Share Your PDF File Motivation brings these rates lower. They work with responsibility and put their hard efforts of the organisation. Managers use various motivational programmes to encourage employees to achieve their maximum potential leading to improved organisational performance. Think of what you might experience in a retail setting when a motivated cashier is processing your transaction. 9. As the human concept of labour has changed and now labourer is treated as a man and not a commodity. Content Guidelines 2. Motivated employees will find their needs met at higher levels. A number of changes takes place in and around the business organisation and in various fields. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism: When the employees are not satisfied with their job then they will leave it whenever they get an alternative offer. Control: Let us review the importance of motivation: 1. Explaining the importance of motivation E. F. L. Brech writes- The problem of motivation is the key to management actions and in its executive form; it is among the chief task of the General Manager. An enterprise that offers abundant financial and non-financial incentives enjoys reputation in the labour market. Communication, down, up and across is also of great importance to the motivation of organization members. - Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages, Participative Leadership Style: Definition, Theory & Examples, Channel of Communication: Types & Definition, Elton Mayo's Theory of Motivations & Contributions to Management Theory, External Recruitment: Advantages, Disadvantages & Methods, Job Rotation: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples, Profitability Ratio: Definition, Formula, Analysis & Example, Accounting Cycle: Definition, Steps & Process, Departmentalization in Management: Definition, Types & Advantages, Job Enrichment: Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples, What is Remuneration? Building of good labour relations – Motivation helps to solve the labour problems of absenteeism, labour turnover, indiscipline and grievances. It involves the ability to foresee the effects of current actions in the long run in the future.Peter Drucker has defined plannin… - Types & Examples, Organizing Process in Management: Steps, Overview, Internet & Social Media Marketing: Help & Review, International Retailing Strategy & Operations, Business 312: Advanced Operations Management, Introduction to Business: Homework Help Resource, Praxis Business Education - Content Knowledge (5101): Practice & Study Guide, Hospitality 101: Introduction to Hospitality, Hospitality 105: Introduction to the Tourism & Travel Industry, Intro to Business Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans. Basis of co-operation – Efficiency and output are increased through co-operation. On the other hand, an employee with unsatisfied needs lacks commitment to work which may lead to frequent absenteeism. As a result, labour absenteeism and turnover are low. Because of this the overall operating efficiency of the employees is increased. It also looks after the company’s productivity and it makes sure the productivity level is going up instead of decreasing. There will be an atmosphere of confidence between the employer and the employees. Highly motivated employees try to maintain a self- disciplined and productive internal environment in the organization. It is a kind of organized foresight as well as corrective hindsight. It helps them guide and lead their behaviour in the right direction. 12. If the employees are adequately and effectively motivated they are ready to accept all the changes according to the needs of the organisation. 5. The following is the importance of motivation: Motivated employees will put maximum efforts for achieving organisational goals. Technology system and methods become ineffective in these, if the people lack zeal and enthusiasm for work. - Theories & Examples, What Is Management by Objectives (MBO)? Further, satisfaction on the job means reduced absenteeism. Motivation creates friendly and supportive relationships between the employer and the employees. When the industrial relation becomes better, industrial disputes are reduced. If two employees perform the same job, and believe that they do so equally well, they would expect equal pay and equal recognition. As a result labour absenteeism and turnover are low. - Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages, Vroom's Expectancy Theory of Employee Motivation, Workplace Motivation: Theories, Types & Examples, What Is Organizational Structure of Management? Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal However, there is another factor that influences the corporate image that is employees of the organization. Motivation ensures achievement of organizational goals by meeting individual needs through a satisfactory system of rewards. Motivation eliminates this negative attitude and develops the positive attitude towards work leading to effective realization of organisational goals. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Economics. A man is technically, mentally and physically fit to perform the work but he may not be willing to work. MOTIVATION—THE CONCEPT According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, a motive is “something (a need or desire) that causes a person to act.” Motivate, in turn, means “to provide with a motive,” and motivation is defined as “the act or process of motivating.” … Generally, employees resist changes for fear of an adverse effect on their employment. 18. Hence, the employees may improve upon their skill and knowledge required for the job. The leader to accomplish their responsibility has to be familiar with how to inspire people and be obliged to … They are sincere and prefer to stay on the job for longer period of time. 2. A sound motivational system satisfies needs and motives of employees making workplace a source of pleasure and work a pleasant experience. Properly Motivated employees accept, introduce and implement these changes keeping the organization effective. Increase in the efficiency and output – Both workers and management have got benefits from motivational plans. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making… There by better human relations can be developed between the management and the employees. Industrial disputes are reduced and there is high morale. When these changes are introduced in the organisation, there is a tendency to resist these changes by the employees. Em­ployees do their tasks loyally and enthusiastically. A plan is a future course of actions. Visit the Introduction to Management: Help and Review page to learn more. Improvement upon skill and knowledge – Employees have promised efficient job performance or completion. High Performance Level is Must for an Organisation- Motivated employees put higher performance as compared to other employees. All the resources of the organization are of no use unless and until the employees use these resources. The high performance is a must for an organisation and motivation is a vital requirement for high performance. Financial incentive scheme is framed in such a way that monetary benefits are given on the basis of number of hours engaged. A manager’s primary challenge is to solve problems creatively. Amongst all, motivation plays the key role as it helps to identify and satisfy the needs of employees and the organisation. Good corporate image depends on various factors, such as product and services of the organization, customer loyalty, and brand image. With such high morale building exercises the possibility of conflicts and industrial disputes could be minimal. The management of motivation is therefore a critical element of success in any business; with an increase in productivity, an organization can achieve higher levels of output. Motivation brings these rates lower. The organisation benefits because it is able to maintain a stable workforce. Motivation promotes communication between managers and workers. 10. In their zeal to produce more the members work as a team to pull the weight effectively, to show their loyalty to the group and to the organisation, to carry out properly the activities allocated and generally to play an efficient part in achieving the goals which the organisation has undertaken. ‘Motivation’ is the process of inspiring people in order to intensify their desire and willingness for executing their duties effectively and for co-operating to achieve the common objectives of an enterprise. Motivation creates a willingness on the part of workers to do the work in a better way. 4. The manpower should be motivated to carry out the plans, policies and programmes whatever are laid down by the organisation by utilising the other resources to the best of their efforts for the attainment of the organisational goals. Face to face communication is quite useful if organization members are to be motivated to do their best. Motivated employees work sincerely, honestly and with responsibility. Extrinsic Motivation Extrinsic motivation means that the individual's motivational stimuli are coming from outside. Motivation creates a need and desire on the part of the workman to present his better performance. So motivation among employees will lead to better industrial relations. 7. There will be an atmosphere of confidence among employers and employees. When the employees are given various opportunities of development, they can easily adapt to new situations. Motivation is getting the members of the term to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to the group and organisation, to carry out properly the activities allocated and generally to play an efficient part in the purpose or are the real assets of any organisation. In a competitive economy, this is almost an impossible task. Managers seek to instill a desire to work hard and do well in their employees, and this is known as motivation in management. How do you define management?Management is a process with a social element. Belonging, or a want to feel like a part of something, 4. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be. 6. Motivation helps managers know the needs of employees. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} In an organisation all the members of the staff make their efforts to achieve the objectives of the organisation and carry out the plans in accordance with the policies and programmes laid down by the organisation if the management introduces motivational plans. study Motivation will help in improving co-operation and co-ordination in the organisation and employees will work in a team-spirit. Indifferent Attitudes can be Changed 3. A motivated team should … They work whole-heartedly to apply their abilities and potential in minimizing waste and cost. The Four Functions of Managers. Reduced absenteeism – Financial incentive schemes coerce the workers to work more. Of the five functions, planning is the most fundamental; it is the management form from which the other four stem. It helps people to move in a desired direction and earn rewards. Importance of motivation for an organisation can be examined on the basis of the following factors: Motivated employees have the ability and willing­ness to work and improve their performance level by obtaining relevant education and training. Refers to the perspective by which the society judges the organization. 6. Motivation helps to change from negative attitude to positive attitude. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you This motivation can be created by the management along with their employees by collectively, identifying and recognising the benefits of possible changes. Motivation improves the quantity as well as the quality of production. People should have ability to work and willingness to work. 7. Anyone can earn 6. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. Motivation is the process of stimulating action by understanding the needs of employees and by utilizing their motives.

function of motivation in management

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