Green Surfer. 2. Tropical Beauty. I'm going to respond to some of your points. And why do people ban animals just because "they are wild and belong in zoos?" I can assure any person that they would rather spend an hour in a room with an angry serval than 10 minutes with a protective dog on its turf that they don't own. I love savannah cats, I swear one day I will own one. They have a build similar to a cheetah (which, despite being a big cat, is also not so dangerous to people), and hunt much smaller prey. They look a lot like kittens with the pointy face of a ferret, the spots of a cheetah, and the tail of a lemur. The photography is very nice, I was expecting to see a few more reptiles, but it is a perfect list none the less. I recall a non-pet owner getting attacked by a bear (I'll have to do one on them later), and my recent write up lists the potential uninvolved public incidences with big cats. Every genet owner knows that is preposterous. She runs a blog dedicated to cute animals on, 50 of the Most Beautiful Exotic Animals on Planet Earth. I've probably visited that page 20 times and spoofed it twice. We have everything from our own pet meerkats to skunks, monkeys, opossums, ground squirrels and much more at the Marp Centre. I feel exotic animals are extraordinary pets if properly cared for. However, couldn't it be that it just seems like there are more incidents because of the fact that there are far more dogs in homes than these other animals? Mexican Walking Fish. Melissa cares for a variety of exotic animals and has completed a certificate in veterinary assisting and a bachelor's degree in biology. He's even pleasant while in shed, bless his little heart. And of course, more difficult animals can be owned too. I gave a brief list of the exotic pets you should avoid, but I want to take a moment to discuss the specific wild animals that fall under the category we’re discussing this week – the large mammals. I LOVE YOU . A reminder: This article is not a care sheet, nor do I endorse any of these animals as pets. I have also gotten some angry nips and the occasional bite due to food protection, fear, and simple playing, but I have survived these superficial wounds. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on September 15, 2014: Only in a few states, but they aren't really in the private sector. Just register and get started! Muntjac deer reach the size of a large house cat, and are reported by their owners to be extremely affectionate. Sloths are high-maintenance pets, and there’s a lot of misinformation floating around about them. The Mexican walking fish is on the verge of extinction. A baby wallaby and its albino mother in the background. Leave them there. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 24, 2014: Jane, not only are Savannahs not dangerous, but neither are servals. During that time, I'm aware of five deaths in the United States. Pets & Animals. Question: How do exotic "medium cats" not risk public safety? They are so incredibly "wild" that we take them into schools to exhibit them for K-5th graders! author: John Purchase. The male possesses a variety of incredible colors like green, fuchsia, blue, brown, cream and orange. Sloths do possess teeth, and in the worst case scenario, a person holding one can sustain an injury. Good things don't happen when people have that high a blood alcohol. Getting drunk is perfectly legal as long as you aren't behind the wheel. Well, one in particular at least: Aptly named Baby Luv by owner Paris Hilton, this medium-sized pet proved to be not so suitable for red carpet photo ops. If you really love animals, this is not how to show it. Hook/tap training a snake is much more reliable and less stressful than feeding in a separate enclosure. We’d essentially have to ban our existence. Exotic and avian species are widely varied, making them some of the most difficult pets for which to find expert veterinary care. 3- Squirrel Monkey- $8,000 (For Babies) From the tropical forests of Central and South America, the … You're a big girl, I am sure you can find the info if you were really interested in facts. Try using your own brain sometime. Every day new photoshop and photography contests are posted to compete in. To properly accommodate them, they should have a large room or an aviary with sizable branches and ropes to climb on. Not all animals are ready to pounce on your next door neighbor or bat its paws at moving cars. the first one mentioned (the fox critters) They are soooo cute. Of course, this has to do with smaller populations (especially hyenas and chimps) and more precautionary actions taken, but that's to be expected. I am not quite an adult yet, but when I am I hope to own many exotic animals (they are so interesting in my opinion, not that dogs and cats aren't.). If it is even a problem, it is only one or two states' problem. Pz, I believe that anyone with the right resources and the right knowledge (that can mean anything from going to a breeder in combination with a lot of google searching to owning a similar creature) can own any animal. Login / Register. They can strangle you, but that's a different thing, and is extremely rare, as for a snake to strangle you, they have to first view you as potential prey. So why should they be banned anywhere? Do your research before posting this crap. Coatis have brought me much joy for the last 20 years and I recently discovered I will have to move to another state to legally have one. If you have information on how to go about properly finding a reputable breeder of any of these please let those commenting know so they can purchase a healthy animal they can love for a full lifetime. All except the species Proteles cristatus.. Hyænas. I have read a few of yours and really liked them! Latherleaf (Colubrina Asiatica) Rosales. Snakes over about 12 feet in length require a little more attention to logistics, but they aren't dangerous to their owners or the general public. Don’t let this derpy marsupial’s whiskers fool you. Answer: These cats have never caused a fatality in the U.S. and generally only pose risk of injury to people who own or choose to contact them. i really want a Fennec fox AND a small big cat. Genets are growing in popularity as exotic pets due to their beautiful patterns. A reasonable enclosure for this small mammal should be, at minimum, a multi-level ferret enclosure such as a Ferret Nation. NewsNow Classifieds. Is the "exotic pet" on the endangered list? Well is it cruel to own a St. Bernard or Siberian Husky in a warm climate? is a joint project of University of Georgia - Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA Forest Service, USDA Identification Technology Program, and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Even if the snake constricted the guy, we don't know whether he did something in a drunken stupor that led to the attack. People shouldn't ban animals just because they aren't domestic. The Sugar Glider. This type of ban has recently occurred in Ohio, because when people think of a wild feline, they generally think of big cats. We’ve got the scoop some popular small pets that, in one way or another, reward their owners with companionable ease. Today’s showcase presents 50 of the most stunning and exotic animals that can be found between the two tropics, creatures that most of us get to see in a zoo only, during a lifetime. Photography and photoshop contests We are a community of people with a passion for photography, graphics and art in general. I strongly believe not everyone should be allowed to own certain dogs. well I can see the boa cause many pet owners and their kids have been killed by their boas.Most are banned due to more and more Exotic Pets being released by iresable pet owner or just plan escaping into the wild and the black market. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 28, 2013: Adrian Cloute from Cedartown, GA on August 28, 2013: Those are some crazy ideas for exotic pets. In fact, there are not really any invasive boas anywhere in the United States, aside from Puerto Rico. The cheapest offer starts at £14. I've heard that the snake did not attack but was just exploring and constricted the owner's neck in order to climb onto a shelf or something. Thank you for posting this amazing article! Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 17, 2014: Oh wow!! Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 06, 2014: How original Leigh Anne, haven't heard that before. For one, they get larger, much larger, and two, they reproduce at a faster rate since, unlike boas, they lay eggs instead of giving life birth. Ideally schedule examination of nocturnal species such as sugar gliders (Petaurus brevi… Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 03, 2014: Jody R LaGreca from New York, New York on July 02, 2014: here's the thing most people don't even need a dog or cat much less any exotic i keep and have kept anything from hawks and owls to many reptiles such as monitors and boas i mainly keep venomous now i personally think with the use of intelligence anything can be kept as a pet and i use the term pet loosely. Despite the millions of Boa constrictors that exist in American households and private facilities across the nation where they are legal, they have established a single confirmed invasive populations in the continental U.S., and Florida has even made an exception for them that still allows their ownership as pets whereas they have banned large pythons. And the ever-so-popular and ideology-driven claim: "That animal belongs in the wild!" Buy and sell hassle free with Preloved! There are around 200 known invasive non-native plant and animal species in Britain and this number is increasing. Answer: Contact a breeder and get on a waiting list. The scientific name of this exotic animal is Prionailurus viverrinus. After they had already blamed extinction, illegal wildlife trade, animal cruelty and all sorts of things on "exotic pets" as one big, broad brush - then they said that WORSE than all of this, is the "public safety threat". but it is a cool exotic pet and I would like to own 1, I like all of these animals, except maybe the boa constrictor .......\/013. It's not _public_ safety, those are not Boa constrictors you are hearing about. An episode of the show Wild Justice on the National Geographic channel will call them a "wild African exotic mammal.". A number of these are invasive mammals – and they can have a devastating impact on our native wildlife. We are all animals in this world and the chances of a harmful incident by any animal that is in a home is almost the same to me. I can personally attest to the harmlessness of this supposedly intimidating-looking exotic pet. He's not the least bit cage aggressive and is even sweet when in shed. I love snakes but to dangerous I have a corn snake. Exotic Mammals Insurance. Damaging invasive species is one main reason for import/export restrictions on certain things. Woolly Flying Squirrel This endangered species was last filmed at … Explore 5 listings for Exotic mammals for sale UK at best prices. In both cases, the owner was trying to administer medicine alone. Approach these patients calmly, gently, and quietly. Each animal species present unique risks--this just applies to all animals in general regardless of ‘domestication’ and popularity. Exotics need to be wild. From echidnas to hairy-nosed wombats, see ten of the rarest and weirdest mammals on Earth, as ranked by the Zoological Society of London. Her mother used illegal drugs. It's a shame that your desire for a cute, unique exotic trumps the countless reasons that these animals should be given the respect to be left wild. Get a quote Be disgusted all you want. Unlike fennec foxes, they … In fact, from what I can find, servals have been responsible for no human fatalities or even any significant injury in the US. In 2013 two boys age 5 and 7 were killed by a boa constrictor in Canada while they were sleeping. Similar to pot-bellied pigs, muntjac deer are kept by some as house pets, and they are … The aardwolf is excepted. Most of them would be unable to survive in the wild and would die a slow painful death caused by starvation. BS article. However, fennec foxes are actually one of the most popular exotic mammals. I do support open-mindedness, and I oppose pet bans. African lion Cheetah Dingo Fennec Fox Moose Polar Bear Sea Otter : Cetaceans. Thanks for making me laugh. We can only have fennec foxes. In both cases, the owner underestimated the response. The constrictors' numbers are also falling because of the cold snaps occurring there lately. In small enclosures, fennecs should be let out to play daily. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 31, 2015: I wouldn't say zero, but close. Even the boyfriend's pet snake was underweight. They have an outdoor run and they can choose if they want to be in the house or outdoors. Welfare-wise, it's hard to defend having primates as pets. This week, that's you. Owners who like to snuggle and hold their pets for extended periods may want to turn owning a genet down—they just aren’t mentally built for it. The snakes you are referring to are actually Burmese pythons, which are noticeably different than boas. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on November 27, 2013: Thanks for that great comment DACA! Genets are very skittish and hate to be restrained by humans, and the last thing any person needs to worry about is their neighbor’s genet attacking them. The legislative goals that animal rights groups are calling for imposing bans on entire groups of animals without exception under the guise that they are all dangerous, even though some clearly aren’t. I have seen in television that there are people that keep snakes as their pet. The boys were walking when a “pet” lion escaped from his cage and attacked them unprovoked.". However, aside from the owners needing to deal with the excessive chewing habit this species is prone to, they are wonderfully enriching pets that thrive with the proper human’s care. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 12, 2014: ameagari-- You've earned the dunce cap of the week out of the posts I've received, even though the week's not over, for failing to realize that this post is not my ONLY post. I wonder, if the 'industry' for more atypical exotics is booming so much, why no major retailers provide any products for the millions of owners of pets like those on this list aside from the snake? Checkout the list below and place your order with us at affordable prices. In the end, they have a relatively intelligent but highly instinctive and high energy animal with retained wild characteristics; hence, why primate bans are so quickly brought upon counties and states. Extremely interesting article. Blue Whale Bottlenose Dolphin Humpback Whale Orca Killer Whale Sperm Whale: Marsupials. I would own any of these animals I love animals and i will take good care of them. This is because they thrive with the proper owner, being one of the easier exotic animals to manage. Voted up! I was absolutley appalled by response to lyndarox's comments. Many states or counties who exempt rodents from their definition of a wild or exotic’ animal, thinking that this category only covers hamster-sized mammals may be interested in knowing what animals qualify for that definition. The listing can be sorted by common name (alphabetically ascending or descending order) and can be searched by name. As far as these animals escaping and running rampant, causing problems for other people, it's impossible. This is because they require dedicated individuals who have the animal smarts to understand their complex needs. But it's just an animal right? My rats get a bad rap. Ask about past experience, expectations of exotics, ect. We're the ones who are ignorant and oppressive? Outside of ideologies, no valid reason exists to ban these animals as pets. Characterized … Some exceptions could exist I guess. PUBLISHED December 6, 2010. If you think your dog poops too … I include this unique animal only to show how an animal being "wild" and exotic certainly doesn’t mean it has to possess the danger of a Bengal tiger. Don't humiliate yourself here anymore. Sort by . That is the point of this article. author: Jan Lykke. I think you give too much responsibility to the owner to protect the public - and also themselves. Great article and good list! Beware that 'road side zoos' may put your animal in a small cage with little enrichment... i was wondering if it is better to take some animals to the zoo to live or to give them up for adoption coz i really love my fennec foxes but their mother just put to birth and i am on my way out of the country can some one help me? They are usually around $2-2,700. Reptiles. Animals of any respectable size have teeth and can cause minor injury. "The American Veterinary Medical Association, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have all expressed opposition to the possession of certain exotic animals by individuals. People releasing their pets is almost a non-existent factor. Wallaroos are illegal in most states, but wallaroos, wallabies, and kangaroos are legal in Colorado. I'll definitely have to read more of your articles. There are thousands of exotics that are abandoned by owners who just wanted to feel special owning an exotic. I've addressed these assertions, tirelessly, tediously. For more information on this, scroll down past the list. But just in case, here's one for you. Reason in U.S.: Exotic pet trade. My rats and mice are called nasty but whatever, they are very sweet pets to me. Oh, how original! As long as the animal is safe, can be kept legally, is not listed as endangered/threatened/etc, it is vaccinated and you have a vet, you know how to make sure you and the animal stay safe, and you can take care of it and make sure it is happy, and it was not taken directly from the wild, owning the animal should be completely fine! No one likes getting a shot, and anything that simulates feeding can trigger a snake's constrict and feed response. Capybaras only eat about three to six plant species in the wild. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 14, 2014: I only found one boa-related fatality brianna. Is this a subject that you normally follow? A pet serval is not even likely to stalk a child if, by worst-case scenario, it broke free from its owner’s home. Exotic mammals for sale UK. Exotics are not meant to be kept by humans who, after realizing that the needs of the animal are beyond what can be provided, are just going to end up relegating the animal to a life of neglect, abuse, or restricted movement. The animals listed here are unlikely to cause a fatality to anyone other than an infant. Keep up the good work! Is a sloth or anteater (tamandua) dangerous? If you prefer to view our profiles by species type and habitat, see our main Species Profiles page. “Bat Eared Fox” by big-ashb is licensed under CC BY 2.0. There are many miserable people who feel as though keepers of these constrictors deserve to die, but any snake owner knows that their chances of dying driving on the highway to pick up their pet's dinner is extravagantly higher. There are several species; the North American river otter lives along rivers, lakes and large creeks. The final case is the boa constrictor mentioned in this article. This should be distinguished from a severe injury (all are equated when an exotic pet is the perpetrator), but even incidences of this occurring toward people who aren’t directly involved with the animal are rare or have never occurred. I think an aspect you are missing is where these animals are coming from and who are they going to. They are called “filthy” “disgusting” and “horrid” animals which, in my opinion, is so unreasonable and arrogant it’s funny. I might show this to my 2 period lang. There's no case for any of the big snakes being particularly dangerous to their owners. I would love to have a big cat like that. I loved seeing boas on this list. We also have one weekly drawing contest and one weekly 3D contest! In 2010 a pet, 9-foot boa constrictor strangled its owner while he was showing it to a friend. Oppressive? How many people would feel threatened by a two-toed sloth? African Elephant Asian Elephant Giraffe Hippopotamus Horse : Others. She may not have stated her sources, but it has been made known to the public by vetrinary and animal groups (not just animal rights activists) that exotic animals do not make good pets. Muebles de jardin from madrid on May 03, 2014: Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on April 22, 2014: Jabberwocky-- Her comments were utterly untrue. The discussion of exotic pet ownership then becomes a battle of which side can effectively exploit the ignorance of non-animal oriented legislators. For now though, nice to see boas making the list. Leigh Anne is correct. TRIVIAL moral objection? Learn how to deal with exotic diseases with expert advice from the vets at PetMD. Melissa said : "What if I took something important from you because I had a trivial 'moral objection' despite having little substantiation. Rhamnaceae. Somehow, this animal has received a reputation as being hazardous to the same level of the two larger species that are responsible for the most deaths: the Burmese python and the reticulated python (death rates from these animals, however, are still quite low.). Everything You Need To Know About Pet Cheetahs, 5 Irrefutable Arguments That Support Exotic Pet Ownership. Classifieds. Interesting hub. Warrington Pets & Exotics Stock List over 250 vivariums stocked with amazing animals over two floors, free parking right outside the door. One example: "August 11, 1993 Georgetown, OH: Two teenage boys suffered facial cuts when a lion attacked one, and the other attempted to intercede. If he did escape, my biggest fear would be his death, not him "sneaking into someone’s doggie door and messing with someone" (as was literally stated by the Wild Justice episode). There were no life-ruining deformities there, just the overly sensationalizing and predacious media at its finest. I wonder if you'd make a good pet. Please feel free to list and submit any animals for sale that you want as we continue to build the site.