SelfDecode provides recommendations that are. There is currently no evidence to support these claims. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. Mastic gum is the sticky resin from an evergreen shrub found on an island in Greece. At doses of 40 grams, it yielded a significant reduction in energy intake of 100–200 kcal, while doses of 10 or 20 grams led to a reduction in energy intake around 100 kcal. The purported cancer-fighting properties of mastic gum are probably due to its triterpenes. Chewing or ingesting mastic gum can clear your teeth, tummy, and bowel. The main ones are triterpenic acids (such as isomasticadienolic acid) and triterpenes. Medically reviewed by Select one or more newsletters to continue. Jonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD (Pharmacology), How to Increase or Decrease Red Blood Cells, 3+ Benefits of Rhodiola Root Extract & Tea + Dosage, Fights many bacteria and microbes, including, Most of the studies were small and sponsored by the manufacturers, May trigger allergies in sensitive people, Tears (solidified pieces of pure mastic gum). Over a year and a half, it also reduced other markers of heart and liver disease (apolipoprotein B, AST, ALT, GGT) [16]. In a cell study, mastic gum extract was able to kill the bacteria that cause gum diseases and inflammation (such as gingivitis) [25, 26]. If any of the compounds are isolated and used separately, the antimicrobial effect weakens [5, 4]. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Mastic gum is an anti-inflammatory that may help with autoimmune diseases or chronic inflammation. View abstract. How to use: Take 250 milligrams (mg) of mastic gum capsules 4 times per day. One study involved experimentally induced gastric and duodenal ulcers in rats. This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider. Mastic gum is an extract from Pistacia lentiscus used in herbal medicine to treat gastrointestinal ulcers, breathing conditions, poor circulation, body aches and infections caused by bacteria and fungus. It also reduced inflammation and the damage to the heart and other organs that can result from high blood pressure [20]. Although some websites suggest consuming mastic gum for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), there are very little data to support this idea. Mastic gum is a natural remedy said to fight cavities and digestive problems. People respond differently to diets and supplements because everyone has unique DNA. You can also add 2 drops of mastic gum oil to 50 milliliters (mL) of … Studied since antiquity, the Greek physician Hippocrates first described its use for gut disorders. If you wish to use complementary strategies in addition to treatment, talk to your doctor and do so with medical supervision. In a clinical trial of 60 IBD patients, 2.8 g/day of mastic gum improved the quality of life and IBD markers (lysozyme, lactoferrin, and calprotectin levels). Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. But because chronic gastritis can be a result of an H. pylori infection, some believe that mastic gum may be helpful in reducing the symptoms. Sometimes it’s combined with probiotics, an adequate diet, or other supplements. Mastic is tapped from June to August via numerous, longitudinal gouges made in the tree bark. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. ANEMOS, Chios Mastiha gum, Masticha, mastica, mastix or mastixa. Mastic Gum is a resin found in the trunk of an evergreen shrub on the Greek island of Chios. However, it did not change CRP levels in this study. An oleoresin exudes and hardens into a teardrop shape that is approximately the size of a pea (3 mm). Chios Gum Mastic (also known as Mastiha) is the resinous material obtained from the Pistacia lentiscus tree, grown on the island of Chios in Greece, where it has traditionally been used as a healthy food for the gastrointestinal tract. Monoterpenes are the primary chemical components contributing to the antibacterial activity of mastic oil against gram-positive and gram-negative strains.Koutsoudaki 2005, Tassou 1995 Activity against the following organisms is documented: Sarcina lutea, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus subtilis.Iauk 1996. Mastic gum has not been approved by the FDA for medical use in any form. Therefore, discuss with your doctor before using mastic gum alongside prescription drugs [30]. Your email address will not be published. Mastic gum recently has been tested against ulcer formation and healing in various models. Read up on the research behind this and what to know before using it. To avoid adverse side effects or unexpected interactions, talk to your doctor before using mastic gum. Aside from reducing the frequency of liquid stools, stomach pain and cramps, and antidiarrheal drug use, it also, In a rat study, mastic gum reduced additional inflammatory markers associated with IBD (, , ). It does NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to this product. Mastic also exhibits antifungal activity. Mastic Gum Dosage If you want to take mastic gum for dental health, then chew the gum. (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), there are very little data to support this idea. It is collected from the trunk of Pistacia Lentiscus (Mastic Tree). Mastic gum is available in a variety of forms: Mastic gum is also added to Mastika, a Mediterranean liqueur, or Mastiha, a liqueur made only on the Greek island of Chios. Most toxic effects involve allergic reactions. However, if you are taking mastic gum for other uses such as killing h. pylori or treating GERD or candida, you’ll want to take mastic as It was applied as directed by traditional healers, through burning the mastic gum/resin and smoking the wound with it over 3 days [2]. The maximum dosage of mastic gum should not exceed from 6 grams in a 24-hour period. The following studies were conducted only on animal models or cell lines. In the above study, some people who took just mastic gum eradicated H.Pylori infections while those who combined it with antibiotics (amoxicillin or clarithromycin) were all cured (clinical trial of 52 people). It also turned off genes that make receptors for male sex hormones, which stopped cancer development. This was the only study that used mastic gum smoke and the mechanisms and implications remain largely unknown. Over a year and a half, it also reduced other markers of heart and liver disease (, However, in a clinical trial of 179 healthy people, 1 g/day of crude mastic gum lowered, . chia). Smoking and smudging resinous materials is common in some forms of traditional medicine, especially among Native Americans, but the scientific evidence for it is sparse [, Mastic gum effectively inhibited the growth of multiple types of bacteria as well as the, The triterpenic acids in mastic gum are likely responsible for its microbe-fighting activity. This shrub is mostly found on Chios, an island of the Greek archipelago. Mastic gum may also help treat the symptoms of stomach ulcers, or peptic ulcers. However, in a clinical trial of 179 healthy people, 1 g/day of crude mastic gum lowered total cholesterol levels but did not affect HDL, LDL, or triglyceride levels. Two other types of mastic gum (polymer-free mastic and powdered crude mastic) had no effect whatsoever [17]. Mastic gum has become a subject of interest for researchers for its effective role in treating digestive tract disturbances. A plus sign next to the number “[1+, 2+, etc...]” means that the information is found within the full scientific study rather than the abstract. Last updated on Sep 21, 2020. Its leaves are green, leathery, and oval. Mastic gum also reduced high blood sugar levels in mice with diabetes [19]. Their effect is synergistic – it’s stronger when all of them are combined. Mastic gum by Jarrow formulas creates a pure dietary supplement that balances gastric secretions and benefits the gastric tissues. Ever try supplements that don’t seem to work? Recent studies have shown inhibition in growth of H pylori after taking Mastic similar to that of Modern research has found possible benefits for dyspepsia and peptic ulcers, while other benefits to heart disease, diabetes, oral health, and wound healing have only limited clinical evidence to support them. Your email address will not be published. Remember to speak with a doctor before taking mastic gum, and never use it in place of something your doctor recommends or prescribes. Read on to learn more about how it works, with dosage and side effects. View abstract. Although it’s bitter and earthy in flavor, it has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. Allimed Dosage for H. pylori: Take 1-2 capsules 3 times per day for 2-4 weeks GET IT HERE 2. Concentrations as low as 125 μg/ml and 500 μg/ml inhibited 50% and 90% of H. pylori strains (9). In one study, people who took mastic gum with the conventional anti-ulcer medication, pantoprazole, weren’t cured of H.Pylori infections. infections wishing to go the natural route. Despite its reputation, matula tea, thought to be helpful in eradicating H. pylori infections, does not contain any mastic gum. More human trials will be required to determine whether mastic gum is actually useful in controlling diabetes. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of mastic gum for any of the below-listed uses. Limited reviews of the available evidence have been published.Dimas 2012, Rauf 2017. In fact, most drugs used to treat prostate cancer work by reducing the activity of these receptors (Androgen Receptor, In a cell study, mastic gum had similar anti-cancer effects to Taxol, a chemotherapy drug commonly used for ovarian and breast cancer [, In two other cell studies, mastic gum extracts killed colon cancer cells [, The purported cancer-fighting properties of mastic gum are probably due to its. Mastic resin is used in alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages, in some cosmetic mixtures and perfumes, in dentistry as an ingredient in filling material, and in toothpaste. In several clinical trials with over 100 people, chewing mastic gum reduced saliva bacteria levels [21, 22, 23, 24]. Mastic was effective in regulating inflammatory mediators such as C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor–alpha, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 in plasma, as well as oxidative stress. Traditionally, mastic gum has been used for thousands of years in the Mediterranean as a natural remedy for wound healing, pain relief, and various gut disorders. Most adverse reactions are associated with hypersensitivity to the plant species or with allergic reactions. Mastic Gum (Resin) – Side Effects, Benefits (Helicobacter Pylori, Gastritis, Acid Reflux), Uses, Doses May 7, 2020 October 26, 2018 by Your Health Remedy's Staff Mastic gum, also known as Chios mastic or resin, has been chewed for centuries around the Mediterranean. Mastic gum may cause immune reactions or allergies in some individuals. Both these areas continue to be subjects of active research, though. Pure mastic gum alone (350mg-1g, 3x/day) was moderately effective at eradicating H. pylori (30%-38% cured) after 14 days. Reports from the areas of Chios,Katsiotis 1984 Egypt,De Pooter 1991 and CorsicaCastola 1996 are available. Speak with your doctor before using mastic gum for any reason. Mastic gum contains many beneficial bioactive compounds. Supplements generally lack solid clinical research. However, it did not work when combined with the conventional anti-ulcer medication, pantoprazole (clinical trial of 52 people) [12]. An older study in 38 people found that mastic gum could improve … In ayurvedic and Unani medicine, it is used with other herbs and some of Mastic therapy induced remission in 7 of the 10 patients, and nutritional status also improved in patients receiving mastic therapy.Kaliora 2007, Older reports of antidiabetic effects in rodents exist in the literature.Eskander 1995, Older reports of hypotensive effects of P. lentiscus exist in the literature.Sanz 1992, Sanz 1993, According to older reports, mastic may possess insecticidal properties.Pascual-Villalobos 1998, In a comparative study, mastic gum (Mastisol) adhesive plus surgical adhesive strips exhibited the strongest adhesion when compared with 4 other anchoring methods.Mikhail 1986, Mikhail 1989 Mastic gum adhesive has a lower incidence of postoperative contact dermatitis and skin discoloration,Lesesne 1992 and provides increased adhesiveness compared with compound tincture of benzoin.Yavuzer 2005, Mastic resin at a dosage of 1 g daily has been studied for the treatment of duodenal ulcer.Al-Habbal 1984, Various commercial products are available to help eliminate H. pylori bacterium in the stomach (implicated in a number of GI complaints), including Mastika, which contains mastic gum 250 mg in capsule form. Avoid Illness By Using the Best Supplements For Your Body. He then proceeded to serve as a Clinical Fellow of The California Institute of Regenerative Medicine at The University of California at Irvine, where he conducted research of stem cells, epigenetics, and genomics. > Chios gum mastic info > Chios natural gum mastic. In the second week, take 2000mg of the dosage when you have eaten nothing in the morning and afternoon daily and the … Up to 10 g of mastic gum appears to be well-tolerated and safe. In a preliminary study of 25 periodontally healthy patients, mastic had antibacterial activity against S. mutans and mutans streptococci compared with placebo gum.Aksoy 2006 Another study reported similar inhibition of lactobacilli growth in the saliva of orthodontically treated patients with fixed appliances who were chewing mastic versus placebo gum.Aksoy 2007. The best clinical evidence for mastic gum’s benefits come from studies on dyspepsia and peptic ulcers. 'Pistacia 2017, Commercial applications of mastic resin include as an adherent for protecting luster in glass, porcelain, bone, wood, and metal. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us at [email protected]. Raw gum: Whole, raw mastic gum is typically chewed to freshen breath or help relieve occasional nausea or heartburn. Various commercial products are available to help eliminate H. pylori bacterium in the stomach (implicated in a number of GI complaints), including Mastika, which contains mastic gum 250 mg in capsule form. However, taking mastic gum seems to be less effective at eliminating H, The resin has been used traditionally as a chewing gum and for protection against lip dryness.Duru 2003, Mastic is an oleoresin containing approximately 2% volatile oil.Evans 1996, Windholz 1989 The resin contains alpha- and beta-masticoresins, masticin, mastic acid, masticoresene, and tannins.Chevalier 1996 Mastic is a complex mixture of tri-, tetra-, and pentacyclic triterpene acids and alcohols.Marner 1991 Reports of certain fractions from the plant include polymer fraction isolation/characterizationSanz 1992, van den Berg 1998 and acidic triterpenic fractions of mastic gum.Papageorgiou 1997, The essential oil component in mastic contains more than 70 compounds, some of the primary constituents being alpha-pinene, myrcene, caryophyllene, beta-pinene, linalool, and germacrene D.Calabro 1974, Calabro 1974, Magiatis 1999, Papageorgiou 1991, Papageorgiou 1981 Another report lists certain percentages of essential oils from galls and aerial parts of the plant, such as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (47%), beta-caryophyllene (13%), and cadinene (8%).Fernandez 2000 Essential oil composition in the species P. lentiscus differs from region to region. Early research suggests that taking mastic gum for 2 weeks helps eliminate H. pylori infections in some, but not all, people 5 weeks after finishing treatment. We are dedicated to providing the most scientifically valid, unbiased, and comprehensive information on any given topic. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Although some people believe mastic gum could be effective for acid reflux, there are currently very little data on its effect on acid reflux, also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).