Besides moose, reindeer, deer and various birds, which you can spot without too much effort, Sweden is also home to predators such as the bear, wolf, lynx and wolverine. Every year there are approximately 6,000 road accidents involving moose. ‘The most dangerous things in Swedish nature are the things we don’t tend to talk about – wasps and bees.’. Hej Sweden is all about Swedish culture and useful tips for your trip to Sweden. Rikard Lagerberg takes a closer look at Sweden’s wildlife and the dangers to beware of. That human is running away. The bear, on the other hand, has been known to attack – and even kill – humans in modern times. People’s fears are difficult if not impossible to put to an end. Lynx, wolves, bears and wolverines. ‘All sides on the debate have a consensus when it comes to the preservation of large predators, from hunters to conservationists. Often resulting in casualties on both sides. This list is the top ten most dangerous wild animals so we will have to ignore the biggest killers such as dogs and cows. Predators are furtive and difficult to count. The … Thanks for subscribing! If it bites you, no worry, you're not gonna die from it. Dangerous wild animals? Of course, wolves are very shy, too, normally. Wasps actually do kill more people than any other animal in Sweden, about one per year. Chapter 16, Section 13 of Sweden’s Penal Code also refers to animal suffering. Here, we have listed the 10 most dangerous forests in the world that are not meant for weak hearted. One of the greatest nature based experiences you can ever experience is to sit in a hide in May and wait for a bear … National Healthcare Organisations. The county administrative board commissions a predatory animal count in the early spring. 7. The estimate was presented by Svenska Veterinärforbundet, the Swedish veterinary organization, and it is now trying to make the authorities and the public more aware of animals’ suffering. Every year about 200 Swedes get bitten by a common viper. Efforts have been made to increase the wolf population during the past years. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. The answers are collected then compiled to produce a rating out of ten – the lower the rating, the less residents like living there. Or moving there for your studies, work or love? Its howl can be heard over ten kilometres away. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. How to be Swedish - A Quick Guide to Swedishness - In 55 Steps, About Matthias & Hej Sweden We don’t. A serious nuisance in summer are mosquitoes ( myggor ), hordes of which inhabit Sweden (particularly the north) in summer, especially after rain. In 2014, there were an estimated 50 lynx in Värmland. Crime rates in Sweden are much lower than in most other European countries, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare yourself for the possibility of a confrontation or accident on your trip. Registration required for permitted primate and capuchin monkey (used by disabled person) 720-5/48-10 . Don’t run: they are much, much faster than you and it might trigger their predatory instincts. Wolf is more challenging to track and see.’. Although they are pretty small, they are one of the most dangerous marine animals in the world. Some of them look just as ordinary as the others, but they can take your life if you are not careful enough. Should they want to pay retail, the cost would be around $300. More: How to drink (alcohol) like a Swede. Their numbers vary from year to year. Cooperation. Comments 0 by andrew_t in Uncategorized. But what if you happen to meet a wolf or a bear? The worst thing they do is secrete a clear, harmless mucous when disturbed, which – at worst – can take a while to wash off. It is one of the dangerous animals in the world. About 300 000. Those who manage to escape have about a year time to take revenge for the death of their moose mates by kamikaze like jumping in front of fast driving Volvos. Violent crime is extremely rare, but tourists do fall victim to petty crime and scams every so often. Gäfvert at the large carnivore centre says that ‘the best chance is to hire a professional tracker or book a hideout. Because they can be very cruel to you, just the way the Brothers Grimm taught you during your childhood, didn't they? Starvation is the most common cause of death among the young. Meet reindeers at Njarka Sami Camp. They have been spotted walking along the road or in peoples' gardens. Elephants, according to Dr. Keith Hinshaw, are the most dangerous animals in the zoo. If a wolf follows, make yourself seem large and dangerous, step towards rather than away from it. Now, these are the animals you should be most afraid of (because they can potentially attack and kill you): Also not that cuddly but very rare and shy. The Grey Wolf is one of the world’s most well researched animals, with probably more books … So, one shouldn’t pick a fight with a bear. You can adjust all of your cookie settings by navigating the tabs on the left hand side. Bears are mostly like found in the north of Sweden. 03/06/2020 21/07/2016 by Matthias Kamann. Fooood! Benny Gäfvert of the large carnivore centre, Rovdjurscentret De 5 Stora, says: ‘Myths about predators start to build from an early age, through children’s books and tales. There were at least 9 family groups. Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. This is stated in the governmental bill to the Animal Welfare Act. Swedish Translation for dangerous animals - English-Swedish Dictionary Ant. It’s primarily the Female Anopheles mosquitoes (carrying malaria) and Female Aedes mosquito (dengue fever) that causes deaths after sucking blood. Blue-Ringed Octopus. They somehow find their way into the country.