In truth, any dog can become aggressive in certain situations. The Chihuahua likely inflicts more bites per breed than just about any other dog breed. Due to their formidable appearance and trainability, they are becoming an increasingly popular breed amongst police forces. Due to their dominant personalities, Akita’s are known to pick fights with other dogs of the same sex. This, too, can cause the dog to become more aggressive out of fear or a desire to do what he believes is right. Care must be taken to properly socialize and train these breeds under the direction of a confident handler that can assert their dominance. Without proper structure, an Akita is likely to lash out, sometimes aggressively. Unfortunately, countries like the UK have banned this beautiful breed because of perceptions that they are overly aggressive. Highlights: Playful, Protective, Confident. They were, and sometimes still are, bred for their aggression. Here is some additional information on some of the different breeds we have handled cases regarding: However, the reality is that any dog can be dangerous, from the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Mastiff. When choosing a dog as a family pet, it’s critical to understand each individual breed’s traits and their level of … Despite many insurers having a problem with this breed, they can be some of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. However, this cute pup can be quite feisty behind all that fluff. Irish Setter. This canine is as powerful as it is beautiful. They also can act out aggressively if they do not receive enough exercise and have pent up energy to spare. A very popular choice for families with kids and elders, the Basset Hound is a dog … This has little to do with their genetics. In fact, each year there are more than 350,000 dog bite victims who visit emergency rooms, and the cost of losses due to bites exceeds $1 billion per year. They have a high prey drive and prefer to be dominant in the pack, therefore they need a strong leader who enforces boundaries and socializes them regularly. This is not a breed for first-time owners and they require a strong leader and consistent training. Another big problem is when a dog is not properly socialized. In this article, we have explored 19 of the least aggressive dog breeds that you can consider when choosing a pet for your home. American Staffordshire/Pit Bull Terrier … While most boxers are sweet, there are some that have landed on the top 10 list of fatality causing breeds from 2005 to 2017. A knowledgeable dog bite lawyer at Simmons and Fletcher, P.C., can help. It is certainly true that this breed has an exceptionally high prey drive. Chihuahua 2. It is certainly true that a Dogo Argentino should be trained by an experienced handler or else they can show signs of aggression, but that’s no different than many other breeds. If you own a Rottweiler, it is likely that you are accustomed to people crossing the street when they see you coming. 4. If a dog isn’t exposed to things as a puppy, the dog may become fearful of them when older. © 2020 Love Your Dog, All rights reserved. The term “pit bull” is actually not a... 2. It’s important to remember any animal has a level of unpredictability. In contrast, most people think of small and toy breeds as cute, clownish and harmless, but that is not always true. Great … They are known for their speed, prey drive and are considered by some to be quite a dangerous breed. Dangerous Dog Breeds List. Pit Bulls. One should be vigilant when headed to the dog park with a Shiba to make sure she doesn’t start any fights. Bull Terriers do best with owners who are experienced with their breed and can give them proper discipline and love! Extensive socializing and consistent training by experienced owners will produce a well-behaved Doberman Pinscher that is not likely to be more aggressive than any other dog. The Dogo Argentino is a stunning dog: all white and all muscle. They were originally bred to kill vermin, especially those dwelling in tunnels. Poor training, socialization, and improper rewarding of problem behaviors will give any dog the lack of structure it does not desire to be a well balanced and properly behaved canine. Discover the most dangerous dog breed based on attacks and fatalities, which may swing your opinion on why some dog breeds are not as they seem. Pit Bull Terrier. There are many reasons why someone might want to adopt a breed that has a reputation for aggression. Those reputations have been handed down somewhere along the line. Contrary to what some believe, dog attacks do not only occur with dogs thought to be “aggressive dog breeds.”  Any breed can become vicious if the owner is negligent in the raising, training, and/or handling of the dog. They require a confident handler that can assert themselves over this dominant breed. Gangway and Rooftop Walkway Accident Attorneys. It’s important to be diligent and make the right choice for yourself and your family. With too much time on their paws, they can act out in destructive and aggressive ways. In fact, the research shows out of the 35 most common dog breeds, Chihuahuas are actually the most aggressive. These lists have various names depending on the company, such as "excluded dog breeds," "aggressive dog list," "insurance list of dangerous dogs," "prohibited dog breeds," and one … They are a dominant and powerful breed that need a skilled and experienced owner to guide them. There are plenty of other dog breeds that look like wolves with milder temperaments, if wolfy looks are your thing. They have the capability to take down game such as wild boars. Descended from dogs used in ancient Roman warfare, Cane Corsos definitely need consistent training and strong leadership from its owners to curb aggressive tendencies. The breeds listed below are breeds that have either been known to “bite” or are in the top 10 of all breeds in caused fatalities from 2005 to 2017. It’s hard to know if these were all purebred huskies, or just some type of husky mix that were responsible for the fatalities. Dangerous Dogs and Breed | Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. In fact, each year there are more than 350,000 dog … Still, they need quite a bit of training and exercise to get there, so anyone looking to adopt a Ridgeback should be willing to make that commitment and should probably not reside in any sort of confined space. Page Missing or Moved – ONIG Insurance Agency, A Low Risk Investment With Stable Interest, Mexican Consulates in Canada – Sanborn’s Mexico Auto Insurance, You Can Count On Social Security Benefits In Retirement, What to Know About Driving Your Electric Car to Ensenada, Mexico. While most Labradors are sweet family dogs, just like any breed they can become hostile if not trained, socialized and given the proper attention early in their puppyhood. With an animal this size that can be spooked easily, the possibility of accidents where someone gets hurt is much more likely. Regardless of why a dog becomes aggressive, a bite by any breed of dog can have serious consequences and can cause devastating injuries. Chihuahuas are strong-willed, … This adorable and fluffy toy breed is perhaps a surprise to see on a list of the most aggressive dog breeds. English Mastiff. Just because a breed is built well for fighting, doesn’t mean they will fight nor should they. Huskies are ranked in the top 10 of dog breeds that caused fatalities from 2005 to 2017. They are also challenging to train, and are known for being less intelligent than other breeds. However, many Rhodesian Ridgeback’s are beloved family companions whose owners report being gentle and loving. Because there are so many fatalities accredited to this breed, they make the list of most aggressive dog breeds. Houston Whiplash Lawyer | Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. When a human abdicates his/her responsibilities as a pack leader, the dog in the family can start to try to take over the leadership role. Doberman Pinscher 5. “Small but mighty” is the perfect expression for the bold Dachshund. The Rottweiler is a self-confident, intelligent, and very protective dog. Find out below as we talk through 20 different breeds that seem to carry bad reputations. 3. Military Regulation - View the many bases that regulate dangerous dog breeds. The dogs mentioned above are especially … Sadly, all of these are preventable if the owners exercise responsibility in raising their dogs. Bulldog. The Bullmastiff is a breed that has been around for over 100 years now, after having a Mastiff crossed with an English Bulldog. However, they can become territorial and aggressive if not socialized. They are also a highly trainable breed and can perform a wide variety of tasks, which is why they are a popular choice as working dogs. A mastiff breed from Italy, the cane corso has been around for thousands of years. Dog Breeds and Aggressive Tendencies Dogs of all breeds are faithful and loving companions for millions of American families. Rhodesian Ridgeback is an exceptionally impressive canine. When you are as tiny as a Chihuahua, you need to know how to stand your ground and defend yourself. As puppies, dogs should be exposed to a variety of different stimuli they are likely to encounter, from vacuum cleaners to kids on bikes to other dogs. That’s why it’s important to raise this breed with plenty of positive reinforcement training and socialization to encourage them out of their shells. Inadequate training, poor control, and frustration can result in behavior that reads as aggression. If they are shown kindness, love and consistent training, you will have an affectionate and devoted pup that is not likely to pose a threat to you or anyone else. Last Updated: August 31, 2020 | 13 min read. Since most dog bites happen with someone that “knows” the dog, it’s not uncommon for a Bullmastiff to find themselves amongst the plotline of statistics when it comes to dog bites. There’s no doubt this dog is capable of being ferocious and brutal. The Shar Pei is a Chinese breed with a short, wrinkled coat. However, socialization from a young age will be especially important to curb their instinctive territorial aggression. Shih Tzu Aggressive Small Dog Breeds. Probably those who failed to do this were those who contributed to the accidents caused by Dobermans. They are bred as fighting dogs, and therefore, they are highly aggressive and … Also known as an Italian Mastiff, the Cane Corso can reach up to 110 pounds and its physique is definitely powerful and imposing. Take Away. Bull Terrier… He has earned recognition as a Super Lawyer by Thompson Reuters in 2021- 2021, and as a Top 100 Trial Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers Association 2021- 2021. There are actually 4 different types of dogs that fall into the Pitbull breed family, which gives more opportunity for something bad to be credited back to this misunderstood breed. The Bull Terrier is a smart and stocky breed who have a lot of power behind them. Even after hundreds and hundreds of years of breeding, some dog breeds still have issues with aggression … Although proponents of this “breed” say they help with wolf awareness, this is one canine on aggressive dogs lists that I agree with. Pomeranians are also known to be very territorial and act suspiciously and even aggressively towards strangers. Whether a dog is dangerous or not is going to depend upon the training and feedback it receives from its owner. A Saint Bernard’s danger is not with their temperament but with their size. BSL State-by-State - Learn the cities in your state with breed-specific laws. This behavior is likely a method of self-preservation. The tiny Chihuahua may not have the formidable stature of some of the others on this list, but that shouldn’t have you underestimate their ferocity. Great Dane. Ironically, this breed is considered generally quiet and calm. This powerful dog was originally bred to hunt lions and protect African farms from predators. If they feel their owner is threatened, they will defend them ferociously. However, with bad education, it can be an extremely … Are some dog breeds more aggressive or dangerous than others? Because they have so much energy, owners should properly train them as soon as possible.The biggest concern about raising a large dog breed … It has far more due to the fact that many owners with small dogs do not correct problem behavior early. Chow Chow 4. However, I hope this article has proven that these breeds are not “bad” or “evil.” Oftentimes they are simply mistreated, poorly trained, understimulated or misunderstood. This perception is mainly due to the fact that they can sometimes turn on their owners – a trait many other pups on this list do not exhibit. Greyhound. Let’s look at the 20 most likely breeds to be labeled as “dangerous” or “aggressive.”. We truly believe at Love Your Dog that all dogs can be trained properly and live a happy, meaningful life. However, as with most other dogs, the Pomeranian’s defensive and aggressive tendencies can be mitigated by introducing them to many different places, people and animals while they are still young. Don’t underestimate this little dog, they have a lot of spunk and can be a handful if not given proper boundaries and training. We handle cases involving all types of dogs. They fought with soldiers during the war and were considered to be great family protectors. The Chow Chow is widely considered to be one of the most dangerous breeds in the world. These mistakes can be made by even loving pet owners, leading to canine aggression. Dachshund (Standard Smooth) 3. 1. 5 Most Aggressive Dogs by Breed 1. With a name like Wolfdog, it’s not surprising this canine strikes in the mind images of violent wolf packs hunting innocent prey. In truth, a well-trained and socialized Rottweiler can make a wonderful family companion. Although aggressive traits are in the nature of these dog breeds and type of dogs, proper nurture can play a huge role in turning them into loving and loyal companions! They are exceptionally capable guard dogs. Cane Corso already has an appearance of an aggressive dog, and many experts will certainly label this... 3. Boxers have been known to affectionately “box” with their front paws, which is what got them their name in the first place. Rottweiler 7. In fact, these pups are known for being gentle giants with a calm and even timid disposition. The dog’s name roughly translates to “ guardian dog,” and they were originally bred to hunt, battle and … Complete list of AKC recognized dog breeds. (PIT BULLS/DOGS) While many stereotype pit bulls as dangerous and aggressive, a new study proves that in many situations, the nation’s most feared dog is actually just as docile as other dog breeds.. “Small but mighty” is the perfect expression for the bold Dachshund. Generations of breeding Dachshunds to hunt has resulted in a modern-day pup, Beagle Poodle Mix: Poogle Dog Breed Information, Great Pyrenees Mixes: 16 Large Pyrenees Hybrid Dogs, Border Collie Pitbull Mix: Borderbull Breed Information, African Dog Breeds: 11 Canines That Come From Africa. German Shepherd 9. His legal writings have been published by the Texas Bar Journal,, HG Legal Resources,, and others. Makes sense, as this breed has been bred for generations to be menacing guard dogs and have become almost synonymous with our cultural idea of an “aggressive breed.”. Dog owners can and should be held accountable if their dog bites, and a dog bite lawyer at Simmons and Fletcher, P.C., will work with you to make a claim for your losses and damages resulting from the bite. 10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds: Temperament Ratings and Information 1. However, owners that spoil this breed exacerbate this instinct, leading to unwarranted aggression. In a study published in 2008, aggression was divided into four categories: aggression … Shar Pei is a naturally independent, strong-willed and territorial animal. Supporting and strengthening traits such as independence, intelligence, and aggressive tendencies is common among this breed. This can cause behavioral problems in their environment, leading to undesired aggression. With that said, there are breeds with a higher propensity for aggressive tendencies, whether that is due to breeding practices, instincts or simply anatomy. These little dogs have big personalities. They are notorious for being expensive for such a small package. Lack of leadership and lack of physical stimulation means that any well-intentioned dog can end up being aggressive. The Papillon is a beautiful dog – one of my favorite smaller breeds – but it is also one of the most aggressive dog breeds out there and breaking them of that or preventing them from … Wolf Hybrid. If properly socialized, the Husky is an amazing companion. Bull Terriers are known for being devoted companions and can be quite affectionate and playful. If they are not properly trained early on in life, they can become wary of strangers or even friends of the family that come to your home. He is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 2005. Aggression is a trait that any breed can develop. He has been asked to give educational talks and media interviews regarding personal injury law issues. 10. By not giving this breed proper boundaries, obedience training and socialization, they can easily become highly territorial. Basset Hound. While this number is not nearly as high as other breeds, it’s still high enough to land them on the list of most dangerous dog breeds.