aspects of education development, including quality of teaching and learning, in the schools of Nepal. 51 per cent were satisfied with the quality of this teaching, while 34 per cent were not (see Figure 1). High-quality leadership of teaching and learning includes systems to ensure that each child’s needs are known and met. 63 OfS, ‘Official statistic: Key performance measure 18’, November 2020 ( Hi Jon. It was important for providers to ensure that their terms and conditions remained fair and transparent, and that students had continued access to accessible, clear and fair complaints processes. Figure 2 is a flow diagram showing the OfS's regulatory objectives and the conditions that underlie them. We sought to gain the views of a range of stakeholders including students at different stages of their studies; those in leadership and academic roles within universities, colleges and other providers; sector stakeholder groups; publishers of student information; and others with an interest in the results. Our intention is to ensure that our approach to regulating the minimum baselines contained in the B conditions and the above-baseline assessment undertaken for the TEF combine to produce a coherent overall approach to quality that delivers our regulatory objectives.60, The pandemic and the consequent government restrictions meant that (in most cases) higher education providers needed to make rapid and significant changes to the ways they delivered teaching and assessment. How can schools improve the quality of teaching and learning? lqfoxvlyhghvljqzkhuhyhusrvvleohdqge\phdqvriuhdvrqdeohlqglylgxdodgmxvwphqwvzkhuhyhu qhfhvvdu\ 2iihulqjdqhtxdorssruwxqlw\wrohduqlvglvwlqjxlvkhgiurphyhu\vwxghqwkdylqjdqhtxdo Some caught coronavirus; others needed to self-isolate; many were unable to move from their term-time accommodation, or were less able to access and effectively participate in remote learning. We have various mechanisms for ensuring this: baseline regulation through the B conditions, using the TEF to incentivise improvement above the baselines, and the information we publish to inform student choice. Gulshan is an education consultant with experience of inspecting schools. 52 The responses collected have been weighted to correct for the under- and overrepresentation of some student groups. This represents only a slight increase from 2017-18 when 28.9 per cent of students received a first, and a substantial slowing-down of the previous year-on-year increase.63. Active learning can best be described as a process when students engage with the material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other as part of the learning process. QFT has existed in one form or another since 2010. But how often did I have the chance to observe colleagues outside of my department? The cost is equivalent to a period in a teacher’s timetable. OfS, ‘Consultation on regulating quality and standards in higher education’, November 2020 (available at, pp54-55. Learn how your comment data is processed. In this article we aim to narrow the discussion of what quality is down to the area of teaching and learning in higher education. UNICEF about the state of teaching and learning in special education settings in Barbados. Some things can only be solved at a whole-school level, such as behaviour; others, like lesson planning, can perhaps best be addressed by individual teachers. So much so, that you are often in-and-out of each others classrooms, picking up small nuggets of information along the way …. This can be particularly valuable for mature students, who are likely to be balancing their studies with caring or work commitments. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. More than two-thirds lacked access to a quiet study area. 49 The OfS is committed to ensuring that the English higher education system is providing high-quality teaching and learning. During the pandemic, most universities and colleges that were not already following this model switched to online learning and teaching. Establishing an appropriate balance between the regulatory burden that intervention places on providers and our ability to regulate effectively in the interests of students. OfS, ‘National Student Survey 2020: Analysis of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic’, July 2020 ( A growing body of research has found that school facilities can have a profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. Can all pupils make the links between previous/new learning? We are consulting on whether our requirements for quality are sufficiently demanding to ensure that all students receive a good education and successful outcomes. We do not bake their disadvantage into the regulatory system by setting lower minimum requirements for providers that typically recruit these types of students. What are different groups and individual pupils actually learning as opposed to doing? Quality and standards flow through all of our regulatory objectives. We expect to consult on our future approach to the TEF after the government has published Dame Shirley Pearce’s independent review of the TEF,58 and its response. This is where our regulatory attention needs to focus and we commit more resources to these providers. 15 mins observing; 30 minutes feedback. Required fields are marked *. Development and maintenance of high quality approaches to learning and teaching based on pedagogical best practice. This question can be approached in many ways, but it is likely that most of the approaches would, in some way or another, include teachers. … OfS analysis showed that the results had not been strongly impacted by the pandemic. 57 OfS, ‘National Student Survey – NSS’, October 2020 ( As most higher education providers did not provide significant volumes of remote teaching, much of the early work was aimed at ensuring that teaching could be provided online. One of the best ways to improve the quality of teaching in a classroom is for the teacher is to guide students to be active learners rather than simply be spectators. With the access problem largely in the past, how do we ensure more quality in schools and classrooms? MEMBERSHIP - £1 per month = Exclusive Benefits + 10% Off All Resource Downloads! …”. Are pupils creative, do they show initiative? “What do you mean, you want to look elsewhere! Defining assessment and continuous improvement strategies. The challenges of this form of learning depend to a certain extent on the course of the pandemic. Considering a provider’s performance at a more granular level, including performance at subject level, in courses delivered through partnerships, and for students studying outside the UK. Here, indicators such as continuation, completion and progression to employment or further study are part of our assessment of the outcomes delivered for students. In response to the statement ‘The university's approach to assessment has been made clear’, 26 per cent of respondents strongly agreed, 35 per cent slightly agreed, 12 per cent neither agreed nor disagreed, 16 per cent slightly disagreed, 10 per cent strongly disagreed, and 1 per cent said it was not applicable. Identifying the processes involved in achieving successful learning outcomes. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A large proportion of students reported their learning was mildly, moderately or severely impacted by technological disruption and lack of study space. It’s not the cost of any piece of equipment. Figure 1 is a stacked bar chart showing students' perceptions of course delivery during the coronavirus lockdown. Local and national lockdowns may mean that providers in those areas may have to do all of their teaching remotely. if they have one protected period per week to observe, do they spend the whole of that free period observing the entirety of another lesson, or can they move between, say, three different lessons. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Target 4.b Expand Higher Education Scholarships for Developing Countries This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The quality of school buildings can help or hinder learning and teaching, a new study claims. 51 The responses collected have been weighted to correct for the under- and overrepresentation of some student groups. How well do pupils collaborate with others? QFT includes differentiated learning, strategies to support SEN pupils’ learning in class, on-going formative assessment and many others. If you want more about learning needs just drop me a request via twitter @aced and i’ll point you in the direction of a great deal of resources. Asking to observe another colleague should never be a difficult request to grant, and as a school leader I have a responsibility to make this happen. Effective learning and teaching is informed through reflective practice and providers enable staff to engage in relevant, timely and appropriate professional development that supports students’ learning and high-quality teaching. 56 OfS, ‘National Student Survey – NSS’, October 2020 ( We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and learning outcome of public schools and bring them at par with private schools, officials said, as reported by PTI.

upgrading the quality of teaching and learning in schools

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