you properly train them it wouldn’t demand a time required by the dogs. You may also like… Inspiring a Love of Reading with the Love of Animals If you try to get an answer from Google whether it’s a good idea to have a squirrel at home, you may need to deal with the big chaos. An annual checkup is recommended for ferrets after age 5. Leopard geckos tend to be the most commonly available pet geckos, but house geckos can also be found. What more is, an adolescent squirrel will require a special care and patience, as they can behave aggressively during mating season. You (or the kid) will need to supervise this outing, as they like to nibble through telephone cords and electrical wires. Pets can provide comfort because they never judge. They also offer the least payback in terms of returning love and affection. There are so many other ways that show that they are not the same and you should probably do research before you say this. You've got to have that backup person with pets. Young kids dart about and alarm birds. You can even leave them alone at home if you’re planning to go out for few days. Good lizard choices are a bearded dragon or a gecko. Just need to make sure that you’ll train them well starting from their early age. Plenty of kids would love to have a dog — but plenty of family just aren't equipped to home one. Tortoises and turtles are other good reptile choices. Required fields are marked *. Guinea pigs are social creatures, yet timid. Sea-monkeys are extremely easy pets to care for. House and food according to turtle species and size. Cats between 1 and 3 have all the kitten attributes, but are a bit hardier and can easily get away from rough little hands. Lowest Maintenance Pets Freshwater Fish. Although we have given this info through a different text, it’s been highlighted again. It is a kind of pet for which you can think of having a pet insurance. They are sweet and cuddly. That's not fair to the kid or the animal. Kids may also get hurt due to the sharp nails of rabbits. Easy pets for kids who love reptiles: a corn snake. If you want to have one squirrel at home, it’s better that you raise this pet from a baby. Hamster is a small, beautiful, handy and furry animal. Train them at an early stage of life. Make sure you choose a reptile that is tame and does not try to bite. They are happiest when in pairs, fairly active and need a moderate amount of space. Even birds that are considered lower maintenance like cockatiels require a huge amount of interaction, and their cages require a lot of work. Be aware, however, that some fish are hardier than others. 1. Other than that it looks like a good list. They are indeed a bundle of curiosity and this behavior... 2.Hedgehog. The crabs will survive in 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) and thus your kids can take care of this creature well. If you change the litter at least once a week, the smell should not be an issue. Because Syrian hamsters aren’t keen on company, they are best kept by themselves. Hedgehogs are very hard to care for, they are prone to cancer and require a good healthy diet. You’ll be needing to have a long-time commitment when you have a dog at home. If your child wants a pet that he can cuddle, a guinea pig is a pleasing handful and plenty entertaining. 8 Best Exotic Pets for Kids Rats. A fish may be the perfect “starter” pet for a child, but not just any fish will do. Birds need a varied diet that includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts that need to be chopped fresh daily. Which pets are the easiest to raise? Parrot is a bird, not a four leg animal, so you will need to put extra effort in order to learn its body language. They are nocturnal, and may be a bit sleepy during the day, and more active than you would like at night. Two different species. Even though they look sturdy, take care not to drop them because that could injure their shells or internal organs. Small birds, however, make excellent pets for older children. They make excellent starter pets. Off all the best small pets for kids and adults, which one you think is the best fit for your home? If we’re being honest, yes, pet fish are a bit easier to care for than, say, a dog or cat. Dogs are indeed the very easy pets to take care of. Little boys (and some little girls) love lizards and snakes. Hedgehogs are animals with a back covered with sharp spines which essentially defend them from predators. What's New? Dogs and cats are at the top of the human-pet love pyramid for a reason: they like people, they'll willingly live with you, and they're relatively easy to care for. Lizards are incredibly unique pets for kids and can expose your child to an exciting new type of animal to an early age. Good question. Please don’t see any bird as an easy pet.. All you need is a little effort during the initial setup, like setting up an aquarium, water plants, setting up the water filter, food pellets etc. Reptiles. Dogs are loyal, adorable, easy to train, and adaptable in nature. Other animal-care professionals promote birds or fish as ideal first pets for children. There are many breeds of cats are available. The guinea pigs will need a large cage, and a special diet of hay, vegetables, and Vitamin C. Guinea pigs can live 5 to 7 years. First of, you need to decide what kind of lizard you want. To help clean your fish tank, you could buy an algae fish. And of course, you don't want them getting lost in your walls or closets, either. Often regarded as the perfect first pet for kids, fish are fascinating family members to watch, no matter your age. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Of course, they have their drawbacks. Most moms don't. Small birds are easy pets because they are generally confined to the cage and cannot wreak too much havoc.

easy pets for kids

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