Während seines Aufenthalts auf Leti-Insel als kommandierender Offizier 1714–1720 berichtete der Erfurter Ostindien-Reisende und Autor Ernst Christoph Barchewitz über die Trauer eines Dugongmännchen nachdem sein Weibchen gefangen und getötet worden war [...]Einsmals sahe ich zwey grosse Dugungs oder See-Kühe, die kamen gantz nahe bey den Felsen an meinem Lust … What happens to stranded whales? DUGONG. Dugongs are an important ecological species along the Isaac coastline, primarily feeding on sea grass. The dugongs are endangered, by many accidents, such as getting hit by boats or getting trapped and drowned in fishing nets. It is a problem facing most animals on the brink of extinction, such as rhinos, and it is an issue because a species needs a wide range of healthy DNA in a population to be able to cope with any changes it might face in the future. She used 14 different museum collections, taking DNA samples from the bones or teeth of 162 dugongs. Night Parrots are small ground-dwelling nocturnal … Dugongs (also known as sea-cows) are large marine mammals that are herbivores, mainly feeding on seagrass. All four living species are vulnerable to extinction from habitat loss and other negative impacts related to human population growth and coastal development. The type of analysis that Stephanie did is called phylogeography. Dugongs are classified as ‘Vulnerable’. Also entanglement in fishing wire and nets, coastal development and pollution is a … They are sometimes referred to as ‘sea cows’ because they feed almost exclusively on sea grass. We use them to help improve our content, personalise it for you and tailor our digital advertising on third-party platforms. It is a way of studying how and why populations of animals and plants are spread across a certain area, done by looking at the genetics of those organisms. Find out what it takes to get the most challenging underwater shots for Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Dugongs are an aquatic mammal. "Manatees and dugongs, also known as sea cows, are endangered species belonging to the scientific Order Sirenia. Dugongs are cousins of manatees and share a similar plump appearance, but have a dolphin fluke-like tail. On the east coast of Queensland, we estimate that each year commercial gillnetting entangles around 50 of these majestic animals, so it's a significant threat to declining populations. Historically, they have lived along almost all the coasts of the Indian Ocean, and around some islands in the Pacific. Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's. Dugongs are more closely related to elephants than to other marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. Richard Sabin, Principal Curator of Marine Mammals at the Museum, says, 'The dugong samples from the mammal collection in the Life Sciences department made a substantial contribution to the overall study. Dugongs are large marine mammals found throughout the Indo-Pacific region and the eastern parts of Africa. In the southern province of Trang, along the untouched Andaman coast, some of Thailand’s best-kept secrets are easily accessible from Anantara Si Kao Resort. Night Parrot Critical. "Dugongs are protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and are considered vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN)'s Red List," Spolarich says. DISTRIBUTION: DUGONG: Surveys conducted from 2004 to 2018 reveals that the population is within the limits of standard deviation, hence stable. Alongside a drop in their numbers comes the risk of a loss of genetic diversity. Saving endangered dugongs Passion, Serenity . Image: Ruth Hartnup via Flickr. When in the ocean Dugongs eat large amounts of seagrass and other aquatic plants. They can consume up to 40 kilograms of seagrass in a day. Phylogeography is a relatively new way of studying nature, because it relies on DNA analysis, which has become much easier since the 1970s. Read More. World Wildlife Fund Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax ID number 52-1693387) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Dugongs are endangered because sharks, crocodiles and killer whales hunt them for food. One of their closest relatives, the Steller's sea cow, has already been hunted into extinction. The oldest specimen she used dates back to 1827. Dugongs can grow up to three metres in length and weigh over 500 kilograms! This makes the conservation of their shallow water marine habitat very important. Australia is a signatory to both these conventions. Join us to make change. Make a symbolic dugong adoption to help save some of the world's most endangered animals from extinction and support WWF's conservation efforts. Dugongs have very few natural predators thanks to their massive size, tough skin, dense bone structure, and rapidly clotting blood. Some of these diseases are infectious or parasitic and include pneumonia, pancreatitis, and dermatitis. 'Recent studies have also shown that seagrasses, along with mangroves, are important in removing carbon from the atmosphere and oceans, and this so-called "blue carbon" is important in mitigating climate change. Sharks, crocodiles, and killer whales, however, feed on juvenile dugongs. Conservationists want to preserve different populations of dugongs and increase their chances of being able to adapt to ocean changes in the future. How endangered are Dugongs Today, all four living species are listed as endangered by the IUCN. There are two dugongs located in the Sydney Aquarium and are 2 out of 4 kept in captivity in the world. Dugongs have long been associated with myths and legends – the Ark of the Covenant was reputedly protected by dugong hide, and early sightings have led to the legend of mermaids. But some populations could be in a critical condition. Today, all four living species are listed as endangered by the IUCN [2]. They can be found in the waters of about 43 countries along the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. Threats to Dugongs. Dugongs are susceptible to a wide range of diseases. Dugongs are threatened by sea grass habitat loss or degradation because of coastal development or industrial activities that cause water pollution. Dugongs. ', Stephanie found that dugongs around Madagascar were particularly threatened - more so than previously thought.Â. You must be over the age of 13. Stephanie looked into the genetic history of dugongs across their original range. Dugong Threats – Are Dugongs Endangered? Commercial gillnet fishing is a major threat to dugongs along Australia’s eastern coastline. We are open! Book your free ticket in advance. For decades, the Great Barrier Reef has enjoyed World Heritage Status and been synonymous with diving, tourism and with Australia. Commercial gillnet fishing is a major threat to dugongs. The IUCN lists the dugong as a species vulnerable to extinction, while the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species limits or bans the trade of derived products. Dugongs help fight climate change by protecting seagrass meadows. They can grow to 3m and weigh 500 kgs. The greatest threat today, however, is no longer from hunting, but, especially for the Caribbean manatee, from pleasure craft that can inflict serious injuries on the animals with their propellers when they are run over. The greatest threat today, however, is no longer from hunting, but, especially for the Caribbean manatee, from pleasure craft that can inflict serious injuries on the animals with their propellers when they are run over. Commercial and local fishing, that occurs close to the coast, with nets is also a great threat to dugongs. These are nursery areas for many fish species and thus important for food security in the region. Professor Juliet Brodie explains why seaweed forests are so important to coastlines all over the world. Stephanie also found that there isn't much gene flow between some populations of dugong in different regions. 'Thanks to the availability of samples from all of the museum reference collections used, the researchers were able to obtain genetic sequences from 172 individual animals throughout the entire historic range of the dugong. Information includes: Where: The majority of dugongs live in the northern waters of Australia between Shark Bay and Moreton Bay. Dugongs are herbivores, relying on seagrass that grows in shallow ocean water - a fragile habitat that is under threat from fishing activities and human occupation. They have long been hunted as a source of food and oil and this has threatened their numbers. Although commercial hunting of Dugongs has been banned, Dugongs are still listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List due to habitat loss through coastal development as well as water pollution caused by industrial activities. Dugongs live in sea-grass beds in shallow coastal waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Visit GBRMPA Marine Turtles to find out more. But in June of this year, UNESCO threatened to downgrade the Great Barrier Reef to the World Heritage ‘In Danger’ list; a category populated predominantly by war-torn and developing nations. In other words, it is a drastic shrinking of the gene pool. Commonly known as "sea cows," dugongs graze peacefully on sea grasses in shallow coastal waters of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. It is hoped that this research can feed into a reassessment of how dugongs are protected in the future. Discover where the real and wizarding worlds intertwine, and how the wonders of the natural world have inspired myths, legends and magical creatures for generations.  . She found unique and previously unidentified dugong lineages in the Indian Ocean - meaning it is likely there were once even more unique lineages that have already disappeared. Dugongs prefer shallow, tropical marine coastal waters where the waters are calm, such as bays and lagoons. Speak up for species and places through WWF's Action Center. The greatest danger to dugongs is due to human impact. The final decision should be made in 2015. In circumstances like this, museum collections can step in to help plug the knowledge gap. We use cookies to make your online experience sweeter. Dugongs inhabit shallow, tropical waters throughout the Indo-Pacific region, in warm shallow areas where seagrass is found. Endangered Species. Often, researchers can tell if populations of animals have migrated, or been split in two by continents moving. But the animals are suffering pressures on their coastal habitat, and in many places their numbers are plummeting. Dugongs are widly spread from place to place. Bandicoot Endangered. Dugongs in der Literatur. They are found in the Indian Ocean from eastern Africa to Northern Australia. They are also threatened by pollution, poor water quality and collision with boats. She says, 'We need dugongs as they are important for maintaining healthy seagrass meadows. Dr Stephanie Plön, a researcher at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa, led the latest DNA study on the animals, which is published in PLOS ONE. Dugongs are herbivores, relying on seagrass that grows in shallow ocean water - a fragile habitat that is under threat from fishing activities and human occupation. One or two individual dugong live in Abu Dabab bay south of Marsa Alam, and because dugong tend not to stray from small areas, the Abu Dabab dugong have become minor celebrities in the world of diving and snorkeling.