Grazie alla capacità di replicare le macchine in un'area di staging a basso costo e, allo stesso tempo, di lanciare macchine completamente assegnate nell'arco di pochi minuti, CloudEndure Disaster Recovery è in grado di ridurre sensibilmente i costi delle infrastrutture destinate al disaster recovery. About CloudEndure. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery ti consente di consolidare una continuità aziendale per i tuoi database più importanti, tra cui Oracle, MySQL e SQL Server, o anche per applicazioni d'impresa come SAP. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery riduce al minimo tempi di interruzione e perdita di dati garantendo in AWS un ripristino veloce e affidabile di server fisici, virtuali e basati sul cloud. Multiple reports say the deal was valued at roughly $250 million. Prepare for unexpected events to help ensure consistent business flow Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Advantages AWS disaster recovery solutions enable customers to mitigate and easily recover from disasters which could make assets critical to business operations inaccessible. Few thing to correct here : CloudEndure is NOT a SAP System Refresh Tool. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is rated 6.6, while Zerto is rated 9.4. You pay for fully provisioned workloads only in an actual disaster or drill. Transdev ha usato CloudEndure Disaster Recovery per proteggere carichi di lavori business-critical e ridurre i costi di disaster recovery del 73%. Enter Amazon Web Services (AWS) and CloudEndure. A differenza delle soluzioni basate su snapshot, che aggiornano i dati sulle posizioni di destinazione a intervalli di tempo prestabiliti e poco frequenti, CloudEndure Disaster Recovery garantisce una replicazione asincrona e continua. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery consente ai clienti di traslare i propri siti secondari su AWS senza incorrere in tempi di inattività o in problemi a livello di prestazioni. Learn how to set up and implement CloudEndure Disaster Recovery. IT disasters such as data center failures, server corruptions, or cyber attacks can not only disrupt your business, but also cause data loss, impact your revenue, and damage your reputation. In the case of a disaster, you can instruct CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to automatically launch thousands of your machines in their fully provisioned state in minutes. Use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery for automated Failover and Failback: CloudEndure Disaster Recovery continuously replicates your machines (including operating system, system state configuration, databases, applications, and files) into a low- cost staging area in … Puoi utilizzare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery per proteggere i tuoi database più importanti, tra cui Oracle, MySQL e SQL Server, o anche applicazioni d'impresa come SAP. We compared these products and thousands more to help professionals like you find the perfect solution for your business. Malibu Boats è inoltre rimasta stupida dall'efficienza delle applicazioni in AWS durante il failover, motivo per cui ha deciso di accelerare il processo di migrazione su AWS del proprio data center locale principale utilizzando CloudEndure Migration. Neither company has responded to our request for confirmation, but we … This eliminates the need for additional costly appliances or separate operational databases, and reduces compute, storage, and software licensing footprint to a minimum. La tecnologia automatizzata di failover e failback di CloudEndure Disaster Recovery riduce al minimo i processi la durata di rischiosi processi manuali durante il ripristino. Inoltre, CloudEndure garantisce un'automatizzazione in grado di velocizzare e semplificare l'impostazione, il mantenimento, il monitoraggio e il collaudo dei processi di disaster recovery. Di conseguenza, una volta ripristinata la consueta continuità operativa, non ha riscontrato alcun ritardo di produzione né perdita finanziaria. The top reviewer of CloudEndure Disaster Recovery writes "Straightforward to set up and is scalable for large nodes". This section includes a complete overview of the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery The CloudEndure solution that enables the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems in case of a crippling event. Essa converte automaticamente le macchine sorgente così che possano avviarsi ed essere eseguite su AWS in modo nativo. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery enables customers to shift their secondary site to AWS without downtime or performance impact. This session presents AWS-enabled solutions, along with Disaster Recovery architectures, that you can leverage when building highly available and disaster resilient applications. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery CloudEndure Disaster Recovery. Having a disaster recovery strategy is critical for business continuity. © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. Il team ha iniziato a testare le soluzioni di disaster recovery su un'ampia gamma di complessi carichi di lavoro caratterizzati da operazioni di scrittura significative. CloudEndure DR agents can replicate workloads from on-premises or other IaaS environments to AWS or between AWS regions. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery performs continuous block-level replication and saves a dormant copy in the target infrastructure, which uses a smaller percentage of compute, storage, and memory than the primary site; this leads to minimal RTOs (recovery time objective) and RPOs (recovery point objective) when spun up in a disaster. Piuttosto che interrompere le attività delle propria factory per ore o addirittura giorni, Malibu Boats è stata in grado di ripristinare le applicazioni di backend su AWS nell'arco di pochi minuti. Ciò comporta non solo una semplificazione a livello di implementazione, ma implica anche la possibilità di condurre frequentemente e in modo agevole test non invasivi, convalidare processi e obiettivi di ripristino e apportare le necessarie correzioni al fine di incrementare l'affidabilità. Malibu Boats was so impressed with how well their applications performed on AWS during the failover, that they decided to expedite the migration of their primary on-premises data center to AWS using CloudEndure Migration. A prescindere dal fatto che tu voglia o meno impostare il disaster recovery su AWS, puoi utilizzare CloudEndure Migration per effettuare la migrazione su AWS. Our disaster recovery solution utilizes block-level continuous replication, as well as highly-automated machine conversion and orchestration, to ensure enterprise-grade recovery while reducing traditional disaster recovery expenses. When you set up CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, your source machines are replicated to AWS, kept up-to-date with all application changes, and ready to run on your target AWS Region. You can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to protect your most critical databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server, as well as enterprise applications such as SAP. This enables Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) of seconds. This means that you don’t need to purchase multiple application-specific replication tools because CloudEndure Disaster Recovery replicates all applications and databases that run on supported operating systems. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery minimizes downtime and data loss by providing fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers into AWS. Organizations with workloads on-premises can significantly reduce disaster recovery TCO by shifting their secondary data center to AWS. L'implementazione dei processi di disaster recovery in AWS può rappresentare un'efficace prima tappa nel viaggio di transizione verso il cloud. Compare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery vs Site Recovery Manager. The team began testing disaster recovery solutions on a wide range of complex, write-intensive workloads. All'installazione di CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, le macchine sorgente vengono replicate in AWS, mantenute aggiornate con tutte le modifiche alle applicazioni e predisposte all'esecuzione nella regione AWS designata. Scalabile, continuità aziendale economicamente conveniente per server fisici, virtuali e nel cloud. When you decide to migrate and run your workloads full time on AWS, you can easily cutover operations using CloudEndure Migration. Presented by CloudEndure. In caso di disastro, puoi comandare a CloudEndure Disaster Recovery di lanciare automaticamente migliaia di macchine completamente assegnate nell'arco di pochi minuti. Transdev was close to giving up on cloud-based disaster recovery until they tested CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, which worked exactly as expected. Puoi utilizzare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery per proteggere i tuoi database più importanti, tra cui Oracle, MySQL e SQL Server, o anche applicazioni d'impresa come SAP. AWS purchased startup CloudEndure in January 2019, adding to its portfolio continuous data replication functionality that enables DR in the cloud. Overall, CloudEndure has worked well to meet our needs of migrating certain systems to AWS. Sia che tu abbia sviluppato le tue applicazioni o abbia effettua la migrazione delle stesse su AWS, puoi proteggere ulteriormente i tuoi carichi di lavoro grazie ai processi di disaster recovery tra più regioni. Transdev now uses CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to protect a range of business-critical workloads, including Microsoft Active Directory, SQL Servers, MSCS clustered SAP workloads, and niche applications. Se opti per la migrazione su AWS, puoi utilizzare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery per implementare con facilità i processi di disaster recovery in più regioni. AWS acquired CloudEndure, a Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) product that lets you seamlessly move physical server workloads to the cloud. Amazon CloudEndure Migration is a free, highly automatic, lift-and-shift migration solution. AWS has slashed the cost of its CloudEndure disaster recovery offering by 80 percent. If you choose to migrate to AWS, you can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to easily implement cross-region disaster recovery. CloudEndure is an AWS Disaster Recovery service that makes quick and easy to shift disaster recovery strategy to the AWS cloud from existing physical or virtual data centers, private clouds or other public clouds. Let IT Central Station and our comparison database help you with your research. Project A Project is the basic organizational unit for running a CloudEndure solution. È possibile raggiungere obiettivi così rigorosi in termini di ripristino anche per i carichi di lavori più impegnativi in termini di scrittura. CloudEndure allows organizations to create a full DR staging site in AWS, with bit by bit replication of all data to the cloud. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery maintains continuous, real-time replication into a low-cost Staging Area located in your target AWS Region. La conversione e l'orchestrazione automatizzata delle macchine garantisce tempi di ripristino (RTO) pari a pochi minuti. Se decidi di effettuare la migrazione ed eseguire i carichi di lavoro continuativamente su AWS, puoi effettuare rapidamente la transizione delle operazioni utilizzando CloudEndure Migration. Traditional disaster recovery solutions require a costly set of duplicate IT resources, including hardware, compute, storage, networking, and software licenses. We will provide recommendations on how to improve your disaster recovery plan and discuss example scenarios showing how to recover from an event. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery continuously replicates your machines (including operating system, system state configuration, databases, applications, and files) into a low-cost staging area in your target AWS account and preferred Region. Di conseguenza, Malibu Boats ha potuto migliorare sensibilmente la propria efficienza operativa nonché la resilienza IT. Implementing disaster recovery on AWS can be an effective first step in your cloud journey. Not only does this simplify implementation, it also means that you can easily conduct frequent non-disruptive drills, validate your recovery processes and objectives, and make any necessary fixes to increase reliability. I clienti che eseguono carichi di lavoro su altri cloud possono incrementare la resilienza e soddisfare i requisiti di conformità usando AWS come sito di disaster recovery. Si tratta di un'opzione efficace e conveniente per assicurare la continuità aziendale. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery garantisce una ridondanza geografica tra regioni AWS o zone di disponibilità offrendo al contempo una replicazione continua nel rispetto di requisiti rigorosi in termini di RPO e RTO. Compare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery vs Zerto IT Resilience Platform. If this is a requirement for your DR solution then it will be necessary to ensure that the backup product is able to communicate with the instances in AWS and backups can be taken as they usually are. Cloud Block Store array-based replication used in conjunction with CloudEndure provides a simple way to migrate a vVol VM to AWS for disaster recovery and dev/test purposes. It supports automated cloud orchestration and machine conversion along with continuous data replication, automated failback, and no disk size limitations. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery riduce al minimo tempi di interruzione e perdita di dati garantendo in AWS un ripristino veloce e affidabile di server fisici, virtuali e basati sul cloud. Le soluzioni tradizionali di disaster recovery necessitano di una serie costosa di risorse IT duplicate, tra cui hardware, calcolo, storage, networking e licenze software. It automatically converts your source machines so that they boot and run natively on AWS. : Configure Replication Settings; Install Agents; Configure Blueprints CloudEndure Disaster Recovery offre una soluzione agevole per la replicazione e il ripristino di carichi di lavoro su AWS da altri provider di cloud. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery minimizes downtime and data loss by providing fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers into AWS. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery replica i tuoi carichi di lavoro in un'area di staging a basso costo nella tua regione AWS designata, riducendo in tal modo i costi di calcolo del 95% ed eliminando la necessità di pagare per licenze per applicativi di terze parti e OS duplicati. In tal modo è possibile ridurre l'incidenza dell'errore umano e migliorare l'affidabilità. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery offers a range of features that minimize downtime and data loss. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery ha letteralmente risollevato le sorti di Mali Boats quando il data center primario di quest'ultima è stato interessato da un guasto del server. According to the product site, "CloudEndure Disaster Recovery continuously replicates your machines (including operating system, system state configuration, databases, applications, and files) into a low-cost staging area in your target AWS account and preferred Region. About CloudEndure. You can use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to protect your most critical databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server, as well as enterprise applications such as SAP. CloudEndure is an AWS Disaster Recovery service that makes quick and easy to shift disaster recovery strategy to the AWS cloud from existing physical or virtual data centers, private clouds or other public clouds. Customers running workloads on other clouds can increase resilience and meet compliance requirements by using AWS as their disaster recovery site. Scalable, cost-effective business continuity for physical, virtual, and cloud servers, Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage. In tal modo non è più necessario acquistare diversi strumenti di replicazione specifici per applicazioni, in quanto CloudEndure Disaster Recovery replica tutte le applicazioni e i database in esecuzione su sistemi operativi supportati. Unlike snapshot-based solutions that update target locations at distinct, infrequent intervals, CloudEndure Disaster Recovery provides asynchronous, continuous replication. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery enables geographic redundancy between AWS Regions or Availability Zones while still providing continuous replication with stringent RPOs and RTOs. Reports: Amazon adds new disaster-recovery tech to AWS with purchase of CloudEndure by Tom Krazit on January 8, 2019 at 2:04 pm January 8, 2019 at 2:04 pm Comments Share 52 Tweet Share Reddit Email CloudEndure Disaster Recovery saved the day for Malibu Boats when their primary data center suffered a server outage. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is an agent-based solution that replicates entire virtual machines, including the operating system, all installed applications, and all databases, into a staging area located in your target AWS Region. CloudEndure Migration & Disaster Recovery Subbu Devalla | | July 8, 2020 Traditionally, if you want to migrate or set up disaster recovery (DR) for applications or databases on-premise, Google, AWS, etc. You can meet these stringent recovery objectives even for your largest write-intensive workloads. Transdev utilizza attualmente CloudEndure Disaster Recovery per proteggere un'ampia gamma di carichi di lavoro business-critical tra cui Microsoft Active Directory, SQL Server, carichi di lavoro SAP con MSCS raggruppati e applicazioni di nicchia. the fact that you introduce it as a System Copy tool, mentioned logical system rename and RFC destination corrections … and used the SAP WebDispacther as an example is weird … to say the very least. The benefits of AWS combined with CloudEndure Disaster Recovery creates a non-disruptive DR solution that provides minimal RTO and RPO while reducing total cost of ownership for customers. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery allows you to achieve business continuity for your most critical databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server, as well as enterprise applications such as SAP. This service continues to be one of the most popular and proven tools to provide automated protection and DR in the cloud. When considering CloudEndure Disaster Recovery it is important to evaluate whether these backups should be delivered without interruption during a DR event with workloads operating in AWS. Grazie ad AWS CloudEndure è possibile mettere in piedi un piano di disaster recovery veloce, conveniente ed affidabile ed evitare interruzioni di servizio. Le organizzazioni aventi carichi di lavoro in locale possono ridurre sensibilmente il costo totale di proprietà relativo ai processi di disaster recovery traslando il proprio data center secondario su AWS. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has acquired cloud backup and disaster recovery (BDR) startup CloudEndure, according to the BDR company’s website. Prepare your Disaster Recovery The CloudEndure solution that enables the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems in case of a crippling event. While AWS has been a viable target for backup and DR applications, the acquisition gives AWS use of CloudEndure disaster-recovery-as-a-service and backup-as-a-service capabilities. The continuous data replication (CDP) takes place in a low-cost “staging area,” which reduces compute and storage footprin… Staimer said Amazon's CloudEndure disaster recovery services will help AWS better compete with Microsoft's Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery services. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is an automated DR solution that can spin up thousands of machines in your target AWS Region from any source infrastructure within minutes, and with minimal data loss (due to block- level, continuous data replication). CloudEndure Disaster Recovery uses block-level continuous data replication, which ensures that target machines are spun up in their most up-to-date state during a disaster or drill. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery provides an easy solution for replicating and recovering workloads from other cloud providers to AWS. Amazon è un datore di lavoro per le pari opportunità: Fai clic qui per tornare alla home page di Amazon Web Services, Nozioni di base su CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, Partecipa gratuitamente al corso online di formazione tecnica, Domande frequenti tecniche e relative ai prodotti. Organizations can thereby consistently achieve sub-second recovery point objectives (RPOs). The moment a failure is detected, CloudEndure will automatically fail over to the DR site so your organization doesn’t miss a beat. Come ridurre i costi di disaster recovery con AWS, Funzionamento di CloudEndure Disaster Recovery, Sfruttare il cloud per la tua strategia di ripristino d'emergenza, Segui le best practice: checklist del piano di ripristino d'emergenza IT. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery minimizes downtime and data loss by providing fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers into AWS in the event of IT disruptions. Transdev used CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to protect business-critical workloads and reduce their disaster recovery costs by 73%. In 2014, Microsoft rebranded Hyper-V Recovery Manager to Azure Site Recovery. It supports automated cloud orchestration and machine conversion along with continuous data replication, automated failback, and no disk size limitations. Compare CloudEndure Disaster Recovery with competitors. 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