The South African roads sector has an infrastructure backlog amounting to almost R200 billion, transport minister Dipuo Peters said at the Hope Ministry Church in Kempton Park on Monday. The April 2019 water infrastructure data indicate significant provincial infrastructure delivery disparities. This included discussion on the urgent reforms identified by the government as prerequisites for reviving infrastructure investment which has slowed abysmally over the past decade. A 10-year plan to address the estimated backlog of adequate water to supply 1,4 m households and 2,1 m households to basic sanitation. It is easy to dismiss this as another of Ramaphosa’s infamous talk shops. However the speed, quality and efficiency of many of these projects, however, has not matched the level of investment, due to project planning at all levels, including for long-term maintenance, proving to be inadequate. As the 14th longest in the world, South Africa's rail infrastructure includes an extensive railroad network, connecting its Ports not only with destinations within the country, but also with the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa. Source: Regional data for households (April 2019). The problem is the state does not have the funds, nor the means to do so. Over the past two decades, South Africa’s public infrastructure investments have amounted to about R3 trillion. Funding models for financing water infrastructure in South Africa: Framework and critical analysis of alternatives. 7. South Africa is peering over the edge of a fiscal cliff with no easy way down. World Health Organization (2019) To ensure an increase of access to services for South Africans, public infrastructure programmes are being implemented. While the median value of the backlog is below 5%, 10% of water services authorities have backlogs above 25%. For instance, highly urbanised provinces such as Gauteng (GP) and the Western Cape (WC) have over the past 25 years managed to reduce the water infrastructure backlog to less than 2% of the population. This is socio-economic or spatial inequality. 5. 6. It was an impressive turnout – about 200 people attended. The Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Development Initiative (ASIDI) is one the programmes introduced by government to address this backlog. Notably, bulk of infrastructure in South Africa is old and collapsing faster than planned and is presently failing to meet increased demand for services. 11. They were there to talk about infrastructure and, more specifically, how to intensify infrastructure investment in South Africa. Select which newsletters you'd like to receive, Kgosientso Ramokgopa (Photo: Flickr/Open Government Partnership). The box contains observations between the 25th and the 75th percentile and the whiskers (lines) above and below the box, indicate the 90th and 10th percentiles. Parastatal companies also undertake infrastructure development in some sectors, while other initiatives include the government’s Expanded Public Works Programme, and public-private partnerships. This raises the question whether the economy is strong enough to sustain national infrastructure demands and necessary delivery. The circles above the 90th percentile whisker represent conditions in the outliers. Statistics South Africa (2013). Priority will also be given to agri-projects as well as those involving human settlement. Now we must make this process unfold… not in years to come but now,” he says. There are many great benefits to being a Maverick Insider. The overall housing backlog is currently in excess of 550,000 across the Western Cape, with more than 300,000 of these in the City of Cape Town. That has not happened in the longest of times. Domestic water carrying and its implications for health: a review and mixed methods pilot study in Limpopo Province, South Africa. This led to an increased focus on economic infrastructure from the … The LNOB principle and concomitant commitment to it would ensure a more equitable investment in water infrastructure investment and delivery by 2030. For South Africa to overcome the current national water infrastructure backlog, it is imperative that infrastructure investment and delivery outpace current and projected national population growth. SA’s R416bn road maintenance backlog Construction of affordable housing will ultimately grind to a halt without infrastructure. 2. “This meeting was unprecedented,” he added. The distribution is highly skewed. Human settlements includes public housing to households and bulk infrastructure amounting to R57.5 billion over the MTEF period 2. Leaving no one behind: AUNSDG operational guide for UN country Teams. So it was that on Tuesday President Cyril Ramaphosa brought together a high powered group that included the heads of SA’s four big banks, the heads of multilateral development banks like the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and DFIs like the German Development Bank and the African Development Bank Group at Tuynhuys, the Cape Town office of the Presidency. “We saw key players in the finance sector coming together under one roof to ensure the government can meet its economic goals.”. Geere J.&Cortobius, M (2017). Infrastructure plays andimportant role in the social and economic development of communities. 10. Where are Asterix and Obelix when you need them? There are many places to start, but tackling the infrastructure backlog as a means to kick-start the economy is one way. Table 1: Inherited and recently achieved water infrastructure backlog - population. The South African Institution of Civil Engineering's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card scored national roads a " B " (fit for the future), paved metropolitan roads a " C " … electricity and telecommunications infrastructure. Figure 3: State of access to water infrastructure delivery per province. It was undertaken by the director’s office of the Department for Sustainable Development in the Africa Region of the World Bank as part of the Africa Infrastructure … These include a reduction of R336 million from the school infrastructure backlog grants, R240 million from the National Health Insurance fund and R273 million … UNICEF (2016). South Africa is facing many challenges to improve infrastructure for economic development and and municipal service delivery. Fetching Water in Rural and Urban Areas and the Implications for Water Security. Click here to see other benefits and to sign-up to our reader community supporting quality, independent journalism. The meeting resulted in two critical outcomes. All these projects complement the Free Trade Area (FTA) discussions to create a market of 600 million people in South, Central and East Africa. 2. “We have seen a deterioration of some of the most important assets in our country. The distribution of the water infrastructure backlog (with households as the unit of observation) across Water Service Authorities is shown in the Appendix. This is … Women, girls across the world spend 200mm hours daily collecting water. Water and sanitation SIP SIP 18: Water and sanitation infrastructure. In 2014 EE and the EE Law Centre raised a number of concerns with the Department of Basic Education (DBE), relating to the vague … Infrastructure funding is largely provided by South Africa’s national government. Of this 27%, 17% constitutes leaks in municipal water systems, and … Since 1994, South Africa has achieved major reductions in water backlog with consequent improvement in access to water infrastructure delivery. why is fetching water considered a ‘woman’s job’? Statistical release: Mid-year population estimates. Water infrastructure delivery also varies across provinces. However, a rural-urban divide persists. Further analysis reveals major provincial water backlog variability. Thus, infrastructure provision for rural provinces like of EC, KZN, LP, MP and NW is observed to be lower than that of highly urbanised provinces like GP and WC provinces (Figure 3). It is a big task. Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development, adopted by UN member states in September 2015. Similar to water infrastructure backlog, access to water infrastructure delivery is highly unequal per province. The meeting followed Ramaphosa’s restatement in this year’s State of the Nation Address that infrastructure development is front and centre of government’s growth and job creation agenda and follows months of behind the scenes work by the Presidency, National Treasury, the Department of Public Enterprises and the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. For South Africa to conform to this principle, it is imperative that water infrastructure investment should prioritise provinces with high water backlogs, low access to water infrastructure delivery and rural areas in particular. It inspires confidence. BMC Public health. Water Alternatives. The result has been reduction of the water infrastructure backlog by 27.57% (based on population as a unit of measure) over the past 25 years (Figure 2). UNESCO-IHE (2019). Infrastructure Development. A paradox of sorts exists in the South African construction sector, as seen in the collapse of large construction firms, yet there is a housing backlog amounting to around 2.3-million units. It is some of the most elaborate and complex in the world. Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula has revealed that South Africa has a backlog of 320,000 driving licence, with demand growing by 90,000 each month. The private sector organisations present, which, aside from the banks, included the Consulting Engineers of SA and Business Unity SA, have agreed to help government recreate the capacity that has been lost in terms of technical and financial engineering capacity. South Africa is peering over the edge of a fiscal cliff with no easy way down. The thick line in the box-plot represents the 3.9 median value (50th percentile of the distribution). It is a big task. UN (2019). African Ministers’ Council of water (AMCOW). 15: 394. 9. Bio Med. Report number: P0302. “There is a recognition that infrastructure is a catalyst to grow our economy.”, Maintaining positive momentum is a responsibility that falls on the shoulders of Ramokgopa. National water infrastructure delivery inequalities subject vulnerable individuals and communities to unimproved and contaminated sources of drinking water. Recently, we had an opportunity to review another great World Bank publication entitled Africa’s Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation edited by Vivien Foster and Cecilia Briceño-Garmendia and published in 2010. Speaking to ENCA, Mbalula said this backlog … Ramaphosa told the assembled gathering that there was considerable work to be done. Known as the Bulk Infrastructure Fund, the fund will go a long way to addressing the ageing water and sanitation infrastructure in the country. Of all the places to start, it’s not the worst. Conversely, failure to embrace the principle will only widen present disparities and lead to greater inequality. 12. Reducing diarrhoea deaths in South Africa: costs and effects of scaling up essential interventions to prevent and treat diarrhoea in under five children. It is groundbreaking to have all of these funding agencies and government and ourselves in one room. For a province that is battling a huge school infrastructure backlog, severe storms that caused damage at more than 50 schools have dealt the Eastern Cape a … Countries like South Africa have little choice but to consider innovative approaches to ensure that they eliminate their water infrastructure backlogs (Ruiters [10]). The principle entails that those who are worst off should be reached first [12]. However, a rural-urban divide persists. At its core is the ‘Leave No One Behind’ (LNOB) principle. This is out of line with global development principles. Rural areas may comprise one or more of the following: tribal (or traditional or communal) areas, commercial farms and informal settlements [11]. L Geere, L., Hunter PR, Jagals, P. (2015). Maintaining positive momentum is a responsibility that falls on the shoulders of Ramokgopa. There is no limit to the projects that need financing, but for the time being the focus will be on SA’s network industries – water, energy, ports and rail, roads and internet connectivity. Ruiters, C. (2013). Pretoria - The Department of Human Settlements wants R26 million over the next three years to address the country's backlog in water and waste water treatment works infrastructure. The current national water infrastructure backlog is 13.01% (Figure.2). National Treasury has outlined how R7 billion will be removed from allocations like local government and municipal infrastructure grants among others as the President Cyril Ramaphosa administration seeks to reduce national debt.. Access to water infrastructure provision across provinces is markedly lower in rural areas than in urban areas. It is therefore necessary that national water infrastructure investments and policies be directed towards prioritising rural provinces and areas to avoid geospatial disparities in infrastructure delivery. “This is the beginning of a process. Towns near Fukushima are now being plagued by hordes of rampaging radioactive wild boars. This school infrastructure law sets out the obligations on the State to fix the crisis in South Africa’s school infrastructure. Removing advertising from your browsing experience is one of them - we don't just block ads, we redesign our pages to look smarter and load faster. Who Carries the Weight of Water? THE 2019 WATER INFRASTRUCTURE BACKLOG DATA. “This expertise will be deployed so that when we go into the symposium, we will have shovel-ready projects to show to the financiers.”. United Nations (2018) Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation, page 11, URL: Women around the world spend collective 200 million hours a day collecting water [8]. In South Africa, infrastructure investment together with the use of public land and public buildings is a critical lever to achieve spatial and economic justice by connecting our people, integrating our communities and bringing people closer to work opportunities. Appendix: Water Infrastructure backlog by Water Service Authority, Box and whisker plotPercentage of households in backlog. It is an important victory that almost every school in South Africa has some access to water and electricity supply! 39 No. Reviving this country’s ailing economy has become the hallmark of the Ramaphosa presidency. Nhlanhla Mnisi says since 1994, SA has achieved major reductions in backlogs,,,,,,, Moral Laws (II): Sex Work – The arguments. One of the major challenges for infrastructure provision is population growth. South Africa currently has a R900 billion water infrastructure backlog. The Eastern Cape is said to be the worst affected province as it will require over a R120 billion to address water infrastructure and bulk water supply to its total populace. The roads sector has been facing many funding and skills challenges which have all contributed to the backlog. Rating agency Moody’s projects economic growth of 0.7% for 2020, a paltry figure that will inevitably lead to higher levels of unemployment and greater social inequality. Since 1994, South Africa has achieved major reductions in water backlog with consequent improvement in access to water infrastructure delivery. 3. It is estimated that about 27% of the water which Rand Water sells to municipalities leaks away. 1-10. These include Eastern Cape (EC), KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), Limpopo (LP), Mpumalanga (MP) and the North West (NW) (Table 1). There are many reasons for this state of affairs, but the haemorrhaging of technical and financial engineering skills from the public sector has certainly contributed to the dire state of public infrastructure. The unintended consequence of this, Ramaphosa said – and the Public Finance Management Act is just one example – is that terrible delays in decision-making occur. Time spent fetching water and fuel reduces the time that can be devoted to generating livelihoods or in remunerated work [9]. But Chris Campbell, CEO of Consulting Engineers SA, who presumably would be instrumental in plans going forward, is cautiously optimistic. The concept entails physical availability of the infrastructure without consideration of the quality or the reliability of the service. 1. By Nhlanhla Mnisi, Researcher, Helen Suzman Foundation. BM. Parallel to all of this, work will begin on revisions to the Infrastructure Bill to ensure that it supports, rather than hinders all of these plans – specifically as it relates to public-private partnerships and the involvement of the private sector. The network includes 21 000 km of railroads of which 1500 km are designated for heavy haulage and of which a total of 8 200 km has been electrified. Statistics South Africa (2019). 1. Several schools in Central South Africa are affected by the national infrastructure backlog that is estimated by the National Department of Basic Education at more than R1 billion. South Africa’s legislation governing infrastructure management compounds the problems. This could be through a communal stand pipe located within 200m a dwelling, water in the yard or water inside a dwelling. The challenge for South Africa is to elevate the infrastructure discussion to the level of an integrated ESI perspective. 8. 512-540. Administration services include infrastructure spending by the Department of International Relations, the Department of Home Affairs, the Department of Public Works, Statistics South Africa and their entities 3. City Power takes on infrastructure backlog one street light at a time Liesl Frankson | Feb 7, 2018 In an effort to combat the R19 billion infrastructure backlog City Power is conducting numerous street light installation and maintenance projects throughout the City. Further, the lack of planning, asset management and the absence of credible project pipeline has resulted in an erosion of confidence by funders and absence of projects, he said. However, as the 2019 National Education Infrastructure Management System (NEIMS) report shows, this access is unreliable. STATISTICAL RELEASE P0318 General Household Survey 2018. Chola L. Michalow, J. Tugendaft A., Hofman, K. (2015). There was a need for greater economic infrastructure investment, while still continuing to address apartheid-era backlogs in housing and social infrastructure. Despite major overall national improvement, water backlog remains relatively high in predominantly rural provinces. Within this context South Africa suffers from a disparate distribution of infrastructure ranging from established and maintained urban and industrial areas such as Gauteng through tothe challenges prevailing in the Eastern Cape. In addition to provincial disparities in infrastructure delivery, the data reveal a further dimension. Water SA. A rural area is an area that is not classified as urban. The State of Municipal Infrastructure In South Africa and its Operation and Maintenance Page 6. The South African government has committed its municipalities to remedying service backlogs by 2014. A Social Approach to Addressing Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Backlog A Case of A Rural Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Masibulele Fiko, Walter Sisulu University Sanjay Balkara, Walter Sisulu University Where infrastructure is not maintained it has a huge impact on the ordinary lives of people – water is an example.”. Water SA Vol. Since democratic constitutionalism in 1994, the country has achieved improvements in the provision of water infrastructure. Africa’s Infrastructure Backlog. The government has courted foreign direct investment to lure investors into areas that need infrastructure, and foreign companies often build, own an… 4. Infrastructure quality is as important as its quantity, although evidence point to lost growth opportunities due to insufficient investment in maintenance of new and existing infrastructure. The R8.2 billion public-private programme aims to eradicate the 496 mud schools in the country, provide water and sanitation to 1 257 schools and electricity to 878 schools by March 2016. There is a backlog of sufficient planned new bulk water infrastructure projects in South Africa which could potentially provide increased opportunities for engineering consultants, such as AECOM, to become involved in more infrastructure development, says AECOM water business line director Werner Comrie. Access to water infrastructure is defined as the provision of tapped water. “They will make resources available ahead of the president’s Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium, which is scheduled for May,” said Ramokgopa. Water infrastructure delivery also varies across provinces. “These multilateral development banks have let it be known that they have R140-billion to invest in infrastructure in South Africa this calendar year, but they need bankable projects,” said Dr Kgosientso Ramokgopa, head of the Investment and Infrastructure Office in the Presidency, following the Tuynhuys gathering. For instance, the cost to eradicate South Africa’s road maintenance backlog alone has more than doubled to R416-billion since 2013. “This is a picture I’m determined we should correct immediately,” he said. But in South Africa, estimates indicate that the cost of building, upgrading, rehabilitating and expanding the required water, transport, power and township infrastructure approaches and even exceeds R473 billion. Please sign in or register to enable this feature.

infrastructure backlog in south africa

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