This was discovered in 2007 in the Indonesian region of Sulawesi and is thus at times called the Sulawesi shrimp. Hello there, I am wanting to start a second tank which is bigger than my ten gallon and want to put a dragon goby in it. Avoid tank mates with bright coloring and long fins. Water temp averaging 78/79. Sadly, there are few brackish water species that have the potential to make good tank mates for Dragonfish. Scientific Name : Valenciennea puellaris, listed of least concern on the IUCN red list Common Names : Orange Spotted Sleeper Goby, Orange Dashed Goby, Maiden Goby Care Level : Easy Size : Up to 6 inches (15 cm) Life span : 3 - 5 years, likely longer pH : 8.1 - 8.4 Temperature : 72°F - 79°F (22°C - 26°C) Specific … Many species listed above require different food than a betta. Tank Mates. Ideal tank mates include: Livebearers, Tetras, Danios, Barbs, Rasboras, Gouramis, Rainbowfish, Cory cats, and Plecostomus. Dragon Gobies are members of the faily Gobiidae and are native to brackish … dragon goby and knight goby as tank mates Become a Supporting Member Become a Preferred Vendor: General Freshwater General Freshwater fish discussions Thread Tools: Display Modes: 07-14-2010, 02:50 AM #1: Revolution1221. The dragon goby is a peaceful scavenger. I am looking at some fancy guppies, would they be good tankmates for my South American Dragon Goby? Keeping a brackish tank is perfect if you're interested in salt but don't want to break the bank. And one has 3 dragons and a few sharks and that is apretty cool tank. Blue Neon Gobies feed on live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen foods for carnivores. evaporation of water … If you intend to breed them, a species tank with 3 females per male is recommended. 0 Shares 0. I added the red and … This is a new species to me that i have never seen befor it is just like the ones for salt water but it is in … To mimic their natural environment, you’ll need a heater to keep the water temperature between 68-77°F with neutral pH (6.5-8.0). is there anyway to tell if my goby is male of female I add in about 1or 2 rounded tablespoons of aquarium salt per gal. Dragonfish, also called Dragon Gobies, Eel Gobies, Peruvian Gobies, or Violet Gobies (among many common names), are a brackish water to fresh water fish from South and Central America. The Dragon Goby (Gobioides broussonnetii) is a bizarre looking species that is also known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Violet Goby, Prehistoric Dragon Goby, Eel Goby, Peruvian Goby, and Dragon Fish.. However, because it is a brackish … The Helfrichi is my most social and is normally out with the rest of the tank. Never add other aggressive fish … Others / Gobiidae / Dragon Fish Profile: Dragon Fish, Violet Goby Gobioides broussonnetii Synonyms: Amblyopus brasiliensis, A. mexicanus, Gobioides oblongus, Ognichodes broussonnetii, Plecopodus broussonnetii Physical description: A slender, elongated, eel-like species with a large head.The spiny dorsal fin runs nearly the … Compatibility and tank mates. Therefore the tank should be … A soft, sandy substrate is ideal for this species.Also provide lots of caves, nooks and crannies where it can lurk and form territories. The banded dragon goby (Amblygobius phalaena, Valenciennes, 1837) may not be as striking in color as other sand sifters but has an appealing personality and behavior. Cardinal Shrimp – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding One of the currently popular options for shrimp keeping hobbyists is the cardinal shrimp. Ideal tank mates include: Brackish Water Fish, or Rainbowfish, Gouramis, Barbs, Livebearers, South American Cichlids, Danios, Plecos, and other scavenger Catfish. 0. Tank Conditions. The Bumblebee Goby requires a diet rich in small, live foods such as tubifex worms, bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Identification: The Scooter Blenny is also referred to as the Starry Dragonet or Stellate Dragonet. My end goal fish for this tank would be a Gourami, not sure if can have multiple but would like to. Tank Mates For Dragon Goby I've read that they will live well with other gobies, as well as guppies, columbian sharks, bumble bee goby, mollies, etc. Now that i have the right size tank I am looking to buy more fish. My Goby is about 7 inches long. This fish keeps the sand bed clean by sifting through it in search of small microorganisms. They will hide if startled or if their tank mates are too aggressive. I have a 50g tank that will be clean tomarrow. Amblygobius phalaena. Dragon Goby super rapid gulping/breathing 8/9/12 Tank: I have a 39 gal tank that is a salty fresh water tank rather than a brackish water. I am going to be given a 5" or so Violet Goby very soon, and I am planning on keeping it in a 29g brackish tank at least until it grows a bit and I can find it a more permanent one. A lot less work. You can see the article The Dragon Goby: Tank Mates for a full list of options. Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" Keeping the salt maintained is actually relatively easy as well Once you use marine salt and only marine salt to get your Sg in the tank to the preferred salinity it can only really be altered by two ways. Gobioides broussonnetii, which is the truel Violet Goby, aka, Dragon Fish, which may grow to as much as 25″ long. I saw some dragon gobies at the lfs. They rarely become aggressive towards other fish, but can become territorial. Compatible Tank Mates for … Bichir Tank Mates. Water hardness should be kept between 5-20 dGH. This species is native to parts of North and South America, ranging all the way from South Carolina to Brazil. The true dragon goby Goboides broussoneti is probably one of the most striking, beautiful and unusual looking fish available in the aquarium trade today. Monos, which slightly … Pretty much almost all peaceful brackish fish that are smaller than the goby … Feed the Fan Dance Goby a quality flake food and meaty items such as brine shrimp, bloodworms or tubiflex worms. Add lots of plants and other decorations for hideouts. Their temperament is never the issue! Finding adequate tank mates for the bumblebee goby isn’t always easy. When breeding dragon fish remember that the male will become aggressive and guard the eggs so it is better to separate the females as soon as spawning happens. Join Date: Apr 2010. Not to sure of the puffers. That's the problem.> Would they be compatible? I have been told that the dragon goby … The evocatively named Prehistoric Dragon Goby (Gobioides broussonnetii), also widely known as the Violet Goby, has a face that only a mother could love.This beady-eyed bottom-dweller is a common species in the estuaries of the West Atlantic and can be found everywhere from Florida down to Brazil; but, … i have several freinds that have dragon goby's now and most of them keep guppies with them. It all matters what the disposition of the tank mates is. And they look really nice but i actually dont know with what fish they can get along. Although commonly found in freshwater in nature, this goby appears to do better with the addition of salt to around 1/4 marine strength (1.005sg) in the aquarium.Saying that though, this … Freshwater dragon fish care is about food, a … The males fight for their territory on the tank bottom and despite this it is recommend to keep not less than 6 species in a school to make sure that they don’t demonstrate … I just got a new 20 gallon tank, but it is a long one so it is ideal for my goby. As such it can be kept with a lot of other fish and invertebrates that are peaceful and won't harm it as long as they tolerate or thrive in brackish water conditions. The Dragon Goby is widely distributed throughout the Southern United States, Central America, The … I would like to do something simpler for a few years until we move out of the apartment and into a house. Any fish will do as Polypterids tank mate, the main thing is that it shoudln’t fit into its mouth. They usually do well with larger fish, so think Oscars, Blood Parrots, Flowerhorns, large Barbs, Knifefish, medium and large Catfish and large peaceful African cichlids. I have a Dragon Goby in one of my fish tanks. This continuous feeding behavior makes the banded goby … And don't nag me about him having a tank that is to small. This is due, in large part, to their brackish water needs. Gobioides broussonnetii , the true Dragonfish, can reach lengths over 2 feet (60cm), though other members of this group are usually … Even though this species is not sensitive to light, it hides away from bright light. I have been getting several different opinion on which water would be better: freshwater or brackish water. Firefish are darters/jumpers. My suggestion is to do the purple first. What are some good tank mates that will fit in with him in a 10g tank. Furthermore, the small size of the fish can make them a target for larger species. Perhaps the oddest looking fish around, the Dragon Goby is an excellent way to get a unique fish in a brackish tank. And i read they should be in brackish water.