Synonyms of anxiety include concern, disquiet, hysteria, uneasiness, worry, nervousness, apprehension, fretfulness, fear, angst, trepidation, panic, fright, alarm, dread, tenseness, and misgiving. In the days before surgery Lynn voiced very little nervousness regarding her impending procedure. She started taking serotonin inhibitors and this assisted her in dealing with the anxiety symptoms. Although her job as a homemaker took up most of her time, she occasionally found time for herself to exercise, rest, or do some other activity that allowed her to focus on herself. When an individual’s anxiety interferes with their everyday life, it is then referred to as an anxiety disorder. Lynn required only one does of post-operative pain mediation and was sent home the same day without complication. Anxiety is meant to be a short-lived experience. Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, Anxiety Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment, The Most Effective Treatment For Anxiety Disorders, Psychological Disorders in the Little Mermaid,, Get your custom Through the use of anxiety as a concept, this paper will serve as an example of how empirical referents, symptom analysis and other aspects of the paper can be applied to specific medical cases. Christine has always known that she is different from the rest. Free Anxiety Essays and Papers. Those who have phobias also depict certain peculiar characteristics at the late stage. Also, such a person may appear tired all the time, they may begin depending on drugs to cope with their anxiety and some of them may centre their lives around that thing that they worry about. It should be noted that one form of anxiety disorder can create other forms. Anxiety is what you feel before a big game or an important test. CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF ANXIETY Concept Analysis of Anxiety Concept Analysis of Anxiety Introduction Cognitive therapy is a very widespread and productive pattern of remedy for disquiet, but may disagree substantially from persevering to persevering due to co-morbid psychiatric disorders that are affiliated with anxiety. She immediately made an appointment with her doctor who recommended that she have a mammogram. She was a homemaker who took care of three children. Anxiety is a fact of life (Peeke, 2003). For those individuals with panic attacks, then the symptoms begin to be more dominant in this scenario, one might feel dizzy or nauseous. Left unaddressed anxiety can have extremely detrimental effects on an individual’s health and well being including psychological problems (i. e. clinical anxiety) and physical problems (i. e. high blood pressure) (M. Gill-Shut, personal communication, October 20, 2010). In other words, one analyzes the psychotic symptoms depicted by the patient. The mass was found to be benign. For instance, if one was obsessed about personal hygiene, then they may take three hours to prepare for work every day. In close relation to this, is the need to asses a patient’s risk of suicide. Definition. At you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. She was taken in to pre-op still very upset about the event. Physiological anxiety does not require an antecedent event. Consequences of anxiety can have extremely detrimental effects on the body (Tefera & Tomao, 2010). Healthcare concept: Anxiety on Digital Data Paper - Stock Illustration(No.28500600). The mammogram revealed a mass measuring 20 mm in diameter in Mary’s right breast. Auden. Pencil broken. In Mary’s case she was a healthy individual who had never needed surgery. Anxiety: A Concept Analysis Rebecca Grinsell Dr. Bouhaidar Nsg 5002 South University Anxiety Measurement tools References Beck Anxiety Inventory Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) Overall Anxiety Severity And Impairment Scale (OASIS) There are many tools and scales to Preliminaries 2.1 Concept of study anxiety Previous studies found that anxiety affected on students’ academic performance. In certain circumstances, that person may begin recording other mental difficulties even when those difficulties had been non –existent before. He began experiencing panic attacks five years ago. The type of psychology you conducted about also determine how much detail you writing need to include in the description of your methods. If you have some good psychology topics in mind and are confused about which one to decide, conduct research. Anxiety Anxiety is both psychological and physiological in nature and is characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. Besides these symptoms, George has begun registering high blood pressure., terms Being a sales man means that he constantly has to meet deadlines. Additionally, the research will also be very helpful in demystifying treatment of anxiety disorders. He feels that he may not be able to secure a future for his family if he looses his jobs or if he passes away. if they were attacked by an armed robber, then chances are that that person may develop an excessive fear of another attack. & Lampe, L., (2003): The treatment of anxiety disorders; Cambridge University Press, Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada (2003): Mental Health and Mental Illness; Science and Technology Report, 12, 58, Canadian Psychiatric Association (2004): Achieving and sustaining remission in depression and anxiety disorders, CJP report, 49, 3, Craske, M., & Barlow, D. (2000): Mastery of your anxiety and panic; Graywind Publications- Psychological Corporation, Hofmann, S. & Barlow, D. (1999): The costs of anxiety disorders: Implications for Psychosocial Interventions; Oxford University Press, Kearney, C., Allan, W., Albano, A., Barlow, D. & Eisen, A. Because of Mary’s recent behavioral changes, Mary’s mother came to take care of her and the children. Elevated blood pressure, a dysfunctional immune response, and overall burnout are some examples. This may negatively impact a person’s happiness and/or ability to function on a day-to-day basis. The perspectives include medical and non-medical fields. Additionally, George worries about the security of his job. Those deadlines will determine the amount of commission he gets and the reviews that he receives from his manager. A little anxiety can heighten one’s senses and concentration allowing a person to function well in a stressful environment, for example, during a speech or when taking a test. Silhouette of depressed person head. our expert writers, Hi, my name is Jenn Mary did as she was asked. For instance, one may stop doing any activity at all. This paper analyses Kierkegaard‟s work „The Concept of Anxiety‟ and reflects its importance and meaning in the literary work of Anglo-American writer W.H. Etc                         (Hayes, 2005). Health anxiety is a relatively new concept. The reason why health anxiety has been separately identified is that it is primarily an anxious disorder, whereas hypochondriasis covers a much larger range, including significant depression and even psychotic symptoms such as delusions. Concept Paper Concept Papers identify a particular idea, rational or theory and explicates it through unbiased research methods. In this case, anxiety needs to be defined for example as a normal emotion experienced by everyone at some point in life. (2001): Power Over Panic: Freedom from Panic/Anxiety Related Disorders; Prentice Hall, Maisel, E. (2003): The Creative Person’s Path through Depression; Rodale, Hayes, S. and Strosahl, K. (2004): A Practical Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Springer, Hayes, S. (2005): Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; New Harbinger Publications, Bourne, E. (2000): The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook; Harbinger Publications. 14 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 4 sources. Also in the late stages of the conditions, it is likely that a person will increase their dependence on drugs or substance abuse as a way of relieving their anxiety. Discussion of Contrary Case Jane’s case depicts all of the same events coming up to the recommendation of surgery including the fact that surgery was unfamiliar to Jane. Anxiety is when the everyday worrying becomes exaggerated. The second aim was to examine the items of current pregnancy-related anxiety measures to determine the dimensions and attributes that each scale addresses, noting any gaps between the current assessment and the construct of the concept. Physiological changes arose in her body such as her general malaise, lack of appetite, insomnia, and forgetfulness. This sample is completed by Emma with Health Care as a major. when they have reached the last stages, then one ought to examine the likelihood of this occurrence. your own paper. Eifert, G. and Forsyth, J. DEFINITION ESSAY Definition Essay Definition: The aim in this essay is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Also, those with agoraphobia may then spiral into depression thus being unable to do anything else or go on with their personal responsibilities as asserted by Craske and Barlow (2003). If an anxiety disorder is detected during earlier stages, then chances are that the person can deal with it either through pharmacology or psychological and thus curb the problem. The conclusion of this work is described in section 5. (fix it) Keywords STRESS ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS, SHOCK PRECONDITIONING, HIGH & LOW ANXIETY SS: Categories Moral States and Processes in Normative Ethics (categorize this paper) DOI 10.1037/h0025376 : Options Edit this … Image of adult, health, broken - 116284350 This sample anxiety research paper features: 4000 words (approx. (Elfet & Forsyth, 2003). Anxiety is a concept that is identified through physical changes, which include increased blood pressure, worried thoughts, and a feeling of tension (Morgan, 2017). There are however different types of anxiety disorders which hinder normal life functions. Barlow, D., & Lehman, C. (1996): Advances in the psychosocial treatment of anxiety disorders; Archives of General Psychiatry, 53, 727-735, Barlow, D., & Campbell, L. (2000): Mixed-anxiety depression and its implications for models of anxiety and mood disorders; Comprehensive Psychiatry, 41, 2, 55-60, Concept analysis of anxiety. Anxiety is distinguished from fear as anxiety is the reaction to an unexpected, possible harmless scenario. Use our essay writing services or get access to database of 490 free essays samples about concept of anxiety. It should be noted that in the early stages it is usually possible to go about daily activities but with great difficulty. Perhaps the worst consequence of anxiety disorders is that they can cause some brain malfunctions that eventually lead to mental breakdowns. She also did not demonstrate any of physiological indicators of stress. It's what can prepare you for a big event; it's the rush you feel. In certain scenarios, that person may constantly be jittery or on guard because of fear of the event. Explanatory variables included socio‐demographics, health anxiety, illness perceptions, coping and self‐concept. It will assist in improving the efficiency of nursing practice and also the speed of response. Empirical referents that demonstrate occurrence of the concept of anxiety are determined, classified, and related to critical attributes. The first thing that needs to be done when tackling cases of anxiety disorder is accurate assessment and diagnosis. (Maisel, 2003). In addition to the latter it is also possible to find that those persons who have grown up in poverty are likely to manifest excessive fear of poverty related conditions. The latter findings will be very insightful in nursing practice because they will pave the way for dealing with anxiety disorders in different forms. Auden. Two years after the panic attacks, he witnessed his father’s dead body at the scene of their real estate business. Loss may not just describe loss of a loved one but also loss of possessions or finances, loss of a job, loss of independence, loss of cognitive function or loss of physical skill or functioning (Tefera & Tomao, 2010). Most people feel anxiety about paying bills, succeeding in a career of school, but it is when the worrying becomes extreme they may be suffering for anxiety disorder. These are also symptoms of General anxiety disorder. The negative feelings are usually associated with unfamiliar events and treatments that cause uncertainty on the part of the patient (S. Barnett, personal communication October 20, 2010). For instance, when a person is in the early stages of panic attacks, then they are likely to depict mild signs as sweating, chills or hot flashes. Words related to anxiety include alarm, angst, anguish, apprehension, concern, depression, discomfort, distress, doubt, dread, fear, foreboding, fretfulness, frustration, hysteria, impatience, mania, misery, mistrust, nervousness, panic, pessimism, pressure, strain, stress, suffering, tension, uncertainty, and worry. According to Lehto and Stein (2009), death anxiety is an evolving concept that involves six attributes which are emotion, cognitive, experiential, development, sociocultural. The mass was found to be benign, however, Mary’s physician recommended that she have the mass surgically removed. This 15 page paper outlines a concept analysis of anxiety. Treatment involved a medical approach in which Timothy was given parlzolam. K. Jaspers, P. Tillich, R. Bultmann. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. She promptly made an appointment with her physician. Continua la ricerca nella raccolta di iStock di immagini stock royalty-free con foto di Allegro pronte per essere scaricate in modo semplice e rapido. Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia) is the third largest mental health care problem in the world. The concept of anxiety is very important to nursing. During a routine self-breast exam Mary found a lump in her right breast. If a person had been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, then it is likely that that person may exhibit cases of numbness or may seem detached from his or her surroundings. Physical symptoms must also accompany these negative emotions. Consequently, this heightens the chances of developing an anxiety disorder. Although anxiety and depression may seem to be separate categories of symptoms, as outlined in the DSM-5 (APA, 2013), and therefore different, many theorists posit that there is an underlying set of factors for both (Clark, Steer & Beck, 1994, Clark & Watson, 1991). Academic self-concept is the crucial part of the educational adjustments of adolescents. The conversation and information helped Lynn significantly. Colloquy 13:93-113 (2006) As a result, she did not experience anxiety about her surgery. The paper is a report of a concept analysis of anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the UK and it is increasing. Mary was unfamiliar and therefore uncertain of what surgery entailed. This means that the family of the affected individual should be mobilized. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. Anxiety Disorder Research Paper Download. Find images exactly you are looking for from more than 54,300,000 of royalty-free stock photos, illustrations, and vectors. It is possible writing you may need to include more or less information depending on your subject. The surgery went without complication. It may help a person deal with a difficult situation, such as an upcoming test or a meeting, by prompting one to cope with it. Mary emerged from surgery with severe post-operative pain. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. The following is a working definition of anxiety. This also implies that she is a highly sensitive person and would react very aggressively to comments made about her. The paper will assist in nursing management because it will go long way in streamlining some of the courses of action that need to be taken when coping with mental patients. In this model case of Mary was told she would need surgery to remove a mass in her breast. spaced), Paper type: Analysis , A concept paper outlines the main objective of the research, why it is important and how it will be achieved. Concept analysis of anxiety Name: Course: Professor: Date: Introduction This paper is a complete analysis of anxiety as a concept in nursing. Anxiety can have negative effects on all students. If a person was suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and has reached their last stages, then that person is likely to spiral into depression. Concept Paper Concept Papers identify a particular idea, rational or theory and explicates it through unbiased research methods. No problem! The original 1944 English translation by Walter Lowrie (now out of print ), had the title The Concept of Dread. If a person has post traumatic stress disorder as a form of anxiety, then the middle stages of the conditions are usually characterized by a lack of sleep. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. Anxiety is usually preceded by an event that gives rise to negative emotions. In order to deal with post traumatic stress disorder, he was exposed to violent movies at gradual paces. All the content of this paper is her own research and point of view on Concept Analysis: Anxiety and can be used only as an alternative perspective. CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF ANXIETY Concept Analysis of Anxiety Concept Analysis of Anxiety Introduction Cognitive therapy is a very widespread and productive pattern of remedy for disquiet, but may disagree substantially from persevering to persevering due to co-morbid psychiatric disorders that are affiliated with anxiety. Top Tag’s. When a person has been subjected to sexual or violent abuse by a member of their family, then chances are that that person may live in constant fear of their attacker or the nature of their attack. In nursing education, the paper will be useful in understanding how concept analysis can be conducted. Absent; temporary relief from avoidance Uncertainty, is the next aspect of the definition of anxiety that is seen in Mary’s case. Be sure you speak to your anxiety advisor about what paper requirements data may be for secondary particular writer. The cause of the disorder is not known. The results of the tests showed that Lynn had a benign mass in her right breast. (2003): Women’s Mental Health Research; Routledge, Andrews, G., Hunt, C., Crino, R., Creamer, M., Page, A. However, too much of a good thing can be counterproductive. Because she did not have anxiety, her outcome in surgery was better and she was able to go home the same day. A concept paper is a one or two-page summary of a proposed research project usually written by a university student for the department or to apply for funding. In this model case Mary became so anxious about her impending surgery that she was unable to function normally. Also, if someone was obsessed about safety, then they may increase the excessiveness of their security measures. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? (CPA, 2004). Anxiety is considered to be a normal reaction to stress. The ideal example of an anxiety disorder can be depicted by the case of a thirty three year old man; George. Concept of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is an extreme fear of embarrassment or humiliation in human society or performing a work or role in situations and is usually described by avoidance of these situations. Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST. V.                       Application to Nursing. This concept analysis provides an essential conceptual base for instrument development and clinical research on anxiety. She became more and more agitated as the day of surgery drew near. Individuals suffering from disease or medical problems often experience anxiety. Those with social phobias may never leave the house again. The antecedents of anxiety include an anticipated event or loss. Depending on how you interpret this feeling, however, it can be your best friend or worst enemy. Additionally, it is necessary to look into the level of complexity of the symptoms. Bailey (2010) described anxiety as “a human reaction to any unknown situation. Because Christine had a history of another disease, it was necessary to provide her with pharmacological treatment tailored for persons with fragile syndrome X. Christine is a twenty eight year old lady who works as restaurant chef in a busy location. Antecedents. At this stage, patients may fear death or may think that they are going crazy. Free Anxiety Essays and Papers. Discussion of Model Case Mary’s case shows how anxiety can impact the outcome of a surgery. However, there were consequences. He has also been exhibiting a lot of headaches over a long period of time. How about make it original at only $13.9/page? He has been unable to cope with the pressure at work because he can no longer complete the work that he used to complete in the past. There are certain characteristics that depict mild forms of anxiety. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. When asked to define anxiety, one advanced practice nurse stated that anxiety is a negative feeling that is often experienced by many patients in a hospital. It's the source of excitement before you go on a ski trip at your favorite resort. This analysis begins with the definition of the term "concept," as that terms is applied in the field of psychology, and proceeds to the definition of the psychological term "anxiety." Design. Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Anti-Depressant photos available for quick and easy download. Section 2 describes the concept of study anxiety and its sources. For instance, if the anxiety is about finances, then everything their family does will be linked to finances and their need to conserve it. Image of alone, pain, inspire - 116283246 Mary even forgot to pick her children up from school one day. Anxiety is when the everyday worrying becomes exaggerated. While waiting for the impending surgery Jane went on about her daily activities. Lynn’s physician recommended that she have the mass removed. Once Mary began to feel fear, response from her sympathetic nervous system can be seen in her inability to eat and sleep (Kunert, 2009). She was able to go home and function normally in her life while she waited for her surgery. Anxiety and fear are typical human reactions that can be exaggerated. Anxiety is both psychological and physiological in nature and is characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioral components. In this case, the person now progresses from just thinking about the obsession to actually doing something about it. Individuals who use drugs and alcohol may develop an anxiety disorder as a result of substance use (Rodriguez, 2009; Tefera & Tomao, 2010). She had been diagnosed with fragile syndrome X ever since her childhood. Chorpita, B. Samples 181. Consequently, when the condition is detected early enough, the patient has a better chance of recovering from it. In cases where patients are suffering from agoraphobia, then early stages of anxiety can be depicted when that person finds it extremely difficult to interact with others or to conduct their daily obligations as a result of the fear of panic attacks. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. In certain circumstances, it is common to find that the person who suffers from such anxieties may begin feeling pain in the chest or register abdominal pains. Anxiety can also be the result of a physiological condition. Symptoms: Racing mind, Exhaustion Pencil broken. Additionally, some of the symptoms associated with anxiety can lead to extreme cases, for instance, when one exhibits shortness of breath, then they may put themselves in greater danger by loosing control of their actions. Mary was debilitated by the fear and uneasiness she felt about her upcoming surgery. This paper recognizes that concept analysis not only provides insight into the impacts of a certain concept on the development of nursing protocols, but also promotes understanding of the application of a concept in the development of both nursing theory and nursing practice. Although the mass was benign, the impending event of surgery was unfamiliar enough to cause anxiety in Mary. Timothy is a fist born among a family of three sons. Kaplan, T. and Saddocks, P. (2003): Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Iwamasa, G. & Bangi, A. At other times, George may extreme a lot of tension in his muscles which subsequently leads to pain. Image of alone, pain, inspire - 116283246 118 female BRCA1/2 carriers from an Irish University Hospital completed questionnaires for this cross‐sectional study. Comorbid diseases have been known to cause intrinsic anxiety as with cardiac disease (Perpina-Galvan & Richart-Martinez, 2010). Subject: Social Anxiety. Anxiety is defined as a persistent fear that occurs in the absence of a threat. She required medication to calm her down as well as multiple doses of pain medication to make her comfortable. Consequently, it will offer alternatives to conventional treatment. And this triggered a fear of blood, ill people or dead bodies. For instance, panic attacks can eventually lead to phobias related to the attacks and failure to seek treatment may eventually lead to depression. Lynn decided to call her doctor’s office about her feelings. This analysis will be useful not only to stakeholders of the nursing center but also for other participants in such establishments elsewhere. Also, if a person is suffering from the fear of other panic attacks, then that persons may only attend selected gatherings while skipping most of them. Some physical manifestations at such a point include shortness of breath, a chocking sensation, extreme beating of the heart or symptoms that resemble heart attacks.