I think they like the way our eyelashes tickle their noses, my dog does the same thing. I have 3 dogs and one of them is always sniffing out wounds. He just wouldn't stop. My dog started limping so I took him to an emergency vet. PetSmart pet trainers are given training in dog training, does this training take place at the store? Still have questions? In the past, it has been proven tha some dogs have the ability to smell when a person is coming down with an illness. Been going places you normally haven't before or changed jobs? who woud win in a fight  german shepherd or a great dane? Just like people, dogs can 'catch' yawns. How do you think about the answers? my dog always keeps sniffing near me and keeps on sneezing near me all the time i no thats what dogs do but.. its just reli annoying when she sniffs near me because i think its me.. =S. So weird and gross. Having been through a similar situation with a shelter dog on death row, I knew how frustrating situations like this could be, especially when the dog leaves scratches and bite marks all over. My dog only smells me this way when I've been around other dogs. Hi, Lately I keep getting static electric shocks when I touch my car door or sometimes even my dog. Another dog hurt her leg and she was always sniffing her leg. Here are some techniques to try to prevent your dog from licking you: Change your body scent ... Later while I’m sitting at the table talking to my friends he keeps walking all along the baseboard and the boxes sniffing and scratching and barking. Evolution has perfected their sniffing capabilities over thousands of years. I don’t know why this is happening she … I can swear animals sense a pregnancy because everytime I have been pregnant, my cats would come lie next to me, which they normally won't do. Could you have anything wrong with your eyes? WHO has guidelines. Do you where make up it could be that the dog is smelling that. Not to get all New Age on you, but you have to look at the whole dog. For example, a dog can detect a drop of blood in a gallon of water, and some dogs can determine whether humans have bladder cancer by simply sniffing their urine. Good answers, so far, but I think it's something else. I would imagine you rub your eyes without washing enough after eating greasy foods... or the mascara company is using bacon grease as a base for it's products now. If your dog bites at your feet and ankles, carry his favorite tug toy in your pocket. 3 years old. Because you’re right: sometimes Fido really will be distracted (sniffing), or not hungry (refusing food), or he may have an itch (scratching). Texas football player charged in attack on referee, Conway: It looks like Biden and Harris will prevail, White House signals no rush on coronavirus stimulus, Cyrus says marriage was 'last attempt to save' herself, Nashville ICU nurse shot dead in car while driving to work, NBA star chases off intruder in scary encounter. They could be smelling other animals or other people on you. I wonder if there may be a medical reason. It’s basically your dog’s way of understanding their environment. who woud win in a fight  german shepherd or a great dane? Lately, she has been pawing at me and not wanting to sleep in the bed. Biology of Sniffing. The canine brain has a specialized smell processing area that is 40 times larger than in the human brain! Dog’s were born to sniff. ? Sniffing Could be a Sign of Nervousness If you see your dog sniffing the ground a lot and he is also pacing around then this could be a sign of nervousness. They knew something was different and kept trying to sniff me. Get your answers by asking now. A study in the journal Biology Letters says this 'emotional contagion' is completely normal. Only one way to find out for sure, take a test. How long is the training? .but my legs, my arms and my belly. Sorry if that sounds facetious, but it’s true – a dog sniffing is an essential element of their walk. My dog is obsessively sniffing all the baseboards in my house and just bit me. And if you think them sniffing your boob is weird, wait till you come home post birth! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. My dog keeps going into the corner of the room Another factor we need to consider is the age of the dog. That rude behavior on the part of your dog is triggered by the fact that scents from your groin area contain a … But your dog does this through their sense of smell. They can start to irritate the dog and they will often rub their bum on the ground or try to lick at it often. Dogs will shove their noses into a human’s crotch, owner or guest, with no hesitation. She has never bitten anyone but its Damn scary to wake up with a dogs face right in yours. Practice walking to this area on a loose leash. Then again, it could just be an odd thing. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. It looks as though he goes to follow a scent however his movements are so erratic I really don’t know what he’s doing. So when you get home from a long day away only to be treated as if you’ve rolled in sausage, don’t be annoyed. Your dog is just checking out where you have been, their nose is how they gather information, he is acting completely normal. Favourite answer. He has been doing this for the past few days and he will not leave my side. Image source: @AlanLevine via Flickr #2 – Appeasement Does your dog whine when he greets new people and/or dogs? Relevance. A dog's sense of smell makes our human sense of smell look like a pathetic joke. Report: Ex-NBA star sued by weed consultant, SEC: Cheesecake Factory misled its investors, Jessica Simpson opens up about struggles with dyslexia, Pence tells Georgia voters election still undecided. some have even diagnosed some cancers. Your dog could be sniffing you probably for a number of reasons. Twice this happened. Still have questions? How many times stronger is dog’s sense of smell comparing the humans? PS I don't wear make-up of any kind. some have even diagnosed … . You can sign in to vote the answer. it could be........dogs have a good sence of smell and maybe you should go check up with your dr.......my grandma had a dog that wouldnt leave her side for weeks and she finally went to the doctors and she had cancer.....when she was done with kimo. More importantly, the researchers write, your dog catching your yawn is a sign of basic empathy. . So for a dog, it would seem normal for them lick their human pack member. We definitely don’t have rodents, no cats and the floor gets cleaned fairly often (hardwood flooring). (very independant cats) and would lie on my belly. If your dog is sniffing anything and everything he comes across while you are walking, you are going to want to do this training on walks. Me and my dog were lying in bed and suddenly she touched the duvet cover and it sparked liked lightning. Teach your dog impulse control with specific exercises such as sit, wait and leave it. How long is the training. :). The report described a dog persistently sniffing a mole on his owner’s leg, which a doctor’s visit later revealed was a malignant melanoma. Am I prego or something? This is one of the easiest training cues you will ever train as most dogs know what to do when you let them approach a … My Dog Sniffs Everything on Walks. Many dog owners view dogs’ licking as a sign of affection similar to kissing. She has never bitten anyone but its Damn scary to wake up with a dogs face right in yours. She is a very nice dog. Good luck and I hope this helps : ) !!! Which dog breed is the most suitable for protecting the owner against physical attacks? Dogs have an excellent sense of smell so she would not have to actually sniff your eyes (up-close) to smell your eyes. There have been a lot of people who have noticed after they have been diagnosed in a certain area that that's where their dog kept sniffing or licking at. Best Friends Fur-Ever. I was just thinking back to my dog always licking around my armpit. My dog has been sleeping in my bed for the last 11 years. Perhaps you've eaten something that you haven't had before and it's effect on your scent is what it smells. Is Your Dog Sniffing Ground Nonstop During Walks Or At Home? Perhaps a visit to an eye doctor might be a prudent pursuit. The canine nose is fascinating. Remember, your dog only has a certain amount of ways to communicate so you can stop thinking “my dog peed on my bed on purpose”. It may be impolite behavior, but dogs are just seeking information about you. You love your fur baby and want the best for them! I have to push her away.I didn't think anything of it but lately I have been waking up in bed and she is right in my face sniffing my eyes again. Hi, my 1 year old spaniel runs around the house sniffing constantly. My husband had to keep them away till they calmed down. When a dog repeatably does a activity (Such as sniffing, chewing, barking etc) over and over for little known reason it is most often due to anxiety or for stress relief. Obsessive licking may be a sign of underlying issues, including anxiety, boredom, or fear. Dogs are believed to empathise with us in other ways as well. Appeasement is something the non-confident dog will do. The Interesting Reason Why. I googled it and apparently it's due to dry cold weather conditions or something. Sooo annoying! I have to push her away.I didn't think anything of it but lately I have been waking up in bed and she is right in my face sniffing my eyes again. PetSmart pet trainers are given training in dog training, does this training take place at the store? Whenever he ambushes you, instantly stop moving your feet. could be...might want to make a doctores appointment. Dogs who are friends take part in mutual grooming, they lick each others heads, paws and so on. Their sense of smell is very keen. My dog for no reason has started constantly sniffing, obsessively, himself, the couch, the floor, himself. It literally looked like lightning. If you are worried that your dog is sniffing excessively while out on a walk, there’s a simple solution – stop worrying, and leave them to it. Writing this on my phone so, you know. said the dog owner in a pleading, desperate voice. You can sign in to vote the answer. How do you think about the answers? For instance, I had surgery and she was always sniffing the scar. It'll smell 'different'. It started two days ago. The real warning sign is when it’s combined with other calming/stress signals. My dogs were all about sniffing my crotch! Have you changed laundry detergent, perfume, bar soap, shampoo, anything like that? If youve been going somewhere different like a new job or even driving through a different area. How many times stronger is dog’s sense of smell comparing the humans? ? I move my head and she follows. How much exercise do you need? In addition, they have 45 times the number of smell receptors that humans have. Have you changed the type of body lotion of deodorant you use? Not like you, but should smell sweet. Any chance you've been around dogs when wearing that shirt or top? But when I get home and she greats me she gets up in my face sniffing my eyes. I've seen different dogs sniff at people, and sometimes they seem to have an affinity to examine particular body parts. 3 years old. Make it a habit to say “go sniff” so that your dog understands that you are giving him permission to go on a sniffing adventure. Answer Save. There are a number of reasons why your dog, or even your cat, might lick your feet. Obsessive sniffing near himself and himself, like he can't stop. Take out the tug toy and wave it enticingly. you should know your self if your preganant but i doubt it it's because he waant's to see were you have been that he has'nt all dogs do it not just yours. If your dog is sniffing you or other people he greets inappropriately, you're going to need to set up some of these situations to train your dog … So do we! Mari H. 1 decade ago. Although the guys answer above me is a very good possibility too. When a firm bowel movement comes out, it puts pressure on the anal glands and expresses them physically. Similar to Alzheimer's in human beings, this is a deterioration of the brain which can lead to behavioral changes. I am 32 Female. When you take in your surroundings, you typically do it visually. When this doesn’t occur, the anal glands can become impacted. In the past, it has been proven tha some dogs have the ability to smell when a person is coming down with an illness. I have no idea why some dogs do this, but the next time someone your dog feels comfortable around is there, watch your dog carefully to see how she reacts. This reminded McCulloch’s team of a Chinese medical text from the third century B.C., which noted how human odors could change when the body is diseased. My guess is she'll sniff at their eyes at some point. Typically what happens is the dog feels secure in the behavior and thus does it as often as … Some of these caught me … 5 Answers. Does neutering dogs effect muscle growth? Dogs have been known to detect cancers, among other things. Senior dogs may look to hide in corners due to something called canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome. Humans do this using their eyes. So I put her down and she sleeps on the floor in the bathroom or on the side of the bed. Maybe you are catching a cold and your body chemistry is changing to fight it. The keep sniffing at the same place over and over. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I move my head and she follows. That’s the operative word here, too; it’s their walk. Your eyes, constantly keeping themselves moist, will begin to smell like food to the dog, and it will get curious. Your dog will not feel comfortable in it if there are negative feelings associated with its usage. Normally they don't act on their carnal urges, but I'd be a little more cautious in the future, just so you don't go blind and all. What seems to be the problem with your dog? my dog does the samething ,I do have glucoma but he sniffs my friends eye lashes too,no makeup. They may have heard or seen something unusual, both in and out of the house, so they are sniffing to figure out the identity of the unknown. Dogs have approximately 220 million sensors in their noses, compared to 5 million in humans.They also have a special organ called the Jacobson's organ, a specialized patch of sensory cells in their main nasal chamber that detects moisture-born odor particles.In a word, dogs are born to smell. Some already good answers. But when I get home and she greats me she gets up in my face sniffing my eyes. Maybe she is trying to tell you to get an eye exam or if you recently started a new brand of eye makeup, maybe you should discontinue it. Sure, taking a stroll together is part of the bonding process with your pet, but … They found that are many factors that might contribute to dog's special "powers" that many dogs have, including canines' enhanced physical senses. Whilst your dog’s licking may just be a sign of affection, it can be irritating when you need to get things done within the home without constantly wiping saliva off your face! "Help, my dog jumps and bites me on walks, what can I do?" Dogs like things that smell, so it can be something that a dog just enjoys the smell/taste of. Just as an FYI: Sue Sternberg theorizes that dogs who do this sort of really intense sniffing of people, lasting 3 seconds or more and the dog not blinking, often end up to having issues with other dogs. If you don't eat enought vegitables, or eat too much meat, the organs on your body that excrete the most will start to smell a little like meat. Allergies or anything? But the weirdest thing just happened. Sounds to me like he is trying to get used to this new scent, since animals distinguish by smell rather than face to get to "know" someone. She is a very nice dog. the dog went back to himself and wasn't around all the time. Get your answers by asking now. So Fido keeps sniffing …