The authors have produced an outstanding textbook which can serve as a guide to school administtratotrs aiming to run outstanding schools. the models of educational management and their links with the leadership styles based on the discussions as well as the typology of educational management and leadership models provided in the 4th edition of the book “Theories of Educational Management & Leadership” (Bush, 2011). You'll find out: About Self-Directed Learning, How to structure your learning process, How to practice purposeful, How to work on your mindset. It is well strtuctured, nicely written, and challenging in the thesis which combines management, leadership and the needs of effective and successful modern school administration. The book has a global character presenting I data from selected countries on a worldwide basis and excels in including education realitiesand statistics for schools catering to SEND students! Read it. Educational management is centrally concerned with the purpose or aims of education. I found this book pleasantly challenging in its thesis and richly rewarding reading. I do recommend it to students in education, and management as well as to teachers and school administrators who desire challenging reading. As a Greek living and working in the UK I regret not having such a book during my university years but it is never too late. If you plan a career in education you should read this book carefully to understand what differentiates average from distinguisdhed schools beyond money and social class. 3. A job well done! As of today we have 75,434,706 eBooks for you to download for free. Useful! Modern, well structured, informative and provocative! It was the type of deputy Principal that the authors describe who became my trope model in pursuing a career in education. Put together two or three dozen good teachers and a well equipped infrastructure in a school. Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle. Taking this into consideration, I feel the need to express my congratulations to both co-authors, father and daughter. Refreshingly enlightening even for seasoned school administrators. A fascinating journey from antiquity to our present realities! If you are already in education I will assume that you will agree with the two authors! Week 3: The history of educational planning and stages in planning education. Thakur Operations Research and Systems Management Unit National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 July, 2003 A contemporary textbook full of global statistics in regular and special education and a provocative but realistic view on school management as a process of creative leadership. A notable edition to international level education as well as management bibliography from antiquity to modern times. University of Surrey in the UK and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Panteion An inspiring modern textbook focusing on the critical sides of modern educators character and pupils' needs: I enjoyed reading it and I would characterize it as a significant addition to management and education bibliography. Good Head Teachers and Principals constitute the Alpha and Omega of every distinguished quality school. Well done. Well structured and justly balanced presentations of regular and special school realities on a global scale! As I just assumed my deputy director duties I admit that I found this book to be a teal thesaurus. Good global perspective, informative, more than just a "primer". Here is a book that can say a lot to those eager to listen! Provocative and yet realistic thesis on the pivotal and crucial role of top administrators in ensuring top quality schools. A notable resource of current information and a most challenging thesis on the ongoing global debate on successful management of modern schools. From Athens of the 5th century B.C. A useful book. In Education creative management and inspiring leadership are urgently needed in order to assure that the next generations will be able to meet the ever rising demands placed on them. An excellent textbook on managing primary and secondary schools aimed not only at University students majoring in Education otr Management but to practitioners as well as members of Committees deciding o appointments of Headteachers, Principals or Directors. well written, informative and provocative addition to the education/management field. With summer holidays ahead download and read it. A refresher for those of us already involved in school management and an eye opener for university students. After a brief historical overview of the educational system since the ancient times to date in various countries, the authors proceed to the presentation of current realities in the management of regular as well as ‘special education’ primary and secondary schools all over the world. Education decision makers will find it useful as well! I enjoyed reading it. Throughout the globe Education constitutes a major institution and in my country of origin is specially treated. A well structured, well written textbook on modern schools properly substantiating its thesis. Serving on a temporary basis as an assistant deputy Principal I found it very useful indeed! What really 'makes the difference' for pupils and students are their teachers with their university backgrounds, experience, motivation and commitment. Well done! If you are already employed in a primary or secondary school do read this book as it will add to your experiences. And to get the book you want, you just need to type and search for it, then click the name to go to a page with detailed information. Should be enlightening reading for students and worthwhile engagement for younger colleagues. A useful and enlightening book for administrative and line staff in primary and secondary schools. The truth is that we need inspiring, motivating leaders in all human institutions from politics to the economy. The inclusion if global Education data is a plus! In this 35+ page ebook, you’ll learn how to make your personal essay the best part of your college application. I found it to be a challenging and provocative thesis on viewing management as both an art and a science and I believe the profiles of successful Principals and Head Teachers provided by the authors would be useful to both active school administrators and aspiring younger staff. As an assistant Head Teacher I found this book to be both informative and provocative. Well done. A novel edition to the relevant bibliography. Like many teachers I have... How all the childhood experiences go on to make our life better and more enjoyable. Managing schools is a serious business and needs talented administrators, not mediocre civil servants. ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403. Having worked in secondary school settings for almost a decade and having seen several Head Teachers atnwotk I find that the authors have put their fingers on contemporary education wounds! Its global perspective adds an additional positive dimension to the provocative and true narrative of this book. It is a must for everyone works in Primary and Secondary schools. Each and everyone of us employed in primary and secondary schools can gain new perspectives in our work. Bolam (1999: 194) defines educational management as ‘an executive function for carrying out agreed policy’. The book is aimed at students in management, education and other subjects planning a career in primary and secondary schools, at school personnel and members of the broader interested public. and B.El.Ed courses, Educational Administration and Management aims at helping students understand the theories and processes of this subject, and thereby become effective leaders and managers of the educational system tomorrow. I identify with the two authors in their suggestion that school administrators should also be talented leaders capable of coordinating, motivating and inspiring all of us engaged in the schooling process. These purposes or goals provide the crucial sense of direction to underpin the management of educational institutions. As he grew older and started to go out in the big world, he failed even more not understanding why he kept failing miserably at everything. I feel it should be valuable to those regional and perhaps national administrators charged with the responsibility of selecting and appointing school principals, ditrctors and head teachers. Here is a book which, as a new teacher, i really devoured over the weekend . An interesting book that enriches our understanding regarding leadership and school management. A book well written, well supported and contemporary! Management, however, is a single activity, a unity, one continuous process that It gives you the guidance what to do and how to do it. Compelling approach to the role of principals as managers and leaders. The authors of this book have done a brilliant job In presenting their innovative, provocative and challenging thresis! In simpler terms a nook that belongs to the digital library of those already employed and those preparing to enter the unique world of primary and secondary schooling. The book opens a new perspective for further research in several directions of National Education Systems. Finallynthey challenge all of us active in education with their innovative thesis of managing modern schools. Their book should open up a basis for a worldwide discussion on the type of persons that should be in charge of primary and secondary schools. A contemporary, enlightening and informative textbook which should be on the PC, laptop or iPad of every school administrator. This book provides the historical … Worthwhile reading for university students, education personnel and interested general public members. to the USA of the 20th century A.D. A brief glimpse of research efforts at the Universities of Iowa, Ohio and Michigan, Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s 7 stage ‘leadership pattern’ continuum, The appearance of ‘contingency’ and ‘situational leadership’ theories, ‘Transactional’ and ‘transformational’ leadership theories, The theory of ‘emotional intelligence’ comes on stage, When titles signify roles: manager and leader as the two sides of the same coin, Selected duties and responsibilities of primary and secondary school administrators, Characteristics of successful school administrators as ‘managers and leaders’, The case of London’s ‘Tower Hamlets’ experience, Jeremy Sutcliffe’s ‘Desert Island Challenge’, The Wallace Foundation Report on the School Principal as Leader, Mitchells’ research on the characteristics of successful special school administrators. Will broaden the readers perspectives on the challenges of creating excellent schools for the education of children on a global scale. A must read for anyone interested in Primary/ Secondary and Special Education. Excellent textbook, well structured and provocative and well documented theses with global applications! Easy Notes & MCQS; B.Ed M.Ed Education Notes; Educational Management Notes Download Pdf. Contemporary, informative, challenging viewpoints. In creating excellent schools the role of the top manager is crucial. As a fairly recent graduate and fairly new in secondary education I will admit that the book kept my interest and deserved the time spent reading it. Professor Georgios and Dr Natasha Piperopoulos as talented educators have created a book which is a must read by all if us involved in providing high lelel quality education at the primary and secondary levels. Thus, this “primer” prepares the reader to face the new challenges of the twenty-first century successfully in the specific areas . This book shows how yesterdays people can earn their wings to become today's butterflies.In this book you will see cameos of people who... You likely don't know very much about Jesus at all or what he was "all" about. Concepts and Terms in Educational Planning A Guidebook Y.P. Informative textbook with a challenging thesis in relating school administration to leadership. An excellent treatment of current challenges and realities of early education with a global flavour. I wish all the best to both authors! It certainly is a piece of work much above a primer. The book could be useful to students in education management modules as well as to teachers of all disciplines employed in primary and secondary schools. As a teacher I found it informative, creatively bold, challenging and contemporary. We do need inspiring Leaders in administrative jobs! Some school admin personnel I know should read it carefully. An impressive addition to education bibliography which is useful to university students and all those active in providing services in elementary and secondary level educational institutions. It gave me a very useful global perspective on the realities, challenges, problems an possible solutions in modern education! Father and daughter have created a provocative book which should be read by all those involved in primary and secondary education as well as by Education students and Education Boards. It will surely enrich the bibliography of many Education and Management modules at under and post graduate levels NUT it is a robust textbook which deserves the attention of educators and politicians who are indeed genuinely interested in improving the quality levels of primary and secondary schools! A really impressive textbook in the field of education with a global perspective. From my vantage point of view at a top management post, after admitting that the senior author Professor Piperopoulos was my mentor during my MBA studies, I will submit that he and his daughter as co-authors have produced an easy to read, rich in information, provocative addition to the existing bibliography in managing primary and secondary schools. And surely a treatise with narrative that would assist decision makers in selecting the right people as head teachers, directors and principals. Moreover, I couldn’t agree more with the authors’ statement that modern school administrators should be both managers and leaders in providing the required training and the motivation needed to young children and adolescents to enter university studies and the labor market. I would place this book in the 'must read' category for serving and aspiring school administrators. The book is a first rate text for education students and an excellent guide for Boards delegated the task of appointing the right persons to the right posts. The father-daughter authors have provided to all of us engaged in the primary/secondary education field an informative, well written guide! A very significant well documented addition to relevant bibliography by a father/daughter pair of experts. A most valuable edition to the education bibliography! Working in the field of education but as a teacher in management I concur with the basic thesis of the two authors concerning the need for school administrators to be leaders and not bureaucrats. A modern, informative and useful addition to the digital library for all if us engaged in the field of primary/secondary education as teachers or administrators. The book is written in a pleasant narrative, down-to-earth comprehensible style and should prove to be useful to various specialists and teachers involved in education. An excellent approach to global primary and secondary education challenges. Is your book published on WRITTEN BY AN ADMISSIONS INSIDER. A real gift both for teachers, Head Teachers and Principals. PDF | On Dec 30, 2017, Ibrahim A Ali and others published Educational Management, Educational Administration and Educational Leadership: Definitions and General concepts | … Well done Natasha, keep writing and give us more from your experience. After all, excepting the financial perspective, pupils atre pupils and teachers ate teachers but selecting and appointing the proper persons in charge of the education process is a matter well treated in this book. Adamantia Kloutsinioti, High-school principal, ret. Being able to successfully blend primary and secondary schools’ educational needs and leadership requirements, its authors’ present a contemporary view of the next generation administrative framework for education. A most welcome resource and reference book for those of us in selection committees for public school administration personnel. I enjoyed the book and I highly recommend it to colleagues. Operating for many years at the middle-management level of the tourism industry reading this book I classify myself in the category of the curious and interested non-education related pubic. I see it as an excellent textbook for university students in education and management and a very useful "refresher " for those already involved in teaching and managing schools. I found it excitingly useful and informative. The book Quality Education is an effort to highlight many individuals and innovative organizations in the world who are making progress and improving millions of people’s lives through quality education. My personal congratulations to father and daughter who bring forth the contribution of Greece to Education with their contemporary book. ... PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT. I will congratulate professor Piperopoulos and his daughter Dr Natasha Piperopoulou on this book which appears to be a useful addition to the bibliography of management and education. Well structured, well written, well documented and surely beyond a 'primer". Brilliant job! You will enjoy it, A must read book for university students, teachers and school administrators. If management in general is indeed a challenging and rewarding endeavor, managing a school can be equally so and, in addition, does demand that a modern school administrator must be both a good manager and a good leader. , and if you agree, please click on the button below ot enter the site. Retirement means you become a yesterdays people, often the relevance of the tomorrow is lost. Aspiring education employees will be helped to chart their toad to management positions in primary and secondary schools. Well worth the time of downloading and reading it. I was richly rewarded for downloading it. A fresh look at the eternal and significant institution of education focusing on the crucial primary and secondary levels. Well researched and beautifully structured, this is a must read for teachers and administrators in both public and private institutions. An excellent addition to current bibliography. In its website, most works are in PDF format while some are in ePUB. Either during one of your next weekends or the next school break I politely urge you to download and read this book! Well structured and carefully articulated arguments for running high quality schools across the Globe. "I have been involved in providing after school remedial education services to youngsters and adolescents as director-proprietor of the 'Gnosi Institut' located in Munich, Germany for close to 30 years. I’ve really enjoyed reading this book! A welcome addition to the bibliography concerning education and management. Well conceived and well supported a modern book for modern elementary and secondary school personnel! One of the best, well structured and thoroughly supported arguments on modern school administration in tegular as well as special education schools. An excellent textbook for aspiring educators and useful refresher for serving professionals. Although I hold a top tier industrial management position, being married to a high school teacher and having raised two sons, the first a post-graduate and the second an undergraduate student, I have had enough experience with Principals and Head Teachers to be able to state that the authors’ thesis for the need school managers to be talented leaders is well taken, contemporary and challenging. Enlightening and useful. International Standard Book Number: 0-86552-078-X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 81-82931. Provocative and so true thesis: excellent schools have gained their status thanks to excellent administrators. Having been involved in secondary education for over a decade I simply will concur with professor Piperopoulos and Dr Piperopoulou in their thesis that excellent administrators must be excellent leaders so that they can create the best work environment towards excellent schools. A modern and fascinating approach to the management of schools. University students in education and management schools will learn from this book. Interesting with a global perspective. German and Austrian Universities receiving his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. It aims to make your important teaching role much easier than it already is. An excellent textbook for education personnel and a remarkable reference source for school managers. I had commented positively on professor Piperopoulos' book titled 'control your stress and manage your time' which I downloaded, read and enjoyed. Professor Piperopoulos and Dr Piperopoulou deserve a round of applause for their excellent book. How to Drive a Car Made Simple: A Step-By-Step Guide, Writing Your Way into College: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Personal Statement That Works. Library Genesis is where you can search for millions of books and articles. A brilliant addition to both education and management bibliographies. Good reading for those already employed in schools as well as those preparing to enter the field. If you are still a university student download it and you will benefit. The principal research for Strategic Management for Senior Leaders: A Handbook for Implementation was done by a Logicon Syscon Corpora-tion team (under subcontract to K.W. Here is a modern textbook which has something to offer to everybody who is involved in education, from the new teacher to the experienced Principals. In modern schools, dealing with multicultural staff and student success presupposes leadership qualities on top of classic characteristics. Impressively comprehensive examination of education and school management from antiquity to out time. Download it! Well done! A useful book. Richly informative and useful for education management students. A useful textbook offering plenty of up to date info on education globally and a serious analysis of administrative shortcomings and novel proposals! The global perspective and the inclusion of special education make it a must have for novices as well as more 'old hands'. Provocative and challenging reading. After all colleges and universities can produce more useful specialists at the tertiary level if their students come in well prepared. Thank you Bookboon, thanks to Dr G and Dr N Piperopoulos. My congratulations to Dr Georgios & to Dr Anastasia who is a phycologist in such a demanding school, a mother & has the stamina to be the co-author in this book! Educational management is a field of study and practice concerned with the operation of educational organizations.