California Bar Exam February 2020 Pass Rate, Toucans are not on the list of endangered species, however illegal pet trade among humans does affect toucan numbers. But humans are also endangering bats, through habitat loss and use of pesticides. Through a process dubbed “reverse zoonotic transmission”, scientists worry SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, could jump from humans to marine mammals. Reasons for that may include various types of conflicts with humans, poaching to trade them, and … That is—mass extinctions of the “links in the chain” of life. This is important, because most of the food we eat is pollinated by bees (directly or indirectly), according to EcoWatch, but the real danger to bees is not fellow insects—it’s US. But extinction or, at best, mass misery, need not be humanity’s fate. There are more. Furthermore, numerous movements have succeeded, on occasion, in securing a more equitable distribution of wealth and a reduction in discrimination. Although we may not always see them, bats are hard at work all around the world each night – eating thousands of insects, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that grow new plants and trees.”. For one, they’re closely related to humans. Considered with the kind of objective methods employed by biologists to describe other animals, humans emerge as a most peculiar kind of primate. (Part 1), First Georgia Senate Runoff Poll Shows Surprising Numbers. Extreme heat, drought, storms, floods, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels are wreaking havoc on an unprecedented scale. Direct spraying can quickly lead to the death of bats. These plants include bananas, mangoes, avocados, date, and figs. In response to the looming catastrophe, the editors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently placed the hands of their famous “Doomsday Clock” at 100 seconds to midnight―the most dangerous setting in its 73-year history. After all, the world is currently engulfed in a coronavirus pandemic that has already infected more than 12.5 million people, taken more than 550,000 lives, and created massive economic disruption. To successfully battle pandemics, it will be essential to create a far stronger public health system, accessible to everyone. If all animals disappeared, humans would have very much trouble surviving. As humans, we are, of course, most concerned with our own survival. Some people laugh at efforts to save species, such as “the spotted owl,” but in fact, we do need each other. The infants—three males and one female— are Grevy’s zebras, the world’s most endangered zebra species. April 19th, 2020 by Johnna Crider . The conservation of endangered species is important for humans as well. Why should we assume that we are incapable of responding to today’s crises? Since this species is known for its role in agriculture, the blame is often placed on the ag industry for Colony Collapse Disorder, specifically related pesticide use. In fact, the National Wildlife Federation gives us ten reasons why we should love bats. Working together, physicians and other scientists have either eradicated or dramatically reduced the range of numerous diseases, including smallpox, polio, guinea worm, malaria, and measles. They are, however, classified as vulnerable, meaning their numbers have been declining, especially during the 20th century. On Earth Day, your purchase can help save human lives. In a foreword to the study, UN Secretary General António Guterres declared that the world is confronting “the harsh realities of a deeply unequal landscape,” characterized by “a vicious cycle of inequality, frustration, and discontent.”  Feeding on popular fears and anxieties, racism and xenophobia are on the rise. Bees pollinate crops ranging from apples to zucchini. He belonged to the J pod, a group of endangered killer whales known as the southern residents. According to a UN study, released in January 2020, 70 percent of the world’s people suffer from growing economic inequality. When they encounter honeybees, their attack starts with a “slaughter phase” in which they serially bite the heads off bees with their large mandibles. They occupy the honeybee nest for up to a week or longer, feeding on the pupae and larvae. They have shown great intelligence, displaying altruism by sharing food, using tools and saving them for future tasks. They also carry no diseases communicable to humans, they do not smell and they are extremely clean. . Who Might Replace Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker? Large … We were able to safely... read more, eradicated or dramatically reduced the range of numerous diseases, fostered nuclear arms control and disarmament treaties, Op-Ed: Talking about Parenting – A gift means more when it has history, Bobcats absorb first loss on road at Buna, Bears put the hurt on Kountze in big road rout, OP-ED: Talking about parenting: Plans can change in an instant, OP-ED: From WOCCISD superintendent: A hidden jewel, OP-ED: THE IDLE AMERICAN: Stew Gets No Better, Orange County Sheriff’s Office Beat 11.23-11.29.20, Vidor man indicted for two counts of assault in retaliation, Orange County Sheriff’s Office Beat 11.16-11.22.20, OCSO investigates fire and death of a child, Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School Honor Roll 2nd 6 weeks 2020, Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School Honor Roll 2nd 6 weeks 2020, Mauriceville Middle School Honor Roll 2nd 6 weeks 2020, Little Cypress Junior High Honor Roll 2nd 6 weeks 2020, Shop small businesses to improve the holiday experience, Chamber kicks off #Orangecountycashmob to support shopping local, VIDEO: Governor Abbott Encourages Texans To Participate In Small Business Saturday, Conrad Shipyard receives ISO 9001:2015 recertification, Conrad Industries announces Third Quarter 2020 Results and Backlog, A Western Swing Spring Fling set for April, Siddiq to host delayed TASIMJAE winning show, Nov. 5, Fabulous Equinox Orchestra Hurricane Recovery Benefit Concert Postponed, FAITH: Hope for Today- Christmas and the Pursuit of Truth, The Postscript: A big, ridiculous goal brings the return of routine, OrangeYouBold: A DIY Christmas Tree from a reader. On World Wildlife Day 2020, here are 7 wildlife species that went extinct in 2019: Because humans shouldn't be the next endangered species. Found mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Cross River gorillas inhabit a territory surrounded by people and have slowly had their habitat taken away. If one goes down, we may all go–and humans are not above it all. Unfortunately, you may have heard of “white nose syndrome,” which is killing many bats. Blueberries and almonds are almost entirely dependent on them. EcoWatch considers global warming the greatest threat to survival of life on the planet, as we noted, but number two is the loss of biodiversity. . Chris Kovatch In the midst of all the COVID craziness, summer has been speeding by. Most of us are irrationally frightened of them, because they’re nocturnal, we have little contact, and when we do, we hear screeching, and can’t really see them flying speedily by. In addition, defying all reason, nations persist in arming themselves for a nuclear war that will destroy virtually all life on earth. . More than 8,000 scientists who are affiliated with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have composed a list of 100 most endangered species worldwide. As we go back to work, we should remember that. Nik Money • May 25, 2017. But the world is a “closed system,” meaning that nothing is added or subtracted—all the parts have to work together to maintai ... Is humanity beyond the question of becoming an "endangered species" or are we still in danger of becoming the next entry on the list. On Dec. 20, 2016, Doublestuf's body was towed to … Then, the hornets shift to feeding. Crops are often sprayed in early evening, when bats are active. Human activity is responsible for massive extinctions of countless species on Planet Earth. . But we would have to be dislocated from reality not to notice that something is wrong―very wrong. After all, disease pandemics, climate catastrophe, nuclear war, and economic and social inequality are global problems that require global solutions. ( Read about COVID-19’s impact on the animal kingdom so far .) Currently, they are not officially considered endangered. . Though the bees have been observed stinging the would-be invaders, it appears to have no effect on these wasps. Ever wondered about an animal whose DNA is 97% similar to that of humans, well its Orangutan for you. ... Gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos are the four species of great apes, which possess DNA that is closest to humans. Tarantulas can live up to 30 years. The list was presented at the World Conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea. Enter your email address to get the latest 2020 Election news sent instantly to your inbox! Goethe Behr is a Contributing Editor and Moderator at Election Central. Sure Looks Like Biden Will Be the Next President, Election Day 2020: Live Results Open Thread, Full Video: Watch the GOP ‘Voters First Forum’. If strict actions are not taken, scientists fear these species could be extinct by 2020. One is bees. This balance is difficult to maintain: the loss of one species often triggers the loss of others. . It's predicted that 11% of animals worldwide will be endangered by 2050; Study shows that humans are the leading cause of animal extinction ... 2010 and the predicted population sizes for 2020 … Humans have a history of hunting manatees, but today, manatees are more threatened by human ignorance and carelessness than deliberate predation. Bats have been documented eating bugs that attack pecans, almonds, rice, cotton, corn, coffee, sugarcane, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. According to a UN study, released in January 2020, 70 percent of the world’s people suffer from growing economic inequality. Well, in the worst one, 250 million years ago, 96 percent of ocean life and 70 percent of land life perished. (Part 2), Was The Fourth of July Really ‘Independence Day’? . Even if these conditions are met, however, another challenge remains, for implementing these kinds of changes necessitates action on a worldwide basis. When species become endangered, it is a sign of an ecosystem's imbalance. For the full article: Humans Are an Endangered Species: Will They Act to Save Themselves? According to an ANI report, at least three to four wildlife species have gone extinct due to desertification in India in 2019. If we don’t melt ourselves into extinction, another possible route to end times is partly a byproduct of climate change: loss of biodiversity. Although there is not much time left before the world succumbs to one or more catastrophes, human beings have been able to alter their behavior and institutions. Sure, the rightwing, nationalist rulers of many countries never stop telling us that they have made their nations “great” again. According to a UN study, released in January 2020, 70 percent of the world’s people suffer from growing economic inequality. This blame is misguided, however, according to many reports. In a broader sense, the term "endangered" is used to describe species listed as Vulnerable, Endangered, and Critically Endangered. Humans are not endangered, yet. Likewise, the Kangaroo Island dunnart was listed as critically endangered before it lost 95% of its habitat in the devastating 2019-2020 bushfires. There are an estimated 1,864 pandas left… The health of an ecosystem is maintained by its plants and animals. .Within 90 minutes, a small group of Asian hornets can destroy an entire colony’s workers this way. for both water and insect foraging. According to the IUCN Red List, 5 species and 6 subspecies of dolphins are endangered. Read more about threats to grasslands here. Even if these disastrous developments fail to snuff out the human race, plenty of mass misery can be expected from the rising economic and social inequality occurring around the globe. .Bats pollinate over 700 plants, some of which we use for food and medicine. Like many endangered animals, their decline is mostly due to poaching, habitat loss, disease, and human conflict. As the director general of the World Health Organization remarked in late June, the greatest threat to humanity from the coronavirus is not the virus itself, but “the lack of global solidarity” in dealing with it. As humans, we are, of course, most concerned with our own survival. By dispersing seeds, bats are helping rebuild rainforests that humans have cut down. Election Models Choke on Coronavirus Data Points. Deforestation has caused Cross River gorillas to become endangered animals. From the abolition of slavery to the creation of public education, the banning of child labor, the guaranteeing of old age security, the legalization of unions, the recognition of women’s rights, and the defense of gay rights, previously unimaginable changes have been promoted and implemented. Not only are industrial pollutants poisoning the air, the water, and the land as never before, but climate change is making the planet uninhabitable. It’s common knowledge that bats eat a tremendous amount of insects—including many insects that are dangerous to humans; but like bees, bats are also important for pollination. Some experts say they’re responsible for one of every three bites of food we eat. The news has been full of worry about an invasive enemy. Colony collapse disorder has wiped out millions of hives over the past decade, with pesticide use, parasites and poor nutrition eyed as likely culprits. . Critically endangered animals are the species that are at a high risk of extinction and need to be protected. As long as they are not classified as protected or endangered, tarantula aficionados can keep whichever one they fancy. . Long the face of the conservation movement, giant pandas were upgraded from “endangered” to “vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Endangered Species In September 2016. And the pandemic is accelerating, while, according to scientists, new and more terrible diseases are in the offing. . He added:  “We cannot defeat this pandemic with a divided world.”  Much the same could be said about overcoming the other onrushing disasters. He has been a political junkie since the 1950s and enjoys adding a historical perspective. As many as 50 percent of the hives in the U.S. and Europe have collapsed in the past 10 years. Humans feeding wild animals without careful plans can cause them to become dangerously habituated to humans and change their behavior. We need to get a handle on the toxic chemicals we use to grow food. The Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis, is an endangered … It’s easier to empathize with species that work more directly for our survival—especially if they’re cute. . Published 12:40 am Wednesday, July 15, 2020. In fact, The World Wildlife Federation offers a whole list (two full pages) of the “most” endangered species. But as his research progressed, the data began to reveal that humans could be a vector, spreading the disease to wild animals. Or, as Rodney King said, “I just want to say – you know – can we all get along?”. Combatting climate change will almost certainly require challenging the vast power of the fossil fuel industry. OK, bees and bats are dying due to human activity. That’s just two, right? . The Canadian Wildlife Federation says “Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy. Another problem is that bats are being blamed for Covid-19, but we would only be hurting ourselves if we were to attack bats. People commonly wound and kill … But the world is a “closed system,” meaning that nothing is added or subtracted—all the parts have to work together to maintain life as we know it. Based on their feedback, we reduced the final candidate list to 39 bird and 21 mammal species for 1993–2020, and 23 bird and 17 mammal species for 2010–2020. Are humans an endangered species? And humans can stop it. . Similarly, critics of the nuclear arms race and wise statesmen have fostered nuclear arms control and disarmament treaties and helped prevent nuclear war. And when it comes to securing greater economic and social equality, limiting corporate greed, taxing the rich, and reducing deep-seated prejudices remain imperative. Life on earth is like a set of dominoes. . Was The Fourth of July Really ‘Independence Day’? . By moving seeds away from the parent plant, bats allow these seeds to grow in an area where they’ll be more likely to grow without competition from the parent plant. . Wrong. In fact, more than 300 tropical plants depend on bats for seed dispersal and pollination. Learn more about the species we are working to protecting from becoming endangered or extinct. Have you noticed recently that things are collapsing? Our babies seem no smarter than other apes, but by the time we are toddlers the differences are profound. Critically Endangered The next mass extinction may have already begun.” What would that be like? Humans are causing a mass extinction. Unlike dogs, there are no human-made breeds of spiders. Environment News Service reported as far back as 1999 that, “the current extinction rate is now approaching 1,000 times the background rate [what would be considered the normal rate of extinction] and may climb to 10,000 times the background rate during the next century, if present trends continue [resulting in] a loss that would easily equal those of past extinctions.”. Dr. Lawrence Wittner, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is Professor of History emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting the Bomb (Stanford University Press). World Wildlife Day 2020: 14 Endangered Species Threatened by Human Activity. The major reasons leading to the loss of population for both Sumatran and Bornean species are palm oil plantation, fires and poaching. Publicly threatening nuclear war and casting aside or rejecting major nuclear arms control and disarmament treaties, the nuclear powers are currently engaged in an extensive nuclear weapons buildup, with the U.S. government alone planning to spend at least $1.5 trillion on this project. Recently scientists estimated that bats in the United States have save us somewhere between $3.7 and 54 billion in pest control services every year. According to IUCN, as of 2020, 6,811 species are critically endangered. This June, the temperature in the Arctic reached 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit―the hottest on record. The listing change followed a 17% increase in the population in China from 2004 to 2014. ... 13 November 2020… Read about why you shouldn't feed your backyard wildlife. In the tropics, fruit and nectar eating bats are important for dispersing seeds and pollinating flowers. To avert nuclear war, it will probably be necessary to both ban nuclear weapons and create a stronger international security system. Although, the honey bee isn’t on the endangered list, many are still under the impression that they soon will go extinct. We’ve always stood for defending the world’s most vulnerable species. Endangered species scored a win against the Keystone XL … Have you noticed recently that things are collapsing? There are at least 36 known species of dolphins and a few more different subspecies. An extensive analysis done by The Washington Postand published in 2017 show bee num… The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a major environmental report released in 2005, reported 10-30 percent of mammals, birds and amphibians on the planet are in danger of extinction due to human activity, which includes deforestation (resulting in habitat destruction), CO2 emissions (resulting in acid rain), over-exploitation (such as overfishing the oceans), and invasive species introduction (like boa constrictors in the Florida Everglades). As we begin to fire up the economy again, we should consider how our actions are killing many of the species on which our very lives depend. WWF is committed to saving endangered species. This means they are at an elevated risk for extinction. A lot of other wildlife species in India also fell into the Critically Endangered category due to climate change. They then feed it to their own young. These extremely patient, intelligent and observant great apes are critically endangered. Another species in danger is—BATS. European honeybees (Apis mellifera), the most widespread commercial pollinators, have no known defense against Asian giant hornets. Many bats depend on riparian areas (riverbanks, lakeshores, etc.) Let’s hope they will rouse themselves and do so again. The Endangered Dolphins. For instance, National Geographic discusses “Murder Hornets.”. Researchers are hoping to use the opportunity to get a better handle on the language of Australia’s endangered Burrunan dolphins. . Deforestation affects bat species that rely on forests for roosting and foraging. Of course, the changes necessary to cope with today’s crises will not be obtained easily. Hundreds of species are on the brink of extinction due to the threats caused by human practices. . He started out posting during the 2008 election, became more active during 2012, and very active in 2016. Responding to climate change activism, scientists and engineers have developed methods to utilize solar and wind power to replace fossil fuels. 782 Words By Lawrence Wittner. Will Biden Really Pick Amy Klobuchar as VP? Fri 30 Oct 2020 11.44 EDT Last modified on Fri 30 Oct 2020 13.29 EDT Humans are killing the endangered North Atlantic right whale far faster than … Date: July 12,13,14,15,16,21,22,2020 782 Words. Moreover, we are now experiencing a rapidly-growing environmental catastrophe. If our practices kill insects and birds that make it possible to grow crops, we’re defeating their purpose and putting ourselves and the rest of nature at risk. Humans & Endangered Species: 1, Keystone XL: 0. Thanks to very substantial advances in knowledge over the centuries, plus the efforts of creative thinkers and determined reform movements, human beings have shown a remarkable ability to confront challenges and to improve the human condition. According to a UN study, released in January 2020, 70 percent of the world’s people suffer from growing economic inequality. At the time of writing (June 2020), there are only around 150 to 180 adult Cross River Gorillas left in the wild. The only one that isn’t is the Mountain Gorilla, a subspecies of the Eastern Gorilla, which is considered Endangered. New genetic studies shows humans were as rare as chimpanzees 1.2 million years ago ... for endangered species such as chimpanzees (21,000) and gorillas (25,000).