offending them (peeing, cutting a tree), and being cursed. In this project, structured clinical interviews will be conducted with healthy people (practitioners of extreme sports and participants of charismatic prayer groups) and psychiatric patients with a variety of mental disorders, to analyze and compare their personal experiences of depersonalization and derealization. It generally depends on: 1. the depth, of analysis of a single case study; 2. the richness of the, individual cases; 3. how the researcher wants to compare, or contrast single cases; and 4. the pragmatic restric-, tions one is working under. Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona June 5-9, 2017 Big data methods, often referred to as machine learning, statistical learning and data mining, are a collection of statistical techniques capable of finding complex signals in large amounts of data. you know, I may have slept with another woman, who may have, some problems. It is accompanied by walkthrough tutorials on data acquisition, text analysis with latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling, and classification with support vector machines. In this paper, we describe one such, methodological framework which has become increas-. A detailed analysis of, ful data has been collected which allows the researcher. ... book Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners provides examples of SC research materials and a … A practical guide to big data research in psychology. This sample is considered appropriate for an IPA which requires a purposeful, small, quite homogenous sample. Semi-structured, in-, depth, one-on-one interviews are the most popular meth-, od to achieve that, although other alternatives of data, collection can also be used (e.g., diaries, focus groups, let-, ters or chat dialogues). , 220-237. doi: 10.1080/14749730410001700705. These may be, abstract. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, this study enriches existing literature by exploring how self-identified counselor allies to LGBTQ+ communities made meaning of their own ally identity. The aim is to transform notes into emerging themes. Y, nal paper thus includes both the partici-, ected the belief in the invisible sphere of existence, inhabited by gods, demi-gods, spirits or hungry ghosts. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of preschool teachers who have taught, or currently teach, preschool aged children (4–6 years) affected by a parent’s mental illness. The author encourages scholars with a similar, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) has become a popular methodological framework in qualitative psychology. The, researcher should be careful, however, when applying, theories developed in one setting (e.g., western culture), to explain phenomena from a different one. These themes reflected overlapping concepts and included a driving purpose behind each CTE teachers’ instructional practices, an appreciation for the uniqueness of CTE, a declaration that writing is important, and articulated conditions that are necessary for CTE writing. Psychological interventions making use of Big Data. ‘Possession’ relates to change in behaviour and sense of identity, attributed to supernatural forces. It offers a comprehensive introduction for first time researchers right through to thorough and practical advice for those undertaking more advanced work. Referring to indigenous beliefs to conceptualize illness: Using western conceptualizations to explain illness: Trying to rationalize the onset of his illness, Lobsang initially referred to the traditional indigenous beliefs of the culture he represented: I thought that it was the curse of nagas. Grew worried about his symptoms as. By the grace of His Holiness the Dalai Lama I haven’t had any. (2006) The personal experience of, juvenile Huntington’s disease: an interpretative phenom-, enological analysis of parents’ accounts of the primary. Taking the World Values Survey a… meaning they attribute to phenomena). These serpent deities, are very powerful beings, you know, so you have to… you know. Chapter. Psychol Methods, 21(4), 458-474. doi: 10.1037/met0000111. This is valuable, as most journals, impose limitations on paper lengths. A Practical Guide to Big Data Research in Psychology Big data is about the real world, captured in an array of formats, from medical records to texts of speeches to photographs. Five superordinate themes were constructed from data analysis, which were player characteristics, team-first orientation, current performance perceptions, coach characteristics, and coaching structure. This paper reflects on the development of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) as one particular qualitative approach to psychology. This APA Advanced Training Instituteprovides an overview of recent methodological advances in exploratory data mining for the analysis of psychological and behavioral data. For example, one of the authors participated in a study to investigate, the experiences of parents who had a child with Juve-, nile Huntington’s Disease – a seemingly rare condition, (Smith et al., 2006). (1997) the clinical psychology doctoral programmes in, Britain recommend that six to eight participants is ap-, propriate for an IPA study as this size sample gives an, opportunity to examine similarities and differences be-, tween individuals. & Smith, J.A. … Continued: A practical guide to big data research in psychology.