This makes it perfect for absent-minded owners who occasionally forget to water the […] SalonBitkileri Dracaena Marginata Bitkisi 2li. The plant will freeze, entirely stop supply circulation and die. Drought and irregular rain cycles tweaked the plant’s natural structure and turned it into a plant that can cope with extremely irregular rainfall. Resimlerini ekledim, benim ağacım yucca mı,d Drasena (Dracaena marginata) - Page 7 - A sturdy window sill with east or west exposure will provide an ideal amount of light. But the chances of the dragon tree’s survival decrease the further progressed the soft decay is and end in the worst case with disposal of the plant including the bucket. İlkbahar ve yaz boyunca toprak nemini kaybedince sulama yapılmalıdır. Bitki çiçek yetiştiricileriyle iddiasız ve dayanıklı oldukları için popülerdir, ancak yine de buna dikkat etmek gerekir. Now, that plant needs to be taken out of the wet soil and affected roots need to be cut up to the base. I sometimes call them “Dr. It shows to be very robust and is easy to bring to the correct height through pruning. If you don’t want the chore of watering your dragon tree, just avoid planting it under overhung roofing that would deprive it of its natural rainwater. Dracaena Marginata Bakımı kolaydır, dayanıklıdır bakımı çok vakit almaz bu sebeple tercih edilir. All in all, just like animals, these plants are also prone to diseases. You should choose a bright spot without direct sunlight. It can tolerate lasting drought better than too much moisture. Leaf loss and root rot can also be caused by poor drainage. The two-colored type has dark-green and red-framed leaves while the three-colored type shows with leaves in green, pink and crème-stripped. bir kaç defa yerini değiştirmeme rağmen yadırgamadı fakat son yerinde hızlı bir şekilde kurumaya başladı. Depending on the season and the vigor of the dragon plant. 2 Love your site. Key facts for Lucky…, Dracaena marginata, often thought to be a palm tree, is a truly magnificent indoor plant. The houseplant requires little maintenance, can be in partial shade and is therefore very suitable for offices. Dracaena Marginata Tricolor vs. Colorama Varieties. Leaves have alternating longitudinal red and green strips and can reach in length up to 27 in. The thin leaves are linear and a deep, glossy green color with red edges; typically 30–90 cm long and 2–7 cm broad, tapering to an acuminate point. 1 How do you bonsai a Cycas pup please. This shows predominantly through an unpleasant smell of the soil, which at a later stage will often be covered with mold. As well as the soil conditions, the substrate should have a pH-level of around 6.0. Satın alma işleminden sonra, bitkinin bir nakil yapması gerekir, daha geniş bir tencereye nakledilmesi gerekir, … Dragon plants can tower to heights of over a dozen feet, especially when their roots are in rich soil and they’re protected from stronger winds. Predominantly during the heating period, spider mites will often find a new home on the dragon tree. Dracaena marginata is particularly well equipped to cope with these irregular rain cycles. For this, a variety of multiplication methods exists but the cultivation of cuttings is the most successful. They usually appear when the leafs get yellow (because of it, or because I have forgotten to water for too long) and seem to be more present at the base of the leaf. Poisonous for cats!The dragon trees (Dracaena Marginata) are the perfect beginner’s plant, because they will hold no grudge when at first the care is not sufficient. Here you can find some music and sound files from The Dracaena Marginata as osp. İlkbahar ve yaz aylarında aylık olarak beslenerek önerilen mukavemetin 1 / 2’sine seyreltilmiş suda çözünür, iyi dengelenmiş bir bitki besini alın. It should have a drain hole for excess water to drain. Situated at the upper stem is the so-called “sleeping eye” a bulge underneath the stem bark. Too dry or too wet air environment can draw pests to this green plant. Cottony cushion scale attacks dracaena plants and a variety of other plants such as citrus and nandina. Fertilization every six or eight weeks is sufficient. Leaf tips are yellow or dead on "Janet Craig". Place the glass in a bright place and exchange the water every two to three days.After a few weeks, first roots will develop. Dracaena Marginata-2 Gövdeli 120-140 cm Dekoratif Saksılı DEKORATİF SAKSILI BİTKİLER, HEDİYELİK BİTKİLER, Havayı Temizleyen Bitkiler, Tüm Ürünler, İÇ MEKAN SÜS BİTKİLERİ DRACAENA MARGİNATA 120-140 Cm arası - 2 Gövdeli Dekoratif Saksılı Gönderilecek bitki Saksı dahil 120-140 Cm ve 2 Gövdelidir. Çiçekçilerde veya yapı marketlerinde 2li veya daha çok olarak saksısında bulunur bu şekilde satın alınabilir. For example, Styrofoam or mat made from coconut fibers or cork work well. Click on the following article for a diagnosis on why your Dracaena's leaves are turning brown. Fotoğraf 1.18: Dracaena draco Dracaena marginata:Yapraklarıince, uzun ve rozet şeklindedir. Any damage to the branches leads to new sprouts branching off to the sides at the topmost, unharmed nodes. Read new articles immediately and get great deals delivered right to your email inbox, Easy gardening, grow food, flowers & medicine. Corn Plant. Dracaena marginata, or the dragon tree, is a houseplant that has elegant long, thin leaves with red edges.The lower leaves gradually fall away to reveal a thin trunk. Round dry patches and streaks on the leaves may be caused by excessive sunlight on the foliage. Dracaena iyi sebeplerden dolayı birçok bahçıvan tarafından sevilir. When the soil is completely soaked, the plant including its root will be easier to be pulled off the pot. A: Assuming the plant you have is corn plant, or Dracaena, it sounds like the problem is leaf spot. ... Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata): ... (Dracaena reflexa): This dracaena has flexible stems. Dracaena marginatas, or Madagascar Dragon trees as they are sometimes called, are easy-care , durable, indoor plants well suited for offices and homes. Re-potting needs to usually be done every two to three years or even later, when root penetration throughout the entire planter occurs. Get involved. İlkbahar ve yaz boyunca toprak nemini kaybedince sulama yapılmalıdır. Pruning just before the rainy season will ensure roots have plenty of water to start sending new shoots up from nodes along the stem. Genus: Dracaena 3. If temperatures in your area always remain above 65-68 °F (18 – 20 °C), you can plant your Dracaena marginata outside. Dracaena marginatas are considered by some to be slightly poisonous, especially to dogs and cats. The Dracaena is also called the Dragon Blood Tree and is an easy to care for houseplant. If something’s up, tell us within 30 days of delivery — we’ll sort it. Share your garden joys & woes! Yaprak yapısıçok sık dokulu olup çok dekoratif bir bitkidir. Buy from £34.99 at the RHS Plants Shop. Merhabalar; Siteye yeni üye oldum ve hep yucca sandığım ağacımın şimdi dracaena olabileceğini düşünüyorum. Precipitations and rain vary greatly both in Madagascar and Mauritius, as it does in all coastal areas of the Indian Ocean. The Dracaena Marginata, also known as Madagascar Dragon Tree, was favored by people who wanted an Asian, modern or architectural feel. Düşük ışık büyüme hızını yavaşlatır ve yeni yaprakların boyutunu azaltır. Learn more about the Dragon Tree & buy online from Patch. Dracaena Marginata Magenta-İthal-2 Gövdeli 70-90 Cm İÇ MEKAN SÜS BİTKİLERİ, Havayı Temizleyen Bitkiler, Tüm Ürünler DRACAENA MARGİNATA MAGENTA 2 Gövdeli 70-90 Cm - İthal Bitki Gönderilecek bitki 17 cm'lik plastik üretim saksısında, Saksı dahil boyu ise 70-90 Cm'dir . I know they are poisonous. Dracaena marginata 'bicolor' is a special variety of dragon plant. Dracaena marginata or dragon tree in … Dracaena marginata’nın yaprak rengiyle ayrılan birkaç çeşidi var. Need advice? No fertilizer is necessary during the winter when plant growth naturally slows. Şimdiden teşekkürler. If you want to receive a strong and healthy plant, it is best to grow it yourself. This is a key difference when compared to the air inside our homes and offices, which often tends to be dryer. Dracaena Marginata Magenta, ince yap Doğraşırı sulandığını veya çok fazla florür veya tuz olduğunu gösterir. The dragon tree looks good on its own and is also useful for providing height among a group of houseplants. Although Dracaena marginata isn’t a desert plant, it still manages to cope well with drought when it doesn’t last too long. It has stalky stems and long, green leaves with light-yellow/light-green stripes running through them. The leaf margins are white or appear almost transparent. Mass cane (Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana" or Dracaena fragrans) is also known as "corn plant" and is one of several popular varieties of Dracaena, including Dracaena lisa, Dracaena marginata, and Dracaena compacta. Dracaena marginata growing wild, Dracaena marginata taller than a house, Dracaena marginata trunk, Dracaena marginata growing tall by Kim & Forest Starr under © CC BY 4.0. 2- Yaprak kenarları koyu kızıl olup orta kısım yeşil. A place with lots of sun but without direct sunlight is its favorite. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Diseases will cause the plant to become weak and in the worst cases, they will kill the plant. Seuss plants” because they kind of remind me of the wonky looking trees you’d find in a Dr. Seuss book. Not hardy 10. Basically, the Dracaena Marginata does not tolerate a cold draft nor strong storms. Dracaena hookerana, a leathery, glossy sword-shaped leaf form; it's leaves grow up to 2 1/2 feet long. You can cut all shoot tips on top of that to reduce the plant’s height. Dracaena marginata is an indoor plant that owes its ease of care to survival mechanisms that developed over eons. For dosage, strictly follow producer’s instructions. Yaprakları ince olan bu bitki her ortama kolayca uyum sağlar. After fertilization, the plant needs to be watered for the fertilizer to evenly spread in the soil or substrate. Especiall… We have always cut off the pups, of which there are many, with the hedge trimmer, but I would love to have some more plants, as they are expensive. Growth height: up to 200 cm 7. Find out more in the section” Multiplication”. If you need advice, just get in touch - we’ll be your personal plant gurus as long as you need us. The houseplant requires little maintenance, can be in partial shade and is therefore very suitable for offices. Your email address will not be published. Sonbaharda veya kışın dracaena beslemeyin. Even without expert knowledge, it is possible to multiply them if you know how to do it. In the same course of multiplying by head cuttings, you can additionally grow stem cuttings. Sepette %8 İndirim 114,07 TL. Küçük dragonza marginata küçük odalarda rahat görünüyor. Please take this into consideration when choosing the right spot. The dragon trees (Dracaena Marginata) are the perfect beginner’s plant, because they will hold no grudge when at first the care is not sufficient. The components improve the permeability of the ground and minimize the risk of water-logging. 1. When the plant reach the desired height, less fertilizer should be provided. Dracaena marginata is a slow growing shrub, mature specimens reaching 10m. 300,00 SEPETE EKLE. Dracaena Marginata plants are slow-growing and do not need much fertilizer. Dolaylı güneş ışığından yararlanırsa yapraklarının yeşilliğini korur. The slow growing plants are perfect for beginners starting their garden as Dracaena’s are very easy to care for. Some of the largest Dracaena marginata plants have trunks that exceed a foot in diameter (30 cm across). Evergreen, shiny leaves 30 to 40 cm long 8. Bu zararlıları, bitkiye zarar verene kadar görmek zordur.Yaprak biti başka haşere sorunudur; Görmesi kolay küçük, yapışkan, pamuklu tortular bırakırlar, Even though the dragon tree presents itself with immense robustness, failures in care or choice of location can lead to diverse diseases. Anavatanı Madagaskar olan Dracaena kuraklık, nem ve ısıya dayanıklı olan bir iç mekan bitkisidir. The Dracaena is also called the Dragon Blood Tree and is an easy to care for houseplant. Though, it does need to get acclimated slowly to the unfiltered sunlight. For this shower off the Dracaena Marginata and put it in closed air-tight in a transparent plastic bag and place it in a bright place without direct sun light. Sepette %8 İndirim 107,09 TL. Doğal olarak ağaç formundadır. You can meet its few demands with our professional advice in the cutting and care instruction. Dracaena Marginata Magenta Origin. Leaves of this showy easy to grow plant are tri-color: with stripes of red, white/yellow and green. değişim yaparken saksının altında birikmiş kökleride kestim ve havalar ısındığı için odadan balkona aldım. Description Dracaena Marginata. I saw and took care of my share of Dracaena marginatas. While few problems plague this popular plant, brown leaves on Dracaena are fairly common. They suck their food from the leave insides which results in a slow death of the entire plant, if you do not fight against it. After about two to three weeks, sufficient roots have developed and the young plants can be planted in to substrate for adult dragon trees. Dracaena marginata 4 Gövdeli bitkileri orta ışığı tercih eder, ancak düşük ışık koşullarında hayatta kalır. Your email address will not be published. Big dragon trees on the other hand are happy about palm tree substrate or tub soil. The "worms" under the Dracaena marginata pot may have been millipedes. It is ideal when the ground is mixed with a little sand or clay. The most common name for this plant is actually related to this: Madagascar dragon tree. Even and constant temperatures These large islands share a special, tropical climate. Its beautiful texture and coloring also make the … Asla yumuşatıcıdan geçen tuzlu su kullanmayın. Multiplication works best if you place the cut off stem in a dark, water-filled glass at a temperature between 22 and 24 degree Celsius. If so, they are largely harmless to the plant itself, but can indicate conditions that are too wet and the presence of … Add file >> Comments (0 - 10 of 68) Italic_Croos Apr 7 2015. the mod is DEAD? Dracaena draco: Ana vatanıKanarya Adaları’dır. Key Dracaena marginata facts Name…, Patricia wrote on 9 November 2019 at 19 h 33 min, Dracaena marginata in the wild, a journey to the dragon’s lair, Dracaena marginata bicolor, a crown of ruby, emerald and ivory jewels, Dracaena marginata, a striking tall house plant. The perfect time for the re-potting into substrate is when the first shoots on the stem have developed. You can find them on the bottoms of the leaves where they will form white webs which can extend up to the stem. Protect it from the wind if the temperature drops to 50 degrees F. If the plant is subjected for several hours at temperatures of 32 to 37 degrees F without wind, bands of discoloration. Dracaena Marginata (Madagascar Dragon Tree) The Madagascar Dragon Tree or as it is sometimes known Dracaena Marginata, comes in four main varieties and cultivars, 'tricolor' 'colorama' and 'tarzan' it is a false palm that has been treated as a houseplant since the 1960's Note when pruning that open cuts increase the vulnerability for diseases and pest infestation. The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. Dracaena marginata is one of the most common house and office plants. Dracaena Marginata 3 Kök . ABOUT About Patch; Dracaena marginata watering in fall and winter Start reducing the watering because the plant’s water needs start decreasing. As a one to three mm long and dark-brown to lack-brown pests, the thripse presents itself at the bottoms of the dragon tree’s leaves. When dragon trees are kept to moist or exposed to water-logging for a long time, they quickly react with root rot. A quick help are special insecticides or the “bag treatment”. 1- Düz yeşil. Browse The Dracaena Marginata (Kardeş Kanı) mod for Mount & Blade: Warband files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Popular for its distinctive appearance, Dracaena Marginata or also known as Madagascar Dragon Tree or Red-edged dracaena, boasts … The Dracaena Marginata, also known as the Madagascar Dragon Tree, presents itself quite palm-like. The bushy tips will add privacy at the top and minimal pruning will ensure that stems don’t grow thick at the base, preserving garden space. Dracaena marginata is a thermophilic tree of a family of an asparagus family, with a smooth trunk and a bunch of the magnificent extended leaves on the top (a false palm tree). Aynı zamanda daha önce Dracaenaceae ailesine ayrıldı veya Agavaceae’ye yerleştirildi. Dolaylı güneş ışığından yararlanırsa yapraklarının yeşilliğini korur. You can work against this with an insecticide containing neem oil or a strong soap solution with a shot of spirit. These large islands share a special, tropical climate. Dracaena marginata Bunlar, fazla gübre gerektirmeyen yavaş büyüyen bitkilerdir . Here as well, a place outside the blazing sun is a wise choice. I live in the south of France and our climate is temperate. Especially the Dracaena Marginata are popular for its low maintenance. Overwintering in open land is not possible. Extend the height of your fence or perimeter wall with a Dracaeana marginata hedge planted along the base. Dracaena marginata is native to Mauritius and Madagascar, along the Indian Ocean. I am handicapped so my husband took of 5 or six pups of different sizes and I have cut all the leaves or fronds and along the bottom of the root ball and they are being hardened off in the pantry. The ideal temperature for root development is between 22 and 24 degree Celsius. Choose from three types of Dracaena Marginata plants, all with colorful, arching leaves. Indoor houseplant. After pruning, several young shoots will usually sprout right under the cut, these are the reason of a thick foliage. If bright cotton-ball-like structures appear on the top of the leaves, it is most likely a mealy bug infestations. These female pests display orange bodies. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. Saksı These slow-growing trees reach up to six feet high. This genus of … DRACAENA MARGİNATA – EJDERHA AĞACI – 12 CM PLASTİK SAKSIDA Dracaena Marginata yaklaşık 120 tür ağaç ve etli çalı cinsidir. angustifolia (scientific classification) Family – Agavoideae (formerly Agavaceae) Type – … Dracaena marginata, or Madagascar Dragon Tree, is a versatile plant that is easy to care for and great for people who don’t consider themselves green thumbs. APG IV sınıflandırma sisteminde, Asparagaceae, Nolinoideae alt ailesi ailesine yerleştirilir. Having such a regular temperature range in its natural habitat is one of the reasons the Dracaena marginata dragon plant is so successful as a houseplant. Re-potting can happen year-round. 185,00 TL 116,40 TL. Dracaena Marginata Magenta Origin. Ideal is complete fertilizer for green plants which noticeably improves growth. It is a wonderful source of information. With good care and fertilization, the dragon tree will quickly gain in circumference and height. Dracaena Marginata, also known as the "Madagascar Dragon Tree," is an exotic indoor plant that has its origins in East Africa. You can keep this under control by pruning. I would like to use the pups. It is available in two or three color. Species: Dracaena Marginata 4. Simply follow our care instructions and tips, and you will enjoy this plant for a long time. Dracaena Marginata Plant – Watering, Pruning, Propagation, Container Plants and Gardening – Potted Plants, Coffee Plant Care – How to Grow Coffe Arabica Indoors, Christmas Cactus, Schlumbergera – How To Care For This Houseplant, Prunung Yucca Plants – How to Cut a Yucca After Flowering, Norfolk Island Pine Plant Care – How to Grow Araucaria heterophylla, Avocado, Persea americana – How to grow a tree from seeds, How to Care for Boston Fern Plants, Growing Nephrolepis exaltata, How to Grow and Care for Cast Iron Plant, Aspidistra elatior Flower, West Indian Lantana Plant, Verbena Flower – How to Care and Grow, Philodendron Houseplant – Types / How to Grow, Care and Plant, Schefflera Plant Care – Houseplant-Tips for Propagation & Pruning, King Sago Palm Plant, Cycas revoluta – How to Care Indoors, Bird Paradise Flower and Plant Care – How to Grow Strelitzia reginae, Peperomia obtusifolia Plant Care – Learn How to Grow, Best indoor plants low light, low light houseplants, Getting Rid Of Potato Bugs – How to Kill Colorado Potato Beetles – All Facts, How to Grow a Pineapple at Home – Plant Care, Aster Plant Care – How to Grow and Care for this Flower, the planting hole needs to be at least twice as big as the plant bale, a ground drainage made from gravel, quartz sand reduces the risk of water-logging, mix compost under the soil, this way the nutrient level increases for strong growth, plant apart at least 1.5 times of the plant’s circumference, the root basis needs to be at least 3 cm underneath the surface after planting, water moderately every three to four days from November to February: when the ground surface has dried a little, during the growth period from spring to late summer, water moderately daily or every two days, during the hot summer days or the heating period, spray the leaves daily with lime-free water, Fragrans with the types Lindenii, Massangeana and Victoria, Hookerana with the types Latifolia and Variegata, Surculosa (godseffiana) with the types Florida Beauty and Kelleri. Intermittent drought is not uncommon and, for weeks on end, not a single drop may fall. Dracaena marginata, when grown outdoors, can be pruned whenever needed to control size and shape the tree. Start right underneath a stem junction. The typical pattern left by leaves falling off disappears to reveal thin, gray bark that peels off in slabs when damaged. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation. Cut the leaf-less stem in multiple at least five cm long parts. 2 The most common Dracaena Marginata will be often considered a separate species, but is subcategorizes for some years now as Dracaena reflexa var. The botanist calls it soft decay, which shows with softening of the stem and will evenly spread to the stem tip. This can appear for a number of reasons, such as poor air circulation, overwatering or high humidity. Only when the soil is dry down to the first inch or so (a couple centimeters), water to moisten the entire soil mix clump again. All In One Apr 5 2015 Patch Here you can find all the osp files of The Dracaena Marginata in one file. Afterwards you should water with a reduced water amount in over to prevent overwatering. Dracaena is a common houseplant preferred for both homes and offices. There, temperatures remain even, at their lowest hover around 75°F (25 °C) and cap off at about 95°F (35°C). Yaprak Dracaena (/ d r ə ˈ s iː n ə /) is a genus of about 120 species of trees and succulent shrubs. Dragon trees go on a winter period in which the water demand reduces and it is not necessary to fertilize after November. Dracaena plants are hardy houseplants with a lush, tropical appearance and strap-shaped leaves. angustifolia is also known as D. marginata, a name found in horticulture. The stems of the dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) rival the leaves as noteworthy characteristics. This is the statement plant you're looking for that will give you a hefty return for very little maintenance! For this reason, powdered Sulphur or grafting wax should be used for covering after cutting. If it is Dracaena marginata, as long as the stems are not too brittle looking dead and still feels firm to your touch, then there is still a chance for new growth at the tips. SalonBitkileri Berceste Peyzaj Dracaena Marginata 2 Kök Ev Ve Ofis Bitkisi Salon Bitkisi. Plant family: Agavaceae 2. Anavatanı Madagaskar olan Dracaena bitkisi nem ve ısıya dayanıklı olan bir iç mekan bitkisidir. You can prevent this by dipping the pot in a fully water-filled container for about two minutes. Feed once a month in the spring and summer with a water-soluble, well-balanced plant food at half the recommended strength. If you follow these watering instructions, you will meet the plants demand perfectly: The dragon tree (Dracaena Marginata) should be fertilized once a week from March to October. Of the same species is the type “Warneckii” with two bright stripes on the leaf. You do not need the green thumb of a professional gardener to please the demands of the dragon tree. She thrives will in standard soil. Dracaena reflexa var. It towers to over a dozen feet (3 ½ meters) tall and grows trunks as thick as a leg. We cannot see them clearly in the photo, but they are more common in potting soil than earthworms would be. Dracaena Marginata . Mick our Dracaena Fragrans is the perfect plant for beginners and busy Londoners. This is a durable popular tropical house plant from Madagascar . Flecking Dracaena marginata: New leaves have small white to yellow spots near their tips. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, … Pruning and watering are the only two considerations when caring for outdoor Dracaena marginata. The most common name for this plant is actually related to this: Madagascar dragon tree. If you put these plants in direct sun, your dracaena problems can include round dry patches and streaks on the leaves. They turn out to be some kind of "mold" which can be removed when swapping the leaf and then leaves some discolored spots. Because this method usually hurts the overall appearance of the plant, it is advisable to do this during spring when a cutting back is wanted to ensure rich volume and improved growth. They’re attractive, easy to maintain, and can tolerate low light conditions, which makes them popular indoor plants in homes and offices. If the dragon tree (Dracaena Marginata) is supposed to be planted in the flower patch or in a balcony tub, the optimal planting season is basically dependent on the outside temperatures. The Dracaena marginata can be grown straight to produce a tall plant or be trained to curve, creating unique character plants. This way, you will prevent over flowing when watering. Too much water can result in dracaena plant issues like a sudden loss of leaves or root rot. 3- Bordo, koyu mor, kızıl renklerin hakim olduğu, azca da koyu yeşil renklerin göze çarptığı koyu rekli. These temperatures are usually a given around end of June/beginning of July. fakat ölüyor gibi yapraklarının çoğu döküldü. In the dragon tree genus are about 100 different species. dragon tree (Dracaena marginata), potted plant. The winter break ends in February/March and the demand for water and fertilizer will rise again. Simply plant your Dracaena marginata outdoors in a place where it’ll receive normal rainfall. Dracaena marginata, often thought to be a palm tree, is a truly magnificent indoor plant. Lack of air moisture is also why the dragon tree only very rarely flowers indoors. With two-colored leaf marks 9. A popular house plant, too. You can use it for multiplication purposes. Planting in a bucket or tub works in almost the same way as described under the section “Planting in the Flower Patch”. The leaves give the Dracaena marginata plant a distinct spiky appearance that makes the plant an eye-catching indoor specimen tree. After three days, the spider mite problem should be remedied. It tolerates semi-shade to a shady place but it will grow slower. Because it is not very well equipped for locations below 15 degree Celsius are, the night temperatures should be above that before bringing it outside.