A fund manager can have any number of clients. The minimum corpus is Rs20cr and Rs10cr in case of angel investors. Alternative Investment Fund shall provide at least on an annual basis, within the period of 180 days from the year end, reports to investors including the following information, as may be applicable to the Alternative Investment Fund: Category III Alternative Investment Fund shall provide quarterly reports to investors within the period of 60 days at the end of the quarter. Q. Only close-ended funds are in Category I and II AIFs while open-ended funds are in Category III. No segregation is required in AIFs. In case of no majority to extend, the AIF gets liquidated within one year following expiration. The AIFMD and its regulation was transposed within the Investment Services Act in July of 2013. Mobile: 9881156123 On receipt of the application and registration fee as specified, the Board shall grant a certificate of registration in Form B. AIF Regulations sanction the launch of multiple schemes under an AIF without having the separate registration from SEBI subject to filing of Information Memorandum with SEBI. A Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund (QIAIF) is an alternative investment fund regulated in Ireland ideal for investors who have at least €100,000 to invest. (Section 48(1)) (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2015 as amended and Chapter 3 of the AIF Rulebook. On the other hand, AIFs are grouped into three – Category I, II, and III, depending on where the funds are invested. The initial contribution of the fund manager or promoter should be 2.5% or ₹50,000,000, whichever is less (for category 1 and 2) and 5% or ₹100,000,000 for Category 3 AIF This tenure can be further extended by another two years. Opting for licensing of an AIF as an AIFM ... Not Subject to Minimum Capital Requirement. Material risks and how these risks are managed which may include: leverage risk at fund and investee company levels, realization risk (i.e. 1 crore. Since AIF work like mutual funds, by pooling capital, a larger corpus is pooled together. It basically collects the funds from the investors, for investing in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefits of investors; Does not come within the purview of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Collective investment schemes) Regulations, 1999 or the other regulations of the Board for regulating the fund management activities. The sponsor manager shall have Is a privately pooled investment whether Indian or foreign. The Minimum Capital Requirement Report must be signed by a director or a senior manager of the management company. Similarly, an ‘undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities’ or ‘UCITS’ is similar to an AIF in that it is a collective investment vehicle. In PMS, there is no pooling of investor funds. AIF that invest in start-ups or social venture funds, infrastructure funds, SME funds, and so on. change in or divergence from business strategy) at investee company level, reputation risk at investee company level. The minimum corpus of the funds is ₹200,000,000. They are often considered socially viable or economically desirable for the government or regulators. Likewise, the minimum amount for investment is INR 25 lakhs for the senior management like the directors, fund managers and all the people working for the AIF. While PMS has no specific requirements on Manager contribution, AIFs require managers to have continued interest. Same as Category I AIF 5% of the corpus or Rs.10 crore whichever is lower minimum investment contribution by the Sponsor/manager. Landline : 02040068995. What is the minimum investment amount required to invest in an AIF? The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) is a 2011 EU Directive regulating the marketing and management of funds, excluding UCITS funds, within the EU. 00 ), or Rs. However, for angel funds, Investors should be angel investors only; Minimum corpus should be Rs. Minimum Investment The AIF Regulations do not allow an AIF to accept an investment less than INR 1 crore (USD 154,000.00) (“Minimum Investment Amount”) from any investor unless such investor is an employee or a director of the AIF or an employee or director of the manager of the AIF in which case the AIF can accept investments of a minimum value of INR 25 lakh (USD 38,500.00). AIFs combine the operational ease of a mutual fund and the flexibility of a PMS making it a perfect blend geared for generating optimum performance for a stipulated investment objective. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commissions does not impose any restrictions on the type of investment of an AIF with limited numbers of persons. all investments made by AIF & VCFs. EU passporting. 20 Crore.The manager or sponsor/ promoterof the AIF should have a continuing interest in the AIF of not less than 2.5% of the initial corpus or Rs.5 crore whichever is lower. Website: www.aifpms.com However, the investment by AIFs in foreign securities is subject to the following conditions : (a) Prior-approval of SEBI is required for investment; (b) Investments of up to 25% of the investible fund of the scheme of the AIF is allowed; (c) Investments … As per existing AIF regulations, these private investment funds have been divided into 3 unique categories – Category I, Category II and Category III and the minimum qualifying amount for these schemes is Rs. 10 Crores (USD 1,540,000.00) for angel funds; Minimum investment by each investor should be Rs. Instead, the agreement term between a fund manager and an investor is binding. minimum investment contribution by the Sponsor/manager. Angel Funds as defined in the AIF Regulations; AIFs / Schemes with minimum commitment of INR 70 crore from each investor, subject to obtaining a waiver from the investors in the prescribed form. The AIF shall ensure minimum investment in MSME ventures, as stipulated below: (a) If the corpus of the AIF is less than Rs.500 crore: The AIF shall invest twice the contribution made by SIDBI or 50% of drawable corpus of the Fund, whichever is more, in MSME companies, as defined under MSMED Act, 2006 or as per the guidelines stipulated by SIDBI, from time to time. AIFs/Schemes in which each investor commits to a minimum capital contribution of INR 70 crores (USD 10 million or equivalent, in case of capital commitment in non-INR currency) and also provides a waiver to the fund from the requirement of PPM in the SEBI prescribed template and annual audit of the terms of PPM, as provided by the Annexure to CIRCULAR-1. In the case of Category I and II of AIFs, managers should hold at least 2.5% of the corpus, or, Rs. To enhance risk-adjusted performance, these products can use complex strategies like unlisted equity investments, long-short hedging style of investments, etc. At any time, not more than 1000 investors are allowed. 10 crores, whichever is lower. Such period may be extended to one year on approval of at least seventy five percent of the investors by value of their investment in the Alternative Investment Fund. Funds that do not leverage or undertake to borrow other than to meet the operational requirement which does not fall under Categories I and III. Financial information of the investee companies. The maximum number of investors to any AIF scheme cannot exceed 1,000. USD 175,000 from shall be required from each investor in the AIF. In PMS, there is no defined tenure for the securities. However, the industry demand is to bring up the number to 200, in case of angel funds, in parity with the private placement provisions under the Companies Act, 2013; Holding companies within the meaning of section 4 of the Companies Act, 2013, Other Special Purpose Vehicle which are not established by the fund managers including the securitization trusts, regulated under a specific regulatory framework, Funds which are managed by the registered securitization company or the reconstruction company. Ltd. is an India centric, multi-asset alternative investment firm focused on Portfolio management services, public equity both listed and unlisted, private debt structure products, venture capital, and real estate AIF’s. Q. The accumulated corpus is useful in achieving set investment objectives. Category III Alternative Investment Funds shall make sure that the calculation of the net asset value (NAV) is independent from the fund management function of the Alternative Investment Fund and such NAV shall be disclosed to the investors at the intervals which is not longer than a quarter for close ended Funds and at intervals not longer than a month for open ended funds. extra financial risks, including environmental, social and corporate governance risks, at fund and investee company level. For Category III AIFs, a manager should hold at least 5% of the corpus, or, Rs. The application for the grant of certificate shall be made in Form A as specified along with the non-refundable application fee. In certain instances, the Directive may require more frequent reporting on an AIF than its AIFM and vice versa. In case of no majority to extend, the AIF gets liquidated within one year following expiration. Past performance does not guarantee future results and there is no assurance that the managed accounts will necessarily achieve its objectives. The fund or any scheme of the fund cannot have more than 1000 investors and each Scheme should have a corpus of Rs. The above requirements shall be applicable with effect from 1 … A separate Demat account needs to be created for every independent PMS investor. 5.3 Format of Returns 1. change in exit environment) at fund and investee company levels, strategy risk (i.e. Category I and Category II Alternative Investment Funds shall undertake the valuation of their investments, at least once in every six months, by an independent valuer appointed by the Alternative Investment Fund. SECTION 1 – INITIAL CAPITAL PLUS ADDITIONAL AMOUNT 50 lakh is required for PMS. These are defined as institutional investors, professional investors, and investors who have confirmed in writing that they adhere to the “well-informed” investor status, and who either invest a minimum of EUR 125,000 in the SIF or have been assessed by a credit institution, investment firm or management company which certifies the investors’ expertise, experienc… A minimum investment of approx. The AIFM Law defines “carried interest” as a share in the profits of the AIF accrued to the AIFM as compensation for the management of the AIF and excluding any share in the profits of the AIF accrued to the AIFM as a return on any investment by the AIFM into the AIF. Alternative Investment Fund or AIF means any fund established or incorporated in India which is a privately pooled investment vehicle which collects funds from sophisticated investors, whether Indian or foreign, for investing it in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors. 4. The only exception to this rule is angel funds that have lower qualifying criteria in … 20 Crores (USD 3,080,000.00) for each scheme and Rs. Typically Hedge Funds fall in this category. There is no cap specified on the number of investors for PMS. This is an important point to consider when trying to understand the difference between PMS and AIF. Investors can be Indian, NRI or foreign. Please check that the information in the fields here below is correct. The minimum investment from one person is ₹10,000,000. The relevant thresholds are: (i) €500 million, provided the AIF is not leveraged and investors have no redemption rights for the first five years; or (ii) €100 million (including assets acquired through leverage). Investing Involves Risk. Further, certain exemptions from registration are provided under the AIF Regulations to family trusts set up for the benefit of ‘relatives‘ as defined under Companies Act, 1956, employee welfare trusts or gratuity trusts set up for the benefit of employees, ‘holding companies‘ within the meaning of Section 4 of the Companies Act, 1956, etc. Where the investors are employees or directors of the AIF or of the fund manager, minimum investment of USD 43,000 shall be obtained. There are however no minimum investment requirement on units of AIF issued to the employees of the manager for profit sharing; Maximum number of investors can be 1000 for each scheme and 49 in case of angel funds. All AIFs are required to be registered under any one of the above mentioned categories. 1 crore. Funds that undertake diverse or complex trading strategies including investment in listed or unlisted derivatives. Currently, the limit for overseas investment for SEBI registered AIFs & Venture Capital Funds (VCF) is USD 750 million i.e. Therefore it is possible to submit these returns at different frequencies. Address In AIF, the tenure of the securities for Category I and II is a minimum of three years. AIF may raise money from any investor whether Indian, foreign, or of Non-Resident Indian (NRI). 1 Crore (USD 154 ,000. Investment in a SIF is limited to “well-informed” investors that are able to adequately assess the risks associated with an investment in such a vehicle. PwC Legal UCITS PMS investors have the choice to withdraw funds at any point in time. Content Options Content Options. 20 crores. AIF & PMS Advisors India Pvt.