Going a step forward, if the plot can be used to estimate the mass transfer performance as well, design and optimization … Fill all the required fields and select the program in which you have applied for and then click calculate. Another approach introduce the definition of heat exchanger effectiveness (Є), which is a dimensionless with ranging between 0 to1. For same values of NTU and C r, the effectiveness of shell and coiled tube heat exchangers is averagely 12.6% less than the effectiveness of the parallel flow heat exchangers and this difference is … Algebraic relations are provided to calculate the effectiveness-NTU relationship for arbitrary values of partial mixedness. With known NTU values, effectiveness can be found easily from the plot. Calculators with broken seals have to be re-registered. Heat Exchanger Effectiveness (NTU method) If more than one of the inlet and outlet temperature of the heat exchanger is unknown, LMTD may be obtained by trial and errors solution. Therefore one fluid will experience the maximum possible temperature difference, which is the difference of T_h,i – T_c,i (The temperature difference between the inlet temperature of the hot stream and the inlet temperature of the cold stream). VO2max is the most precise measure of overall cardiovascular fitness. window.jQuery || document.write('