Posted by samthecamvet July 30, 2020 July 31, 2020 Posted in IB Tags: Free resources, Geography, IB. 1. geographyalltheway. Part #1: Geographic Themes. • Study of interrelationship on natural and human phenomena on the earth’s surface. The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous, academically challenging and balanced programme of education designed to prepare students aged 16 to 19 for success at university and life beyond. If you're on the SL track, you'll need to master two subjects; if you're on the HL track, you'll need to master three. Factors affecting population distribution and density, High levels of crime discourage people from living in an area as they do not feel safe, Flat land is needed so that settlements could be built. However, Chile is classified as a high income country, yet is located in the Southern, On the other hand, most low income countries are found in central Africa and Asia, within the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, such as Kenya and Nepal. Hi, you may already be aware of this, but there has been a geography syllabus change with first exams in 2019. If Click the picture below and it will show you a short video that looks factors that have an impact on population distribution and density around the world and focuses on why China and India are so populated in comparison to other countries, which you can possibly use for your case studies! If it is a map, then point out some countries that fit with the trend. It is calculated by dividing the population of a region by it's area. All wiki articles on: Ib geography revision notes. - 15 people die every day on the rail network. As the population ages, healthcare expenditure is bound to rise further, straining public finances, → All pregnancies had to be authorized and unauthorized pregnancies has to be aborted, →  If couples obeyed the policy they would see a rise in 5-10% of their salary, → The rate of population growth is now 0.7 per cent, → By 2050 china will have nearly 450 million people aged over 60, → There will be just 1.6 working adults to support every person aged over, → By 2020, it is estimated that men in china will outnumber women by 30 million, Case study! If you are preparing for your IB Geography SL/HL papers, studying your notes is likely not enough to ace the test. Press the image below and it will take you to a report published by the United Nations on World population ageing. Some cities have favorable aspects that allow them to become megacities. IB Geography - Socio-Cultural Exchanges. Part 1 - Whole School Event At IST, our students complete a one week induction event covering all subjects from each of the IB DP groups. The demographic transition model suggests these changes and shows how they change over time in five different stages: High birth rate, fluctuating but high death rate, Birth rate stays high, death rate starts to fall, Birth rate starts to fall, death rate continues falling, The birth rate is low and the death rate increase, Reasons for high birth rates: (stage 1 and 2), Lack of family planning and availability of contraceptives, In rural areas families tend to have a lot of children so that they can help out in their farms or work in the informal sector to generate money for the family (child labour), High levels of infant mortality lead to women having more children, Gender bias: some families prefer to have boys due to their culture and so they may have a lot of children to ensure they have a son in the family, Reasons for low birth rates: (stages 3, 4 and 5). Proudly created with, World Population Prospects: the 2019 Revision, The demographic transition is the changes in birth and death rates over time. Introduction to Geography. The number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to triple, from 143 million in 2019 to 426 million in 2050...... All regions have experienced substantial increases in life expectancy since 1950. You may want to know one or two country specific facts to support you claims on the global and regional trends. it occurs when birth rates fall and the number of elderly people increases as life expectancy increases, Youthful population: a situation in many LICs that involves a fall in the median age of the population usually associated with an increase in the proportion of young dependents. Hazards Revision Study Notes for A Level & IB Geography. Access to rivers and seas provides an opportunity for travel and trade, Natural disasters: Areas that are prone to natural disasters such as flooding can discourage people from settling in that area, In general, there is an uneven distribution of high, middle and low income countries. Most high income countries are found in the Northern Hemisphere such as France and Canada. (Map retrieved from: IB Geography Option G Notes. We are a growing platform. Look for a statement or trend that is true for the whole map … it occurs when birth rates fall and the number of elderly people increases as life expectancy increases, a situation in many LICs that involves a fall in the median age of the population usually associated with an increase in the proportion of young dependents, Global and regional trends in family size, sex ratios, and, In general, there is an uneven distribution in persons per household around the world. In addition, your name will be written in the credits section of this post. When the syllabus says anything about global and regional trends, you do not need to know a lot of specific information. They contain: Case studies for both SL and HL. On the other hand, countries with 4 or more people per household are generally located in the Southern Hemisphere. Yes, I've checked and I know the final exams are going to be different - like the structure or some new topics - but the content is overall pretty much the same, I know because I had access to the new book and checked some information while studying to my finals :) But thank you! (Map retrieved from, it. Created and Developed by: Steven Heath. IB Geography 2019 Course Website Click on the tab below. Posted by samthecamvet July 30, 2020 July 31, 2020 Posted in IB Tags: Free resources, Geography, IB. IB Geography Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme View larger. In terms of the Geography aspect, my work and resources are here (on Click the picture and it will take you to a short video that describes the rise in the number of megacities in the future. Greenfield . IB Geography Unit 3 Global Resource Consumption and Security (full notes) Last document update: ago This document includes all of the course content and case studies needed for the third core unit Global Resource Consumption and Security for the IB Geography new syllabus whose first examination is in 2019 (mine). By using these notes alone I managed to get a 7 on … Dense vegetation such as forests makes it difficult to build settlements on, Availability of resources: Resources are an important factor for economic development in an area. If you're on the SL track, you'll need to master two subjects; if you're on the HL track, you'll need to master three. Also, double up on your case studies! If it is a graph, is the line general increasing or decreasing? For example, the UAE has one of the lowest percentages of females in the world. densley populated areas exist. It is a collection of lecture notes and resources from several years of teaching geography at the IB Diploma level. However, Australia is an anomaly since it is located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is evident that in central and. Free IB HL/SL Geography Notes. "According to data from World Population Prospects: the 2019 Revision, by 2050, one in six people in the world will be over age 65 (16%), up from one in 11 in 2019 (9%). Please be sure to check out the links. ibgeorevision. Press the image below and it will take you to a report published by the, on World population ageing. → The flooding circulated rubbish and human waste around the slum, leading to outbreaks of diseases (such as malaria). why Japan's population is declining, the problems that this will cause for the country and possible solutions! → The population decreases from South-East to North-West may be due to the distribution of rainfall in South Africa The Geographer Online is an educational website aimed at providing geography teaching resources for all levels. Why do some cities develop into megacities? Hi! Share: Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linkedin Share on Google Share by email. Struggling with IB Geography? Press J to jump to the feed. Well-developed answer to all or most aspects of the question (see step 3-4 below)Detailed references to a variety of specific case-studies and named examples to support the answer; Appropriate and frequent use of the terminology (e.g. After doing so, your resources will be added to the post and to the main Google Drive link along with your credits (Example: Math HL notes by /u/(whatever your username is). THE GEOGRAPHER ONLINE. → Policies: such as inheritance of family property is traced through daughters, rather than sons, improved justice, gender mainstreaming-that men and women need to be fully involved in the process of social transformation and progressive education and health policies allow greater opportunity for women. Ecumene - IB Geography. The majority of the migrants are economically active, predominantly female, leaving poorer rural communities in the inland provinces.Many migrants are regarded as floating population and do not have official urban hukou (household registration system), → High population densities are found in areas where there are good minerals such as gold and diamond, good farming potentials and good trading potential such as Durban and Cape Town  Hi! It is quite different from the last syllabus so while you can use your siblings or friends textbooks for somethings be careful! Global patterns and classification of economic development: low-income countries. The IB DP Geography Flipboard Magazine. You will then be given a further 10 minutes to come up with a one minute speech that answers the following question: Evaluate the geographical impact that (enter your item here) has had on the world in the last 20 years. Notes IB Geography (good for revision and learning) All case studies you need to know! 165 Interactions 0 Upvotes $ 0.40 . IB Geography Notes. This is an overview of the what the NEW IB Geography specification is about. Smartbacc. and the subsequent change in the age structure of the population, where a large proportion of the population is in the adult age range. IB Biology SL consists of a minimum of 150 prescribed hours, and IB Biology HL consists of a minimum of 240 prescribed hours. - IB Geography: Neo-Malthusian and anti-Malthusian 1. neo-Malthusianandanti-Malthusian 2. Population and economic development patterns . and much more. Matt Podbury - ibgeographypods . studycollab is a project designed to give students study tips, revision notes and academic advice with a particular focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The document talks about key trends as well as global and regional trends in population ageing. →  However, over a million people live in Dharavi, one of the world’s largest slums. IB Geography SL notes . Please do feel free to use the tabs beneath to contact me or learn more. For example you can probably use some case studies from unit 1 for option G. This not only means you have less case studies to learn but they are also easier to remember! Overview of Urban Expansion Task 2 - The third video above gives you an over view of the growth of the city from the early 1970's to 2016. → Girls educated the same standard as boys, open access to universities and colleges where women often study to be doctors and nurses. However, an anomaly is Haiti because it is the only country in, Central America that is classified as low income. lIf you would like to expand your Japan case study then cick the picture below and it will show you a video that will help explain why Japan's population is declining, the problems that this will cause for the country and possible solutions! Link to geographypods.COM. IB Revision Flashcards… IB Revision Flashcards… By markhooley | October 21, 2020 | Comments 0 Comment. What I mean is that you can use the same example for two or three case studies from different topics. Voluntary internal migration: It refers to the movement of a population away from their home, from one part of the country. Saltar a página . click the picture below and it will show you a video that explains the problem of gender inequality around the world and what needs to be done in order to help solve this problem! Unit Weightings and Marks. If you want to study a specific topic, use the Command + F function on your keyboard to search this article for specific IB Geography notes. A range of lesson planning and resources for the Paper 1 Optional Units SL/HL, Paper 2 Core Units SL/HL and the Paper 3 HL – Global Perspectives and Global Interactions. Ms. Evensen's Flipboard Magazine (based on the above) Resources. Geography Notes. For example, if it is a map does it show an even or uneven. IB Geography. Plate Tectonics - Processes and … I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the authors of the textbooks and online sources I consulted, some of which may not have been duly referenced for compelling reasons. →  It is growing rapidly from around 3m in 1952 to 14m in 2006 and projected 26mn by 2020. Get Geography AS and A Level Notes here at my new website. It includes three options: Hazards, Urban and Leisure plus Global Interactions. Population in Transition . → Regions in the east are closer to the sea, can provide better access to international trade such import and export by marine transport The meaning of Geography • Scientific study of the earth as a home of man. Last updated 26th April 2018. Hi! ↓ Select a unit ↓ Coasts; Health Issues; Population; Rivers; ↑ Select a unit ↑ A refugee may fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular group, Waste disposal: improper waste disposal by, may lead to water pollution if rivers and water sources become contaminated, and services due to the large numbers of people, the average age of the population is increasing. Descargar ahora. The government set a target of 45% of married couples using family planning. In comparison to the Middle East, there are generally more females than males in Europe, especially Eastern Europe. For example, the UAE has one of the lowest percentages of females in the world. What I mean is that you can use the same example for two or three case studies from different topics. IB Geography Notes Geography is the study of the earth as the home of man. IB Notes is where you can find great notes for your IB classes! The demographic transition model suggests these changes and shows how they change over time in five different stages: tend to have a lot of children so that they can help out in their farms or work in the informal sector to generate money for the family (child labour), High levels of infant mortality lead to women having more, families prefer to have boys due to their culture and so they may have a lot of children to ensure they have a son in the family, economic growth that may result from a decline in a country's birth and death. The IB Geography syllabus gives you seven options for study. →  Voluntary migration following the collapse of the apartheid system  The data within links this current topic to Option G (Urban) and the Population unit from Perspectives. Forced migration: migration that occurs due to war, religious persecution, famine, slavery, politics or natural disasters, creating refugees and internally displaced people, Refugee: someone who has been forced to flee their country due to war, persecution or violence. However, an anomaly is Haiti because it is the only country in Central America that is classified as low income. If it is a graph, provide some statistics from the graph to support the trend. In this article, I've compiled the best FREE online IB Biology study guides (including IB Biology Notes and IB Biology Revision) into one resource and provided you with some IB Biology practice questions.. 2020 IB Biology Exam Cancelled Due to COVID-19 Hi there very interest can you share please. For example you can probably use some case studies from unit 1 for option G. This not only means you have less case studies to learn but they are also easier to remember! There are a number of reasons as to why a country could experience a demographic dividend: lIf you would like to expand your Japan case study then cick, the picture below and it will show you a video that will help. C O N T A C T T O O L S. Find Out More About #IBGeog19. I have notes for sell for Geography SL and HL - for revision and learning. As the life expectancy at birth increases, improvements in survival at older ages account for a growing proportion of the overall improvement in longevity. Smartbacc. I have made these comprehensive notes for … For example, 54% of Latvia's population is female, which is one of the highest percentages in the world. Honestly, I struggled with keeping my case studies short because I always thought that the more facts I had the better, however when it came to the final exam I found that I remembered my case studies more when they were short! Free IB Geography HL and SL study guides, notes, videos, powerpoints, past exam papers, extended essay for 2009 syllabus Moreover, middle income countries are generally located in between the subtropics such as India and Brazil. then state it! It is quite different from the last syllabus so while you can use your siblings or friends textbooks for somethings be careful! Plate Tectonics - Magma Plumes . I have made these comprehensive notes for the new 2019 syllabus. Megacity: A city with more than 110 million inhabitants, Core: A more developed part of a country or of the world is known as a core, Periphery: A less developed part of a country or the world is known as a periphery. →  Forced migration related to the apartheid movement Top IB Geography Flashcards Ranked by Quality. → About 3,600 Nigerian women arrived by boat into Italy in the first six months of 2016. It is an excellent example how how you should be able to synthesise information from differing areas of the IB DP Geography course. → China’s population is concentrated in the eastern part of the country, especially in coastal zones and the lower reaches of river valleys. Global patterns and classification of economic development: middle-income countries and emerging economies, Population distribution and economic development at the national scale, including voluntary internal migration, core-periphery patterns and megacity growth, Two detailed and contrasting examples of uneven population distribution, Population Distribution: The pattern where people live, Population density: The number of people living in a given area. For full information of the event, click on this link to see the structure and timetable. Advantages and disadvantages of aging populations, elderly people are less inclined to commit crimes, elderly are more likely to help out around society and volunteer as they have more time, Advantages and disadvantages of youthful populations, in the future, once the youthful population grows up, there will be a large number of people that are economically active, there may be an increase in demand for manufactured goods, which is an opportunity for many businesses. If you have extra notes or resources please contribute to the website and help thousands of other people like you. → Women are migrating to towns and cities to work, leaving their children in the rural area to be cared for by grandparents Link to geographypods.COM. With our digital flashcards, you can learn more about this field. transition is the changes in birth and death rates over time. It seeks to identify trends and patterns in these interactions. distribution. Geography is the study of the earth as the home of man. Essay Markbands. The document talks about key trends as well as global and regional trends in population ageing. I have notes for sell for Geography SL and HL - for revision and learning. → Mumbai holds a central position in Asia, with easy access to China and the West, has meant that it has become a global hub for the world’s TNCs, however this growth has had many consequences: - Many of the streets in Dharavi are no more than ½ metres wide, - Average incomes are low (earning of around $65 per month), - Congestion, poor water quality and pollution is common, - 15 people die every day on the rail network IB Geography is divided in two main sections: the core syllabus that all students have to cover, and the higher level extension that only higher level students study. Two Year Overview. It includes three options: Hazards, Urban and Leisure plus Global Interactions. In comparison to the Middle East, there are generally more females than males in Europe, especially Eastern Europe. You just need to be aware of the general trend on a global scale and how the trend may vary from region to region. If it is a map, then point out some countries that fit with the trend. 2.